Memes against Left !

We should combine our autism and weaponize it. The left is promoting anti - afd posts like #87%, #noafd #fuckafd and so on. Many people from the Faggot - Community are also helping to spread the Word through Twitter and Instagram (i'll post some examples) which is why we have to fight back. A popular German satire show posted a picture on facebook that aimed on allying all people against the afd "we are the 87%". Which is why we have to fight back, in order to ensure the political monopol that the afd has at the moment.

We did it a couple of times already and even memed a guy into presidency, so why should we not work together to make some libtards mad, while also promoting a Sup Forums approved party?

Some Anons could post suggestions for ideas, while other anons will translate them or even create memes.

For the mods, this isn't an invasion, just spouting out pro - afd memes.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Cmon guys

a suggestion from another user, to change the color to grey

bump this shit, we need weaponized autism in this thread

Example hashtags are:
#btw17 #87prozent #gerwomany #fckafd #noafd #letsgetloud #femaleempowerment #nawmmovement #refugeeswelcome #politik #FrauengegendieAfD #Frauen #deutschland #berlin #alexanderplatz

Why do people respond to bait threads, but are not up for some lulz and butthurt on social media

make this some "Einheitspartei" meme

Updated version

thanks for making this.

the gap between '13' and 'zu' is a little bit bigger.


What does the text mean? "I shit on it to be German?" "I shit on Germans?"

i give a shit about germany
i give a shit about being german

thank you hans

my photoshop just stopped working, will change it in a couple of sec

It's hard for the anglo masses to meme in german, if love to help user but Im phone posting. A good way to do it would be to blame merkel for the rise of the afd
Maybe try
>1 million AfD supporters one for every immigrant merkel let in.
Another angle is to take images of Germany before the migrant crisis and after areas they've destroyed. But DO NOT include any immigrants in the imagery just shoe the decay of the cities. #open borders destroying our cities. But in sausage speak. Also use fonts the left uses. Make it more aesthetically appeasing to them or no fractur
I will continue to lurk. Good luck kraut.

Thanks my man!

yeah you can spout shit out in english and i'll give my best to translate it. we just need some full to start a political wildfire


well forgot to thank you for the suggestions!

for the fellow germanons here

Yeah there was a bit too much space


Its cool, ill try my best senpai

What do you think about pic related, but with
Merkel, Lindner, Göring-Eckardt, maybe also Wagenknecht and Schulz, with the heading:
"Demokratie duldet keine Opposition"


>It's hard for the anglo masses to meme in german
yeah seriously it's a pain in the ass
it was the same shit with the French and Austrian elections
I would LOVE to meme in German, but I'd sound like a kindergartener if I tried

That works. Danke.

Will work on it, right after i finished the refugee pic

Pretty intense imagery user what is vernünftig

Good idea but I guess we need drawfags for this one.

as i said, come up with suggestions and other anons will translate it for you, afterwards you can work on the pic with the translation by yourself!

>what is vernünftig

it means 'sane'.

do it, that is a fine idea

If you can photoshop, come up with imagery and slogan in English the kraut can translate.
If not just do what I'm doing and spitting ideas.
Something I've noticed about Sup Forums over the years in actually starting to understand german. Simple shit but I'm learning a new fuckinglanguage through shit posting pretty cool when I think about it.

Good. Now, every German know what the only opposition party is.

You have the skillz to do this ?
Because I don't.

I started a little meme-page on Instagram shortly before the election because thats the place where most of the young normies hang out
I'm slowly building it up without any help
I'm trying to redpill at least a few normies by using normie-"hashtags" so it will show up on their feed

I can't Photoshop rn because I'm on my lunch break at work.

BUT, I do think it would be a good meme if you could manage to somehow tie antifa(the average Germans like antifa), Merkel, and migrant crime together.

I suppose sort of like a "this is who controls you" over merkel's face, a "this is who wants her to" over antifa, and a "this is why they do it" showing shitskins being violent.

Tried something like "for every refugee - 1 afd voter

>the average Germans like antifa
I mean the average German CAN'T like antifa

>"Demokratie duldet keine Opposition"

A retarded idea, but surely people on here and on twitter will eat it up.

Please proceed.

Technically it's "I shit on being German", "giving a shit" is more like "caring" after all, while "drauf scheissen" usually implies not caring (or strongly disliking).

pic related with "Antifa für Merkel" (Antifa for Merkel) or "Anifa kämpft für Merkel"
(Antifa fights for Merkel)

Mabye even call it "Rotfront" or "Rotfrontkämpferbund", i.e.
>Rotfronkämpferbund für Merkel

im working on that right now, i still have to look for some good drawed faces of these fags

>retarded idea
Isn't the media narrative "AfD is antidemocratic", while in reality there is no real difference between the other parties and AfD is democratically elected?

I have some long game options. Every month release meme.or memes with Muslim crimes statistics or happenings from the year before with a contrast to how much worse its gotten over 12 months later.
>Sept 2016
>immigrant crisis cause 13 rapes and 4 murders
>sept 2017
>immigrant crisis caused 26 rapes and 12 murders
>the reasons why we voted AfD

This is a long game options, and obviously a new one has to be released every month.
The other option is to always bring past events back to the fore front of thought coinciding with time it happened
>newyears eve 2016 immigrant crisis and 1400 rapes, those who support the AfD say never again.
this would need to be spammed on the lead up to new years eve 2017.

It's important I think to say you support them and not actually use the AfDs name so if it backfires at any point they can distance themselves from it. Also as always if stating figures get them right.

pic related?

We need to piont out that the so called radical ideas of the afd from today are less conservative or less radical than the agenda the old cdu propagated shortly before merkel took over
If you look at quotes from her or other cdu officials back then, the afd doesn't seem rightwing at all

For all the non-german anons ... the text says: "You want the good old cdu back? You have to vote AfD then!"

Side note if germanon wants to run with this imagery i would use is dilapitated german buildings and streets without any migrants. There is alot to be said about implying it them without showing them.
Hence my use of immigrant crisis instead of Muslims or just immigrants. Let the viewer fill in the gaps. The content will then have a lasting impact on the consumer.

Guys im still working on that pic
It's actually harder than i thought to get proper imagery

I might redo it with their real faces tho.

You can and should start posting on related hashtags
#btw17 #87prozent #gerwomany #fckafd #noafd #letsgetloud #femaleempowerment #nawmmovement #refugeeswelcome #politik #FrauengegendieAfD #Frauen #deutschland #berlin #alexanderplatz

Out fucking standing mah dude

That's cool user, im.still here.
If I was you though if keep it simple. What's an area in Germany that is particularly bad for immigrants street square etc etc.

Maybe we should recycle some of the older memes about feminism and Islam and translate them

If you cant photoshop stuff / create memes and are also too lazy to spam these hashtags with redpills, you could help me by posting this thread as an comment in other threads, to gain some attantion.

Thanks to everyone who is willing to help

Hm, yes I get your point.
However, for the current political scene, this "Einheitspartei" is rather true.

One can probably best judge it after ones sees it.

Yeah but if we use some authentic quotes of Merkel we should be able to draw attention to that fact
We really need to show the similarities between afd and cdu

I finished the raw version, now i need to color change the pic to make it more appealing. Also some anons said, that the text is rather counter productive.

What are your suggestions?

better with the text but maybe a different font.

As a German I have to clear some things up: it is only the regressive underemployed, undereducated and uninformed part of germany, i.e. the east who voted mainly for AfD.

The AfD has no real perspective, no real Parteiprogramm and no real leaders to do anything. Heck, they are even eat each others up like wolves.

Fuck AfD, fuck every stupid fucker who things Flüchtlinge are our """""only""""" problem. Fuck those who can't see beyond anything and are choking on those red pills like some nigger dicks.

I voted for FDP as any sane person has done.

Not voting for the only party wanting to push things forward and having the same policies regarding immigrants as the AfD but actually knows how to do anything

Am i reading that right?
>democracy does not tolerate opposition
I would try something like
> Democracy NEEDS opposition, without the AfD there is none.

>As a German I have to clear some things up: it is only the regressive underemployed, undereducated and uninformed part of germany, i.e. the east who voted mainly for AfD.
Mate you sound like Hillary on her boom tour.

I am deeply sorry for the germans,but i dont think afd would have changed anything.Even if 80% voted for them, they would look with puppy eyes on the civil rights and other lawyertalk why nothing changes for the better.

>voting Familiennachzug
>voting for millions of muslims to flood your country
>not understanding that the composition of the population of a country is literally the only relevant thing for weatlh, security and tradition
>being this retarded
I smell bait

I tried my best, but i think its better for now to switch to the next project.

i can change the text pretty quickly if needed

Thoughts on my text? If it works in german

i'll start posting these pics, curious about the outcome

Nice. How about putting "Einheitspartei" below it?

Would probably need some fading on the effects of the pics then.

>Democracy NEEDS opposition, without the AfD there is none.

It would basicly say:
Demokratie benötigt eine Opposition, ohne AfD haben wir keine.

It's a bit long in my opinion, what do the other anons think?


If its too long then simplify it all the way down to the bare minimum
Text could just read

Die Korrupten

My original intention was to remind of the communist dictators, so
>democracy does not tolerate opposition - Unity Party
was to mock the etablished parties in Germany, who discredit the AfD.

If the pic doesn't resmble the communist poster enough, than probably it would be better to use your text.

>[Einheitspartei? - ] Demokratie braucht Opposition

The word "Xenophobic" can be taken away from the left if memed with the Xenomorph from the Alien films. If Sup Forums did this, it would completely negate any importance that word has.

Leftists are a subject I've done several threads on: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


How about that?
it might be too many words...
maybe just "Einheitspartei" or
"Unterm' Strich
Eine Einheitspartei"

>Demokratie braucht Opposition statt Einheitbrei

>Wählt Einheitspartei
Even though it's after the election, it would show that the whole text is from the "old parties", that don't want an opposition.

Guys i posted it and within a few seconds many leftist started to like it ...
Are they really that dumb or is it a bit too shady?

I read the text as if it was slamming democracy without the communist banner for reference will the joke be lost.

I may have read it wrong though my german isnt very good and I tend to use Google translate to fill in what I dont understand. Which is never ideal.

changed it

Reality is a meme against the Left, that's why they get murdered and raped when they go off adventuring to prove their retarded points about brown cultures.

make it singular

>87% brown

Well for me it reads like they are the defenders of democracy against the AfD

give me a sec

> kid who never lived next to rapefugees

yeah, that will change after you see the monkeys jumping at you or your girlfriend.

Find two images, each the opposite side of a street. For posterities sake, try and find areas of roughly the same urban elements. Juxtapose the images to resemble a single street.

One side is pristine, immaculate, clearly indicative of an ordered and civil society. The other side a slummy, filthy, ghetto. With or without people featured in the image on either side of the street, the message is clear.

>In German
"Every day we hear the same question; what is German?"

people will remember that not so very long ago, Germany was separate from itself. They'll think twice about whither or not their political idealism is leading their people down an all too familiar path.

Idea for a new meme campaign:

- photo: concerned looking CDU or SPD voter

>top text: I just learned that 20% of my friends voted AfD
>middle text: the media tells me constantly that all AfD supporters are Nazis
>bottom text: so either the media is lying...or 1 in 5 of my friends are Nazis

I like it.

Okay, it was my proposition, but there is one problem:

Lindner looks at the viewer and he is the only one that is drawn as good-looking. This Somehow makes it seem like he is the outstanding one - the opposition.
But maybe that's just my personal impression

You can make variants of this.

>Dear Sweden Democrat...
>Your democracy is greek.
>Your letters are latin.
>Your numbers are arabic.
>Your pizza is italian.
>Your kebab is turkish.
>Your chocolate is colombian.
>Your music player is korean.
>Your dog is foreign.
>Your banans are from africa.
>Your perfume is french.
>Your carpet is persian.
>Something I missed?

And the reply:
>Your social benefits payouts are swedish.

Adjust to the country of interest.

Here, since they seem to be taking Bertolt's facetious advice earnestly see if you can incorporate this into a meme.

Thats brilliant burger.

outstanding photoshop

Fantastic idea, i'll try to work on it!
Also translation in German:
>top text: I just learned that 20% of my friends voted AfD
Heute lernte ich, dass 20% meiner Freunde Afd wählen
>middle text: the media tells me constantly that all AfD supporters are Nazis
Die Medien berichten, dass jeder Afd wähler ein Nazi ist
>bottom text: so either the media is lying...or 1 in 5 of my friends are Nazis
Entweder lügen die Medien... oder jeder 5te Freund von mir ist ein Nazi

Fellow german anons can help out, if they have a better translation, i have to keep working on memes

The idea is not bad
But i don't think it's possible to do this
Or at least it is difficult as hell

Yo hol on!
>Entire Parliament gazes and holds their breath
So you be sayin
>Parliament set on fire by a million soul protest of antifa
We wuz
>Media faults all of it on the right-wing presence to have agiated the attacks

Don't forget to bump the thread

>tfw the 87% includes NPD, REPS and Third way

What a time to be part of their countermovement

They are creating memes like ours for themselves

Would be cool to find a pic of berlin 1940 and today. (or during elections

Back then: Glorious, clean banners held up in pride, and on the other side (fades into it) Greens/Lefts Placards, ghetto-ish filthy etc.

as i said, thats the point of that whole thread at the reason i made that first pic