Did alexander the great looked liked this?
No. He was black.
Red hed
Nobody gives a fuck tbqh
you got TURKED my nigga
I don't think so and it doesn't matter anyway
No way, he had bad teeth like all in that times.
More like this
So Greeks aren't white?
They did intermarry with the locals though. That was part of his conquest policy.
Alex himself was flamboyantly gay though.
No. Those are Mongolian rape babies.
none of them looks robust enough, better look into some Greek rugby teams
That part of the world got mudded by muslims around the late middle ages. They were nrver as white as the english but they definitely didnt look like that.
alexander the great was actually a proud woman of colour but whitey is to scared to teach this in school
>White supremacists can't handle the builders of western civilization were actually Mediterraneans and not Blue eyed/Straight blonde hair Vikings.
What's the point of this thread? He wasn't Greek anyway.
Yeh but remember when the Nord masterrace contributed to western civilization with magnificent things like pillaging, raping, and robust, formidable structures like pic related?
6000 years ago they were blue eyed blonde Aryans (not Vikings). But, since then too much shit has been added to their gene pool.
>by anatolians
>who were "turked" by mongoloids
You really have no fucking identity do you LOL
I bet you think the Romans were "Aryans" too
Goddamn the episode where he activates the ionian hettaroi and delivered his speech was good.
does your face look like this ?
>topos topos papagalos
Somebody posted a parallel with zyzz but I’m on mobile so anyway. Zyzz is like 1:1 with him.
If you want to see people that look like Alexander the Great then outside of Greece or Albania you have to look east. Zyzz is a pretty good example but even he has features that are way outside Alexander’s type like the bony face and chiseled chin.
Isn't this faggot a fucking kurd?
He’s Persian or some shit lmao same race I guess
There are probably more blonde and blue eyed people in Greece today then there was in 300BC. Whatever the case that user is right since art and science definitely didn’t flourish in Dorian regions...