Trudeau should go suck Chelsea's feminine penis as an apology
Trudeau should go suck Chelsea's feminine penis as an apology
>country is founded by loyalist, meaning people who aren't traitors
>expect them to take in traitors
oh america sweetie, you are all traitors.
Noooo canada needs to take him
As much as I despise good ol' Bradley I don't think he's a traitor.
Same for Snowden and Assange.
Bradley btfo by Canacucks!
Sorry Manning, you're white no one cares about you. White is evil.
Our borders are pretty extreme, if you watched our version of Border patrol, we won't even let you in if you ever had a DUI.
It's actually pretty difficult to immigrate to Canada, unless you go that whole refugee route that we currently have a problem with now.
>"Convictions similar to treason"
You mean literally treason, faggot. Go die somewhere, America does not want you. You're lucky you didn't face a firing squad.
Why did Obama even parden him? Brownie points?
>leaks bunch of sensitive info on military operations, that didn't matter to anyone besides the enemy, unlike Snowden leaks
>puts many people at risk
>not a traitor
He may not have been convicted of treason, but he really should've been.
>feminine penis
god damn it Sup Forums what the fuck is wrong with you
Why is the refugee thing becoming the 21st century version of yelling SANCTUARY! but instead of having to stay inside a church you get to stay inside the country? Boggles my toggles if you ask me.
obama also pardoned literal terrorists that killed Americans and cocaine traffickers (trafficking kilos not grams), he was a nigger who wanted to do literally anything he could to destroy the next presidency even if it meant betraying and destroying the country; textbook definition of a megalomaniac.
Has he tried Mexico??
He pardoned coke dealers so he could get coke
He Pardoned a ladyboy to get that boipussy.
>do this (rightfully) but pay a terrorist 10 mil to spite the US
leafs always confuse me
>Has he tried Mexico??
Mexico has cheap sex changes, Canada has free sex changes.
Your borders can’t be good if your letting in like over 100 refugees a day leaf
I meant the officers and procedures, the actual border is pretty open, I mean, we really didn't have an issue with Americans trying to make a better life in Canada until now.
>Why did Obama even pardon him?
He didn't. He just lightened the sentence. Manning is still serving it technically.
Chelsea "conveniently" forgot to mention that most countries strangely enough have limits against criminals who's punishment hasn't even finished yet from getting inside their borders.
You can get denied entry for a drinking and driving offence so yeah keep that freak out of here. We don't need anymore drama, we already have a drama teacher PM.
Gee, you mean there are things that can't be covered up by a dress, lipstick, and hormone treatments?
this logic somehow makes sense to me
This is not true. I drove through the Windsor-Detroit border last year and didn't even have to stop due to construction. People were just driving into Canada without paying or getting checked. Fix your border
>Fix your border.
Are you a nigger ? Carry on...
Same shit different century
pretty sure that's an automated rejection and cuck in chief will be thrilled to make an exception once notified if ut
he's literally the personification of liberalism
Why does this ghoul think women spam emoticons after every single sentence?
oh yea we just let in someone who was in military prison in another country.
It's like if you commit "treason" that's like bad or something.
So confusing.
We only accept Asians.
maybe we're not completely insane
oh who am i kidding weedman will invite him to parliament
>cool cock chelsea
Nobody will ever trust him in a position of security again. He's not a Guerrilla fighter. Canada can't use him to fuck with the US so not letting him in makes perfect sense.
Seems like I was uninformed. Thanks user for changing my perspective.
Just convert to Islam. They'll probably pay you to go there.
Even a DUI will pretty much permanently bar you from Canada, ditto the US.
If you cross by land AFAIK there’s no customs control when entering Mexico from the US; anyone can just drive/walk in.
Not my experience: Canadian customs are dicks even to Canadians.
Thanks God. You burgers can keep that weird guy.
If you suck her feminine penis, she wins.