>tfw you identify so much with worst girl
Tfw you identify so much with worst girl
>Tfw op has such terrible taste
>uses ms paint to make memes
>thinks best girl is worst
>can't appreciate blue-haired bitches
>has shit taste
>not a cowtitted monster
Christ I can't take this much cancer in one post
This one.
Sylphynford is not for sexual
GOAT tier:
Onii-chan's girlfriend
Good tier:
Bijin Umaru
Ebina :DDDDD
Shit tier:
Hamstershit Umaru
Aphro guy
>Look at her
You just fucking countered your own argument.
Only redeeming quality of this shit show
>refuse to watch Umaru to let the meme magic die
TSF is love, TSF is life.
though it was quite the surprise that she had blue hair
what's with best girls and having ridiculous hair colors once the anime comes out.
I'm going to wait at least another year until I consider it. Fuck joining the hivemind.
Kirie best girl
Best girl : Loli Umaru, Loli TSF, Loli Kirie, Loli Ebina.
You forget the sleeper Mohammed(PBUH) tier waifu
Well, at least OP got worst girl right. Though Sylphin is shit more because of her personality than because of her appearance. While Umaru is best girl, she also has the worst fanbase.
Her personality is half the reason she's based. Look how much fun she has, just living her life. She's not even doing crazy things.
Umaru = Film
Kirie = Kino
Slyphy = Movie
Ebina = Flick
What the fuck is a "kino"