Should Catalonia become independent?
Should Catalonia become independent?
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I would have said no but spain stole the ballot boxes so absolutely yes, fuck spain to death.
>still an EU/UN/NATO cuck
who cares?
I will vote if there ara ballot boxes in my town and I'll vote Yes, no doubts, for my fellow Tweety
I have no particularly strong feelings either way
FREDOOOOOOMMM from Catalonia
Let me explain why.
Regionalism separatism is quietly supported by the EU to dismantle european nations.
We have the same in France and, let me tell that, its a terrible idea.
What can a little region do against the judeo-masonic empire ? Nothing.
Too small, not able to be autonomous on many aspects. Do not forget the debt.
Catalonia wont be independant, it will become a euroregion.
And once Spain fall, the last hope of spaniards fall with it.
Nations are the smallest viable entities that can be independant and enforce their sovereinty with decent economical power.
You need to take Spain back, and go full fascist with nukes.
Nothing scares more the globalists than a patriotic country with good guys ready to die and kill, supported by the nuclear hellfire.
you're a good person, user
in 6 days will see
As a average joe i couldn't have cared less until Spain stole the ballets so fuck em, hope they lose Catalonia
We won't let them
Say yes to their independence, but dont support catalonian themselves, they are lefti commie trash
Thats my point of view.
I may be wrong, but one thing is sure.
Europa needs Spaniards, French, Anglo, Germans, Italians etc. Also slav bros.
We need to unite and support each other while keeping our identities.
Europa is diversity. It is the greatest civilization the world has ever seen and we cannot go quietly into the night.
We do not need to destroy other races, but we cannot allow to be destroyed either.
I dont want to live in a world where our people are just citizens of the world.
We built that world.
Never give up.
As long as there is a few of us to keep fighting, with words or steel, there is hope.
Never accept the blackpill.
Long live Spain.
May we conquer the stars side by side.
If they want their freedom... yes - it's up to them.
Everything you said makes no sense because Spain is already controlled by the globalists and a very loyal member of the EU. Why would they dismantle their own puppets?
Also what the NWO wants is a united world of brown mongrels under a single goverment, not a ton of small ethnostates.
It'd be our death, just imagine Puigdemont with a money printing machine. Plus the borders colsed, plus no way to get back into the EU because Spain always vets us. plus a trillion niggers because "they're just children refugees", plus feminism to the n level.
It'll be death.
We are the best part of Spain, but we're still Spain, and proudly so.
Your post is so incoherent and badly written that you must be a Manolo.
no, they should burn in hell. nobody cares about their whining and all the faggots in twitter keep writing about how unfair the spanish government (or "Madrid") is towards them.
hard to admit it, but for once I agree with the frog
Been in Catalonia in June.
Been in Grenada this September.
Didnt notice any difference.
Why do they want to split?
>whili catacocks
>catalonian sardinian
What kind of retard made this?
No, anyways they are not going to get it, so, they are wasting their lives hating their own people and being frustated by a shitty fairytale ideology.
They deserve by mad all their lives for being that stupid, who need gods to punish the people if the people its stupid enough to hurt itself at that levels.
Bye, to all the Spaniards and decent people Goodnights, to all the separatist, keep eating shit.
>still belongs to the EU
nobody gives a fuck
Separatism is fed by your hate comments, you are the reason I'm voting for independence. Why would I want to stay in a country full of cucks who hate us for speaking in Catalan? Why can't we fucking vote our future? If only you were more open minded with your own brothers, I wouldn't vote for independence
As a Dutchman, I am in favour of anyone getting independance from Spain.
don't you like my oppressing Castilian breath on your cat*alonian neck?
>oppressing Castilian
Get out Felipe, you're scaring the kids.
Stop assuming people hate you for speaking Catalan. Most are indifferent to it, they are just fed up with the independentists' constant autistic screeching.
Vem dançar comigo, seguindo este ritmo
Quero ver balançar
Todos lado a lado, vai ser toda a noite
Vem dançar até cansar
Mexe kuduro
Balança que é uma loucura
Morena vem ao meu lado
Ninguém vai ficar parado
Quero ver mexer kuduro
>t. Charnego gibmegrant
Everyday this shit? And I bet the nazi catalacuck is in the thread spitting nonsense... wait, he might even be the OP
Does it matter? They'll pay either by being part of Spain or being part of the EU.
>inb4 Spain will veto them from joining the union
Spain will veto/ignore their referendum.
Cataluña it's a little pussy who depends of the goverment of Spain (THEIR goverment) to do anything.
>Be 1 km2 with 10 people on in
>Speak an Spanish dialect with a little bit of changes
>Gets totally owned by sjw left wing antifa, y pro-okupa cuckolds
>Wants to be independent because it serves the short term political power interest of a Soviet whore like Puigdemont
I Hope you get independence and get Turned into Turkey
Daily reminder that Manolostan can prove to be less 1rd world than Iraq
george soros is funding this current catalonian drama. thats all u need to know.
What is with the daily shitty threads on this topic? It's a literal circlejerk, some autist with either an American flag or the Spanish flag makes some thread about this fucking movement nobody outside of Spain gives a flying fuck about.
Every thread on this is really shit anyway
>Catalans (with the Spanish flag topkek) call themselves superior to Spaniards in anyway with meme maps to justify their movement.
>Spaniards + some other anons from other countries investigate to debunk this and calling them liars and showing how Madrid pays way more than them and bla bla bla bla
>Catalans proceed to continue with their stubborness, keep posting meme images and call anyone "Manolo"
>Spaniards get triggered and call Catalans jews and whatever
>Catalans get triggered as well and call Spaniards subhuman Manolos
>This goes on until the thread reaches the bump limit
of course not, all the gibs we gave them would have to be taken back
>tfw I can't wait til oct 1st because 6 gorillion commies and cucks are going to be btfo by the spanish military
go go my amigos
t. Manolo
don't be too butthurt you won't get their money Spain.
have u seen barcelona?
>full of transexual prostitutes in clubs and streets
>gay orgies every day with hard drug coktails consumption
>chinese bars and restaurants everywhere
>pakistani supermarkets everywhere
>muslim ghettos everywhere
>morrocan hash dealers on the streets
>most beautiful buildings sold to rockefellers/rothshilds/sors family dynastys for shekkels
>poweful catalonian elites literally selling everything of cultural value for money
i could go on and on
this place is fucked up
cherry on top open society foundation (george soros) pushing degenerancy and division everywhere
and all those useful idiots buying into this freedom independence crap if it will change anything for the average joe
pic semi related
This. Manolos can say all they want but deep inside they know that without us Spain will be a shithole.
No because we don't want an open door to arab niggers here in the peninsula
>Should Catalonia become independent?
The more flags in the world (and in my collection), the better.
Is 2:02-2:50 the Carlist Wars?
From 2:02 it's the War of Spanish Succession and from 2:40 to 2:50 Peninsular War (Napoleonic War in Spain)
Yes. They're not spanish. Even if they were, why not if they want to.
>implying those aren't catalonian falseflags
Didn't you watch Salvados yesterday? Your president is a joke, he is just playing with you all lmao
>War of Spanish Succession
Shame. Castillians supported the wrong monarch. the Cross of Burgundy was a really AESTHETIC flag.
Exactly the kind of pics you always post, take your own medicine nigger. Also
>watching tv in 2017
nigger the pic with "muslim" catalans was literally photoshopped
>Should Catalonia become independent?
>Should Catalonia declare independence?
I just wanna see what happens.
No cuz they are bunch of spoiled commies. Suck em dry from the tourist money Spain while they get blown up by Ahmeds.
ayy lmao
t. turkish rape baby
>watching tv
no,cause the other half doesnt want.
poor Spain always arguing about bullshit instead of doing something productive.
>catalanes manifestandose en estocolmo
>españolitos llegan en bici y empiezan a decir "que pone en tu dni?"
este es el nivel
>the star will gorge itself on clay.
I got this pics from someone on Sup Forums who was on the streets.
Pro-Spain protesters
Listen to the portuguese dude, the side they choose it's the side that wins, isn´t usually like that?
I only see people who need to dialogue, but the Spanish government refuses (as well as Catalan separatist movement doesn't want to go the central parlament to talk).
Confirmed, independence happens.
idc i will vote yes for the lulz tho gas the left wingers civil war now
>being this retard
We "stole" our own property?
Then I lookes at the flag
I can relate to this, too much
No, they're Spaniards in denial. Spain is as much Castile as it is Aragon, Catalonia is an integral part of the Spanish nation.
If it ever happened and independence is achieved how long before the lefty government ruins the country?
>catalanes manifestandose en estocolmo
For what purpose? That's like the turks in germany protesting IN FAVOUR of Erdogan.
It's too easy to protest when you won't suffer the consequences
Stay cucked
That looks like the flag puerto rico would have, if it was bought out by mcdonalds.
spain needs another 1492 purge
Read the frog again
>What can a little region do against the judeo-masonic empire ? Nothing.
>Too small, not able to be autonomous on many aspects. Do not forget the debt.
>Catalonia wont be independant, it will become a euroregion.
and pic related
Juncker will be be pleased bc of dependence of smaller states to EU and won't make their own Brexit again from the union
A true fellow American
who took a piss on puerto rico's flag
>care about hair's appearance, get it cut
>being that fat
If one can't bother to be fit, why bother with any other aspect of appearance - hair, clothes, makeup, etc?
Confirmed mcdonalds flag.
If California left that would mean less cucks trying to put Hilary in office in 2020 so I dont see any problems with it
> we cannot go quietly into the night
What a shitpost.
They were trimming his beard, hes to fat to trim it himself.
Underrated comment
I'd say within a decade. They'd do exactly like Sweden did - waste tons of money on public spending and expanding the welfare state while ridding itself of the tradtional societal pillars such as religion and family while importing mass amounts of refugees. Since they're mostly lefty and have thus far been spared from the rapefugee menace, they won't know what's about to hit them. Not longer after they're even going to criticize nationalism and Catalan identity, the very reason for their secession, as something racist and oppressive that needs to be done away with. They're going down a path of inevitable self-destruction.
Until now leftists haven't had much success in Catalonia so I hope they won't win again in a long time.
That projection Sven, or should I say Manolo?