More of these
too wordy, no point
the whole thing smack of effort, and again, no point.
you guys fucking suck at these
>getting this peeved
Hello redd*t
So the legends are true...the left really can't meme.
The left can't meme
Now if only we could get you to exercise every time someone triggers you, you might weigh less than 500 lbs.
go back to T_D
what hole did you crawl out of /r/anarchism or leftypol?
Do you have assburgers or can you just not read?
Making people angry means you now deserve to have physical violence enacted against you....
Spotted the commie twink
holy shit thats a BASTE MEME
The poster boy for Sup Forums
The simpler ones are the best
Drumpftis are so butthurt over JJ Rowling, she rocks haha
Butthurt cuck detected LOL
thats not a BASED BLACK MAN though
There is a certain trend of making these too verbose and less funny
confirmed leftypol cuck
go shill on /sg/ I'm certain the autists there will be more open
So thats how robin williams died
we don't give meme flaggers (((yous))) on this board
Great image, going to be seeing much more of these in color soon.
fucking saved
Lol I appreciate all the effort you put into this, I can clearly see you're not butthurt at all
trying way too hard. even a liberal could see through that one if you catch them during the few hours they are sober
>everyone who disagrees with me is leftypol
textbook /ptg/ argument, nigger.
someone post the laura southern where her roots are growing in
Terribly drawn but pretty accurate representation of Sup Forums
Lacks the charm that the right wing ones have. Typical, the left can't meme. Kys.
>whaa stop blowing my cover, I'm an oldfag I swear
have another dead communist
I think that's the worst attempt at a smuggie I have ever seen
lmao, go hide in your containment thread.
my nigga
Brevity is the soul of wit, truth the spirit of satire. Hence, the left can't meme worth a shit.
>This thread
The left really can't meme. Your T_D alinskyite D&C memes are shit by the way.
damn thats badass, post some more.
Western values
as you wish
I bet even her bellybutton isn't a virgin anymore.
dont think it really has anything to do with Rowling. It was when people would refer to Trump as voldemort or w/e stupid shit they could come up with
good one
>You must understand, young Hobbit, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say.
Also, the left can't meme.
Well you certainly aren't a newfag. You realize T_D stands for The Donald? Why would you think a lefty would go there ffs?
Do people actually believe this? Euros, particularly scandies, adopted and abuse those phrases nonstop. dont forget aussies.
Ah the rare lummox. Fucking damn it do crisp packets need to be that huge?
You're right about that mate, I misunderstood the "my favorite children's book" as "my children's book" as if it was wrote by her, my bad.
Fuck this just gave me an idea. Someone should start a media outlet that would say stuff like "and of course it's a fuckin black guy"
One that could be called racist and not give a shit
>right wing
Found the r latestagecapitalism user
So if you don't like a kosher president you're kosher yourself? That's a bit like the classic: "if you don't like gays you must be a homosexual yourself"
>meme flag
>weak bait
>"gtfo to t_d"
This is almost word for word the first three "how to disrupt Sup Forums" suggestions/tactics that was floating around on reddit and antifa colonies.
You're not going to be thanked for your efforts by the good guys. They're not going to pat you on the back for your proud, noble efforts. You can be replaced with a line of code, they coddle you because it makes themselves feel good, not because they care. I'm sorry.
We can argue about Donald not being loyal to right wing values and I would most likely agree with you, but it has nothing to do with the subject. You can call it fake right all you want, but it has nothing to do with what I corrected the person on.
woah dude yeah everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
stay woke my nigga, you should go make a post in /ptg/ about how SHARIABLUE is in this thread!!!
nice unironic reddit spacing btw, faggot.
Swing and a miss brah
It's like when the pokemon kids at school try to make up a funny nickname for the popular jock but nobody cares
>all these butthurt trumpcucks that cant get it up for a woman
For some reason that makes me hungry.