Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.
Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race
>closing down sale
be honest, have you ever seen a closing down sale and the store isn't really closing down?
What do you think of my wife and my child?
Furthermore, if you're anti-white woman (the demographic least likely to date outside of their race), YOU ARE ANTI-WHITE.
Numbers shown here.
Also, another way to contribute to the white race is to VOTE FOR ANTI-IMMIGRATION PARTIES.
Would you betray your race for pic Sup Forums? trips gets to claim her
Go away ugly std ridden n*gger whore
Yeah but imagine investing as much time and money as you physically can into a child for 18 years just to have them throw it all away by fucking a nigger. It's a real concern.
Your wife is pretty, but your child looks like she has downs. Or she's half-mongoloid. It's kind of hard to tell the difference between a half-asian baby or a downie.
i'm planning to have children with my black girlfriend
If you're not white don't worry,
we'll find a way for you to help
Absolute degenerate.
It's just so much easier to fuck shit skin women than white women...
Still though, if I was gonna have kids, I'd want them to be white.
Why do you cunts always post hideous ethnic women who are like a 4/10 by human standards and expect us to find them attractive?
>no, goy, don't have children. They'll only disappoint you.
Lol. Fuck off kike.
You always say the same things.
But the numbers betray what your line of reasoning.
White women very rarely date outside their race.
Damn you are good, even without seeing the kid's full face, you knew he was half-Asian.
roll like it's Sup Forums
*she was half-Asian
She a solid 9-10 /10 baby looks good too
Thank you for your service to the European race
im not contributing to the white race dying out, im contributing to all of humanity dying out
>whites die
>all of human civilization collapses and regresses
>White women very rarely date outside their race.
There is the place called Central Asia and Far Eastern Russia where White women with Asiatic Central Asian men and Chinese men is extremely common.
Why are amwf kids so ugly? Gross
ok buddy we're all gonna make it.
now if you just fuck off back to r/asianmasculinity everyone would be happy.
4 white kids...one more planned. Take that Abdul.
Neck yourself.
I'd happily die in a war fighting to create a white country but that's doesn't mean there aren't plenty of legit concerns with where we're heading.
Great work.
show geotag, kike.
Only anal.
Just to be clear. Is it okay if I have kids with smart Asian?
Wasted genes
If you raised them well they aren't going to touch a nigger, the only girls that do that have daddy issues.
Hi leaf
What if those kids will be literal retards full of autism and betaness?
But white women are shit, and I don't want to racemix...
What do?
fuck off chink
Go for it. Just know that AMWF children turn out infinitely better than the opposite.
No. It's a trap. They're genetically good stock and we respect them but we want to continue our own people separately.
no, i let her cuck me
Adopt white kids for a happy medium? We make lots of money they would be raised well.
Yeah I am sure the kids of gold diggers turn out just fine
To have kids with someone of another race is preferential to having no kids at all. You don't "contribute", but you don't harm either (maybe harm is the wrong word. What's the antonym of "contribute"?)
Obviously, having full blown white children is best, though.
I approve.
Anyway, AMWF couples are not going to cause a dysgenic phenomenon like most miscegenation so it's not a massive deal either way. But I personally never have and never will date non-white.
Seeing as canada is brining in 300,000 immigrants a year and 3/4 are not white it really doesnt matter how many kids you have. They will be a minority in a country built by their ancestors. Their heriatage will be destroyed regardless.
Oops I meant WMAF of course.
I don't need kids, i got a job that pays for my bills and my hobbies. I go to work, play vidya and hang out firends often, and i live happily alone without any need to spend money on a woman or devil forbid a fucking child. I don't want to ruin my self.
i don't care about the white race, I CARE ABOUT MYSELF. For as long as i care i don't give a shit as long as i am happy, so yea, never getting married or having kids
Vote anti-immigration parties.
Do it anyway for your country.
This attitude is how the world dies.
>Vote anti-immigration parties.
How is that going to happen when women are 1/2 of the electorate? You Canadians voted in Trudeaufor chrissakes ...
are Filipino's Asian?
Find a cute grill and fix her, that's your job kraut.
Sadly true. We need to revoke women's right to vote. It's been a fucking disaster.
Do I care? No, as long as i am happy, i don't give a crap about others
I suppose saving my race IS more important than me getting fucked by the state in the end.
>fixing things that never worked in the first place
That's your prerogative. It's a sadly common perspective. All I can say is that my life got a lot happier once I broke free of the same nihilistic mindset. I thought I was happy too but I wasn't.
Yes, kraut. Good lad.
>i don't care about the white race, I CARE ABOUT MYSELF.
Then why are you here?
Participating in politics is to participate in swaying outcomes that affect the peoples of your community, one tiny change at a time.
In other words, the amount of effort you put into politics affect you in a very minuscule way. A large effort, hours and hours spent trying to persuade others to your line of reasoning, could potentially not directly affect your life at all.
However, a large effort in the business world, or your romantic life, at the gym, etc. can DEEPLY affect your life.
If you were truly as selfish as you say, you wouldn't even be here, as the cost/reward ratio doesn't even compare.
To participate in politics is, essentially, altruistic in nature.
All successful advanced civilizations arrive to an end user. just look at the middle east, Egyptian, Chinese, greek, Aztec empires, they all were very advanced societies compared to others but look at them now.
Same will happen to the modern Western Civilization but it will take a lot less time because white people are lead by retards.
I don't mean we wuz kangz n shiet. black people have never been civilized
I'm afraid they'll end up brainwashed by Marxist Ideology and end up a tranny or dating a nigger just to spite me.
Ever since i got a a job and got solo i've never been happier, i'm not crazy to have kids and not be able to do whatever i want with myself
at the end of the day we are both posting on a Somalian Bottle melting forum
I have the same concern. But maybe it's a chance to actually raise some kids right instead of our abortion of a generation.
I can taste the sweetness in this pic and it hurts in my heart.
how do you feel she will probably end up dating an Asian guy like this girl here?
Carry on. There's no inductive or deductive argument anyone can use to demonstrate that having kids is a moral imperative because it's not.
Personally planning on having 5+ kids. Currently building up wealth and improving myself so I can find a good tradwife. I won't give up my genetic and cultural heritage.
Fair point user, fair point
Not too bad since we don't live anywhere near each other and I was probably never going to get to put my dick in that cake anyway.
I can't have kids, get off my back.
In any other thread, I'd say kill yourself, but that actually sucks m8
>want to procreate with blue eyed WN who isnt a NEET
>work is 100% female dominated environment, cant find him at job
>tinder boys just want an easy lay
>dont drink so bars are boring, same problems as tinder
>go to library but dont want to bother people
>Closeted about my beliefs so finding him is like unicorn hunting
This hunt seems impossible and Ive been waiting/searching so long. What do?
The sole purpose of life is procreation.
give your phone number to randos on Sup Forums
I've often wondered the same thing about finding women who are at least sympathetic to pro-whiteness. It seems easier the other way around desu but I still don't know how you'd do it.
Not for me it isn't, mine is to enjoy life, and have fun doing all the hings i like and explore new things to do. Not have kids
Naturalistic fallacy.
If I had an argument to convince these people that I personally considered valid, I'd be using it already.
In Europe I would say go to an AfD, Front National, Vlaams Belang or UKIP rally, whatever your country has.
Americans seem to always recommend church though.
I mean, its slightly easier I suppose but not by much. Its easier to find patriotic men but WN or pro-white at all? Thats a little harder. Seems most men have been brow beaten into repressing that side of themselves to keep from being socially ostracized. I just wish there was a way to signal under the radar.
Have given out my kik and no luck
youve convinced me. give me her and ill start today. hello? no response. ok. back to destiny 2
>"Without modern white people you woul-"
>"Step aside whiteboi. Meet the real Creators of modern society"
This happens to you, Wyd?
Everyone has told me church in the past but the churches here are cucked rock and roll megachurches or tiny bapist churches with a mostly 40+ crowd.
What if I'm mexican fucking a white girl?
soft blue glow of electronic screen on kids grill
ur doing it wrong
I suppose you went to protestant ones?
Go catholic. In my experience of when I was in the US, either they're cucked to the marrow, either they're nice and traditional.
What is y'alls views on a single white guy getting a surrogacy with a white lady?
It's even harder for women to openly express those views ime.
Personally I've just reached the stage of being very open about WN myself. It's not been fun but if you run away from your values, how can you expect anyone else to run towards them?
Damnit this is torture. I want this life so bad. Sadpepe.jpeg
why would you do that?
Kids are not a commodity that you order and then a uterus delivers it 9 months later to you.
Also I'll add you on Kik. Not for relationship screening but I'll definitely take some advice if you find anything.
Okay - queeningvenus
>all that money spent on food, clothers and other crap for kids
>all the money the wife takes away from you
>all the money that goes to family shit that you could have had for yourself and buy yourself a Proper sports car not a mini family cuck van
>All the traveling, sports and other activites you could your spend your money on, but you waste them on useless family
>All the money you could spent on Literally Anything, yet you spend it on people that will eventually either spit in your face or leave you and insult you.
This is why being solo is great, since you're the only person that dictates what you do, not your kids or wife.
I'm not white but I have impregnated at least 24 women
I didn't know that guys fix women. What do you really mean by this stormfag
It appears that you are fishing for (you)s by using cheap bait.
Here is one (you), now fuck off.