Japan bros, redpill us on Yuriko Koike

She's formed an opposition front to try to oust Abe. I know Abe has been our guy for a while now but I'm conflicted. This woman opposes ALL non-Japanese immigration to Japan, is an isolationist, and want to boost the birthrate with maternity benefits.

On the other hand she is against remitarizing Japan, but perhaps this is a good thing. She is a former defense minister and quite hawkish, but doesn't want Japan involved in globalist military operations and in a broad sense she me be more our guy than (((Abe))) ever was.

Who are we pulling for in the coming snap election, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Team Abe or Team Yuri


kek, looks like shes wearing a comically sized hat

Jap version of pic related

I real don't know who I support in this one. She wants Japan to be militarily isolationist and doesn't want to be involved in Korea, but also is 100% against giving any foreigner the right to vote and wants to end immigration completely, and wants to expand maternity benefits to boost the birth rate. She makes Abe look like a globalist stooge.

my position: fuck japan. hope nk nukes it

>trusting women to run a country

Nothing good will come out of this.

I wouldn't mind fucking Japanese cuties either senpai

yuri a cute

That is more or less Abe's stance, except for Korea
Koike's a conservative, hailing from the LDP
Nobody in Japan is a globalist multikulti
I'd be fine with her but I like Abe, I want him till the Olympics


Aaaand dropped

Oh oh...

Hi South Korea


yeah not so sure how i feel about this now


tfw Japs can choose between 2 anti-immigration candidate while Le Pen wanted to let 10 000 immigrants per year, and Macron didn't indicate any limits

I like Abe because he seems to be systematically demolishing the democratic infrastructure of the country and is low-key for state-shinto.

Welp that settles it.

She sounds amazing.

Also lol at her checking out Japanese Chad.

No hope

>This woman opposes ALL non-Japanese immigration to Japan, is an isolationist, and want to boost the birthrate with maternity benefits.
Sounds good to me.

I sure hope this doesn't mean anything.

japan need 100.000 migrants every year!
we admit war crime against chinese!
we stop whale hunting!

No thank you

Hmm, seems promising...
Why did you change your flag and essentially repeat yourself senpai? Is this some kind of ruse?
Oh, how disappointing. I should have known better than to trust a woman.

She doesn't seem bad.
>trusting a japanese woman to run a country
Fixed it for you, japanese women are not retarded like yours Pablo.


>opposes ALL non-Japanese immigration to Japan
>is an isolationist
>want to boost the birthrate with maternity benefits
>is against remitarizing Japan, but perhaps this is a good thing
Good goy, you don't need an army! Just trust Israel, we'll never betray you!


Honestly I'd be fine with any of them. Both seem to have similar views, just that Yuriko seems to be more of a hardliner and more willing to push for them.

Brainlet detected.

Not progressing to the next step of realizing the meat will be poisoned.

What did she mean by this

Wanting to ramp up the native Japanese birthrate is literally ZOG at work. Good job buddy

>is against remitarizing Japan
She wants to revise the constitutional article that prohibits Japan from having a real military, she already pays annual respects to their dead WW2 soldiers at teh Yasukuni shrine and says she wll force Russia to return the Kuril islands to Japan if she gets into office. Sounds pretty based desu.

Trusting a female? Lol

You do know that Soros is strongly anti-Israel ?

Hello, low IQ retard. There are better ways to increase the birthrate besides giving women free gibs for fucking.

Are you one of those idiots who thinks throwing tax money at anything will fix it?


Nips are fucked unless a random NEET with a katana shows up and kills her.

putting a woman in charge is exactly the type of erosion of jap culture she claims to be against

I smell jew tricks

and I was right

I'm very sure you're an expert on having children

>non-Japanese immigration to Japan
Yeah, I can't agree with this. I NEED to move to Japan.

The best way to fix Japanese birth rate is to provide sex visas for American men to come impregnate Jap women. Not only will the population crisis be fixed but also the gene pool will be improved.

I know very little about this woman. Is she the same as Shinzo, as in that relations with China will likely never improve under her? Japan and China not being in alliance is good for us(USA), and I think they both are tough on immigration.

Shinzo Abe denies comfort women, and visits that shrine. Relations will likely never improve under him(good for usa)

What are the chances that she is a part of hte "8 Goddesses" cult in which SK's female prime minster alluded to and which Guccifer suggested that HRC was the high priestess of them?

>I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch - HRC

like pottery


Can anyone provide good sources to keep an eye on Japanese politics? I just use baby tier japantimes, asiatimes, and the interpreter. The last two don't focus too much on Japan from my experience, and it has usually only been in response to NK

>trusting a woman
never ever

Ahahahahahahaha. Stay NEETs, Nips.

why tf is abe ourguy

Only sorrows

Does This fucking Dark Emperor meet with EVERY world leader?

>japanese election is literally far right vs far right
>tfw you will never be japanese

You can vote if you take citizenship. Prerty much the one thing PR doesn't give you.

A female will never be PM, at least not in our lifetimes. In order to get her agenda across she needs to find a guy to deliver it, and everyone in Japan knows this, which is why it will never happen.

I'd love to see it though.

>foreigners voting

You shouldn't be able to if you're not a citizen. Pretty simple, yet at the same time county after county is allowing illegals to vote here.

Japan has seen this and is learning quickly that immigration is not an answer if you want to keep a stable society.

Yeah give it up. Visit every few years and make a plan to spend eternity there.

>visits yasukuni a bad thing

It's like the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Not visiting it would be a huge slap in the face and also just wrong.

They care about their war dead, unlike the USA.

NHK, and not NHK World either, the Japanese NHK. Since you obviously can't read Japanese (yet) you'll need an online translator but I'm sure you can find one.

Surprisingly enough, Twitter isn't bad either but you will still have the same problem with illiteracy.

All you really need to know is:


If there were better benefits, wife and I could have another few, maybe.

No female leaders, it's the highway to a failed country. Don't Europas mistake.


She doesn't work does she? Healthcare and education is paid for. What more do you want?

Margaret Thatcher was cool tho but why risk it.

She works, subsidies don't really cut it.

Health care is 30% out of pocket, and education has a shit load of additional, uncovered expenses, especially JHS and HS. HS costs money as well, since it's not mandatory.

>his woman opposes ALL non-Japanese immigration to Japan, is an isolationist
>want to boost the birthrate with maternity benefits.
>against remitarizing Japan
7.5/10 This is fine. Nippon is an anime farm of the West. We don't need manga artists dying in the desert for Israel.
>women ruler

I mainly use the Japan Times and the Yomiuri Shimbun (they have a english version titled "Japan News"

He sends offerings, but doesn't visit.

Oh and Japan Times hates Japan. I'm sure you've figured that out already, and now they're behind a paywall I can only hope that they're about to fold.

>Studied arabic
>Bachelor from Cairo
>Consultant for Japan Arab Association
>Hillary Clinton fan

Women are the most important part of having and raising a child. They need to be encouraged to have them. Men are dispensable.

>voting for a woman
I seriously hope none of you do this

>This woman opposes ALL non-Japanese immigration to Japan, is an isolationist, and want to boost the birthrate with maternity benefits.
She definitely got my vote

>want to boost the birthrate with maternity benefits.

That doesn't really work in western countries either.

>On the other hand she is against remitarizing Japan

Japan should do more to maintain peace and to contain China in Asia.

Shinzo Abe wants to make Japan less pacifist, he's better than her.

Abe did visit the Yakusuni shrine, nipbro

>even Soros has the yellow fever

>That doesn't really work in western countries either.

His tentacles really reach everywhere. Quite perverse.

>Shinzo Abe wants to make Japan less pacifist, he's better than her.
Abe is definitely the best hope, and

Has visited doesn't mean it's a regular thing. Members of the cabinet do though.

His tentacles especially reach the vaginas of nip women, it seems

Pillows dont have ovaries...

It's not a regular thing but I'm fairy sure he went there more than twice since 2012

Scholarship? Make sure she's really good at something.

Unfortunately in Japan kids are bullied if they don't have the latest and greatest everything. God forbid you have a hand-me-down uniform. It's sad to see, future sacrificed because of the new iPhone.

He sent a tree this year, but in prior years he visited.

A child that grows up from a fatherless, broken family will more probably have social problems, do crime, drop out of high school/college and become a liability to society.

A society doesn't need many women to sustain itself. back in the day 1 woman had 5 children or more.

Men build civilizations, inventions and maintain society.

If all you value women are for giving birth to kids, that task will eventually be replaced by artificial wombs. Because career women have 0 or 1 kid and are causing the death of western countries.

(((fascist))) people these days are usually sent by jews as divide and conquer tacticians. Be warned. Think of that kike Spencer.

Women don't make good leaders. Never have, never will. Name one female leader that was good.

>Margaret "Iron Lady" Thatcher
Closed mines and ruined Britain's chance at the empire.
>S. Korea's Park
Literally made South Korea into a feminist cult
>Joan of Arc
Hope you enjoy your leaders crispy
>Arbitrary female leader from the past
Always guided by a man, usually a council, sitting for formality of blood

Stop making your wife work.

Is she Japans version of koreas 6 or 8 goddess shit?

Well dammit to hell fuck her then if she's cozying up to this globalist shit bag.

Why are you minimizing it? Is it because you think this audience will be against it?

God don't tell me this is yet another new Japanese self-hating thing.


Stop (((working)))

then how come european countries where women can get a year paid maternity leave and free daycare have the lowest birth rates in the world?

Knew it. *Dlopped desu.

Catherine the Great. Your disqualifiers are not relevant for her.

What did she mean by this?

Jewish tricks.

A fucking soros plant, get it spreading on twitter

Vote for whomstever won't mess with my hentais pls nips

Oh fuck this again. Soros is into everything. Thought emperor Palpatine would be in jail by now.

Women do though.

No scholarships for HS, really. And it's not as bas a you make it sound, and we're not poor by a long shot.

Treat me to gibs like I'm brown and I will.

stop not homeschooling your kids