Gimmie your honest opinion on this bloke.
Gimmie your honest opinion on this bloke
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he makes me ashamed that we were once a British colony
needs a different colour beard my cum isn't contrastive on white.
He's not a socialist he's a liberal without the capital L. He flip flops on loads of issues from trident, staying in the single market, and even brexit as a whole. He is a smelly trendy centrist, no different to Macaron
My _honest_ opinion?
He represents everything wrong with Britain today, We need to re-animate Churchill's corpse and let him run for prime minister.
Communist nonce pretending to be all things to all people while hiding his intellectual weakness and real beliefs behind a seemingly authentic 1970s polytechnic lecturer facade. The company he keeps somehow makes him even look worse though. John McDonnell, Diane Abbott and Emily Thornberry are all so disgustingly incompetent and spiteful that Corbyn should be ashamed to know any of them, let alone sticking his dick in Abbott.
incompetent communist faggot
however there's part of me that believes he's slightly redpilled, that (((mass immigration))) and the (((neoliberal order))) have degraded the conditions of the british working class.
sadly, as party leader, he has the kowtow to the leftist line on why muslims and trannies are so great.
he's the best politician in the UK BY FAR
The prime minister of the UK? He owns
>however there's part of me that believes he's slightly redpilled, that (((mass immigration))) and the (((neoliberal order))) have degraded the conditions of the british working class.
He is. It's his only redeeming quality. The problem is that despite supposedly being the authentic politician, he can't just outright admit that he hates the EU because it has caused immigration that has damaged the country and demolished the wages of the working class Labour purports to represent. He's a massive pussy.
Blair >
He fucked this and got EEU in his a-levels. I can't respect for those two things, let alone his political views
Who is this?
best character in Dr. Who, shame Donna was so annoying
I want him to penetrate me with his allotment courgettes lubed up with homemade jam.
He's a cock sucking commie faggot who will say and do anything to get into power.
Underrated kek.
Basically this
>be raised in a posh manor in rural Shropshire
>go to a grammar school
>STILL fail
>become a shit bureaucrat in a trade union
>have to fuck your way into local Islington politics
He's a die hard economic marxist. Brits should elect him. Britbongistan is lost as a White Man's country anyway. Pakis and niggers should inherit nothing but rubble.
>The Guardian
They're a dying paper filled with fake news. Trust a silly Pole to take their word as gospel.
Pure evil
Oh I guess everything is fine then.
At least he is honest. Fucking retarded, but not a complete power hungry psychopath like may. He recognizes that the UK economy and quality of life is in dire straits, but has no good ideas to fix it. But at least he doesnt lie about it
Wanting a return of the 20th century's foremost drunk warmongering scum. Fuck right off
I voted for him and will again in 2020. Don't get me wrong, I hate most foreigners and prefer homogeneity; however, Britain is so fucked demographically and socially that I may as well get some free stuff before jumping ship to another country.
>Mail Online
You really don't get this do you?
Also he has always been anti White like all marxists
This is a terrible way to think, but its definitely how I think. No salvation so grab the gibs and jump ship
Also insane feminist and sodomite lover. Pure trash watch out for lefty/pol/ shills promoting him
Also wants to flood Britain with immigrants and sabotage Brexit
He is british i.e scum
He’s so “””anti establishment””” that he drops into Chatham House to get his marching orders
His followers are totally lobotomised, deebly goncerning
Wolf in sheeps clothing. Acting like an old style socialist a la Benn or Orwell who did have a good heart (despite being utterly wrong in outlook), and is simply motivated by destruction. He uses his rhetoric about justice etc to aim a wrecking ball at what's left of people's culture and identity, and privately pushes an agenda of mass immigration etc while pretending to be a friend of the white working class who vote for him. He's purely motivated by hatred; and only the stupid or self loathing support him.
However he represents a big opportunity. If you look at his rallies they are large groups of white youths embracing fanaticism and street politics. They are there to be part of the club, nothing more. It will be easy to convert them to a better cause.
Remember we can work with the radical left; people switch sides fairly often (and usually in a rightward direction, other way is rare). Liberalism has to seem like it's bound to fail if we are to have any chance
He floated a policy before the election of reintroducing a visa for unskilled migrants from outside the EU that even arch destroyer Blair thought was too insane so he scrapped it. This guy is cancer
Hopefully within 2 years we'll have American style running street battles so these hard leftists can be outed for the violent scumbags that they really are.
The only reason he isn't more hated is because of that other dick called Theresa. Theresa might also be a dick but at least she isn't a Marxist dick.
Very cynical and sad post. Carrying on in that vein, for free stuff the best bet is actually centrist leftist. New labour gave people far more gibs than the socialists, because they could afford it / felt guilty about selling out their base.
Whose that fit woman who ran against him originally? She is your best bet for that, you nihilistic cunt
a well meaning and principled Cunt who needs to spend at least 5 seconds in a economics class
Yaeh he is a scumbag a hypocritical and hateful person.
This would be a big win for us. That's cancer to the English mind and they would support an extreme crackdown with very little pushing.
I do believe a lot of them will switch sides though. Not the hardcore antifa momentum guys but a Huge amount of the like student lite "ooooh corbyn" guys are just enjoying having a singalong with their mates and feeling like they belong.
Give them a black flag to wave instead and hey!
It's important to highlight this, most of the right have gone down this stupid route of being like "oh he's principled but muh the economy"
That will not work. Out him for what he is. He is toxic to most of his base
Yeah he is a principled commie who hates White British people. How is this something to be lauded for?
He liked Hugo Chavez. What a fucking idiot. Britain will be Venezuela if he ever gets any real power.