Post your anime harem. One waifu and two mistresses allowed

Post your anime harem. One waifu and two mistresses allowed.

Shitty template from 2 minutes in paint here.

I only need mai waifu you filthy piece of shit

There's nothing wrong with having one mistress or two as long as you clearly put your one true waifu above all.

ur taste is so shit oh my gawd
tits rape as your number 1?
I hope you get bit by a fucking chihuaha and get runned over trying to save it,

>waifu in a harem

Are you perhaps the so called THK ESL faggot that actively shits up raildex threads?

it wouldnt be so bad if tits raperemote was the only shit taste he had
platinum bitch puppy killer and whinny bitch kouhai are here too

>this guy
Mind posting yours, then? That's what the thread is about, after all.

just for u faget

If you don't find the idea of cheating on your waifu repulsive, she's not your waifu.

>girls that will never win: the post


What if your waifu has a waifu?

>boxes aren't even the same resolutions

If your waifu was in love with some dude in her anime/manga wouldn't you support her so that she can be happy with him? Would you consider that cheating?

OP said best girls no SHIT girls user


Why not a hare-kon instead?

Face it guys we all know the true waifu is


>only three girls in a harem
>thinking you have a "waifu" when you have a harem

ITT monogamist

>He has a harem rather then being faithful to his waifu.


Close to waifu is Nagisa and Shiki.

>They don't know the difference between a waifu and simple mistresses.