What the fuck Britain?
What the fuck Britain?
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>being this new
This article is like two years old but I still get pissed every time I see it
i hope they didn't also blow up the uniforms.
that's just retarded.
w t f
Merkel is FARMING your buttocks
I need to make my own britcuck folder
they only blew up the ordnance.
the machine gun was probably taken to a govt museum or other collection. everything else he was allowed to keep.
>sees article
You cocksuckers deserve to be wiped out, do you think America will save you for a third time?
Too many to post
But have this lad
What the hell is this?
He had live WW2 shells in his house. Now I fucking hate the liberal shit hole that England has become. But having world war 2 explosives just lying about is not good for anyone.
All right Brits, time to Bin that Browning!
British TV is what it is
And if they don't pay it in time...
This is just that scene from Hot Fuzz
They'll rough you UP!
The british are slaves for their muslim cock sucking state.
sheeeeeit it's black Hitler
You can thank churchill when you meet him in hell
I dont have a licence, and the fucks have been notified if they set foot on my property its trespass.
They cant charge you for a crime they cant witness
So, how's your "free healthcare?"
kek you're gonna get assblasted if they ever come around
Basically Tinder in a show format, minus the clothes. Think the German version is called Naked Attraction or something like that, British name may differ or be the same, how knows.
Not without a warrant they aint
UK healthcare is quite shit. For example, you are only allowed a maximum of 15 minutes to see your GP. They don't give a full package of medicine, you are only allowed a certain amount of pills. Most of the GPs are Pajeets.
curious, what's your net tax burden? If you know.
how the empire has fallen...
that made me rage
wtf are you people thinking?
>Taking away all possessions of your grand-pa from the war
Fucking kikes
I don't live there anymore, but the income tax in UK is around 30%
It really depends on what tax band you are. Personally, I would say taxes are not that high in UK if you compare to other European countries.
I am amazed at how badly I'm flipping the fuck out of this particular one
I'm having an out-of-body experience where I'm telling myself "you need to calm the fuck down"
no wonder they're so poor
What do you feel NOW user?
Every cucked image in this thread is a result of voting for Leftism, so the next time you're tempted to give them an inch, remember how they destroy proud and beautiful nations.
Easily topped.
Seconded wtf Britain literal ww1 museum blown the fuck up.
The blackpill hits really fucking hard, doesn't it
I can't wait for the nukes to start dropping
As "Europeans" turn vehicles into tools of terrorism...
Brits may be the most cucked atm, but they still have their chippies. Hint hint mudslimes...
dont forget your 20% VAT on just about every transaction
dont forget stamp duty tax
They removed everything non-explosive first you spaz.
you guys think that britain is end level cucked, but the rest of us aren't far behind. all of europe is seriously fucked and slowly becoming a prison.
Straight out of 1984. Hey there goy, destroy history! Deviant!
Are psyops trying to bait out a civil war?
And the inheritance tax.
Almonds fully activated. Thanks for this though, I will be showing my normie friends to get the their reactions
Did he have to bin it?
"tell us you don't need one"
that is jusst asking to hhave peopl come and investigate.
Next they will ban kitchen utensils and people will have to eat and cook with their hands exclusively.
I'm glad they blew it up, those objects are very problematic as they might make people remember a time when there was no multiculturalism and when we weren't at war with Oceania. Which of course is fake news as we've always been multicultural and we've always been at war with Oceania
what the fuck?
they destroyed the uniforms as well?
i knew you guys wouldn't let them leave you with sporks.
Hypothetically, if the police vistis you in the UK and it's not a qt (so rape is off the table) and you just say "no" if they say they want to arrest you.
What are they going to do about it?
Brown people already do that.
This is real.
This is England.
>nothing to study or appreciate here, goyim. You were never a cultural high-water mark.
I'm glad my ancestors left such a shitty country.
>tfw can't even butter your bread
in other news USA lands on the moon!
Why do you need a reason?
Isn't "I don't want one" enough?
western european police do not protect the people, they protect the state, they do not enforce justice, they maintain peace, even if it means injustice happens, all that matters is that things are as quiet as can be
that's why Rotherham happened for ten years with police knowing, that's why the first reaction to Cologne and to the other swedish mass groping incident were dissimulation helped by the police itself, that's why radical islam has grown in many of our cities with the help of their corrupt mayors, that entire neighborhoods are under drug cartels control
all that matters to our states is that the average citizen remains docile and productive
Empire has fallen.
Have a (You) for goat shota pic.
Don't show this to /k/ or we'll have mass suicides
Hello there Muhammed. How about you get the fuck out of my country you filthy mudslime
he's right
Just fucking nuke us Americans. Kim? Fucking anyone.
England is dead. This is the Islamic Republic of Englanistan now.
part of the inheritance tax is literally called 'death tax'
>tfw died without paying the proper death tax so my family got a penalty fine
In 20 years they will be begging us to send arms. This time they may well be advised to piss up a rope.
At least the BBC uses your license fee money for proper purposes
by crating entertainment for ant?
>tax for dying
Yellow press
They detonated the fucking bombs he was keeping.
I wonder how much money they pissed away for that? I heard £200 million which sounds like a joke but on the other hand, with government waste it wouldn't surprise me.
We're nearing peak clown world
this is the kind of chicken shit passive aggressive nonsense that i cant stand. I love the idea of England, with the rain, and the history, and pub culture, and the quiet dignity, but this kind of overbearing paper pushing shit that would make me turn into a jack the ripper or something.
not only do you get a faggy letter but some dipshit fake cop will show up at your door at anytime to look for televisions.
Don't even need to search for examples. Any given day I can check the home page and it's just fucking nonsense baby talk everywhere.
How is this taken seriously by anyone?
>genuine question