ITT: I can't believe I watched this shit

ITT: I can't believe I watched this shit


Everything from 2008 and up.

your favorite anime


What's wrong with new anime?

Am i autistic?

It's just that bad.

Unironic trainwreck as expected of the memeyoiga director.

never saw this except the finale. Those poor twins, holy shit




Blood-C mentally broke me.



that reminds me I need to watch that garbage


to reddit you go

I had no idea what the fuck was going on

>Blood-C mentally broke me.
At this point I am prepared to believe that Blood-C was the way it is intentionally, and that Mizushima is simply slightly insane when it comes to crazy horror shows, making them in ways that are funny only to him and no one else.

is that one piece?

most obnoxious garbage ever.

I can't do gore so I could never watch it.

nice bait

I look at guro porn for fun.

It's awwwright.

Coppellion, while it was comfy & nice to look at, it's like Ergo Proxy but even more boringer

Captain Earth. Was the plot even there.