Veteran Secretary
she's a vet of the middle eastern cock wars maybe
This is the military Obama wanted to create. Undermine it and give even the weakest of cucks the ability to speak for soldiers
>I'm a vet
I smell a meme for women in the military
Fuck. They're either bunk bunnies or they get raped.
thank you for your collating service
>what do women do in the military
They do nearly everyone. 80% are massive cock whores, 20% lesbians, 3% are actually competent at their job. Most will pull the muh vagina card any time they are faced with work they don't want to do. Most will pull the rape card when that fails.
A blow job after every meal to help the troops feel better.
Gangbang. Also, claim gangbang was a rape the next morning but video evidence always proves otherwise.
t. Marine
Women in the military are bottom-tier garbage. All have extreme mental issues and fuck everything up by fucking all the dudes.
>thanks for serving so niggers can feel powerful and deal during the anthem
They post pictures of themselves in camouflage for beta orbiters to thank.
I'd imagine their main job is to bitch about men. Why the fuck else would you hire a woman?
She's probably an animal doctor.
mostly get knocked up and then collect benefits. of all the women ive seen in the military, 5 of them got pregnant and then sat at home collecting money. the 6th one is a lesbian who works for the air force. i dont remember what she does. i think she loads and unloads stuff. she doesnt actually unload the stuff though, she just oversees it.
Yeah, I'm quite confident she never fought for her country.
I know a female vet who was just an analyst and was quite overweight even before she was discharged. She never once put her life on the line for anyone and never left the country. Yet all of us had to constantly be told she was a vet and had to listen to her inane opinions like they mattered more than anyone else's.
>loads and unloads stuff
Just so everyone knows this is an actual job in the military, and it's the type of work women do. Actual combat jobs are the domain of men.
Less now that Trump kicked the trannies out.
Jesus fucking Christ women truly are virtue signaling nation wreckers
>U.S. Army
Fuckin medal of honor recipient material eh? Fuck off fat cunt.
Lol. These idiots, its not about their right to take a knee, they have every right to do so, but we have every right to be offended, call them ungrateful sons of bitches and to take our attention and money elsewhere.
Liberals always conflate freedom with financing.
>I'm a vet
>Fat landwhale
>ITT: anons dont know the fabled "I wear my husbands rank so im basically military"
i dont knock the job. i know 2 guys that do it. they are brothers. they get to fly around the country and stay in nice hotels and then unload planes for a day then just chill all while getting paid.
whats wrong with that? i dont know much about the military.
also i was going to go see a recruiter this week. any information i should know?
Her tweet literally implies she was fighting for our freedom, while her fat ass sat on a boat 50+ km from any danger giving orders to faggots who swab decks. Hambo hasn't worked a real day in her life.
I was in the Army for 6 years and females do the same thing males do for the most part...
Get paid 20,000 a year to slowly jog in the morning and do stretches, rake sand and mop up rain. Sometimes we would pick up pinecones or paint rocks.
Women should be send to the front lines
That fucking duckface.
Stupid roasties
This is precisely why simply saying "I'm a vet" means jack in any argument. It's not like this is an isolated case. Pretty sad, actually.
Well, sailor, the laundry won't do itself...
My Aunt does the financial bullshit for US Army South, buys all the tanks and guns and whatnot, and once had to take 1 million dollars cash on an airplane somewhere,
But yes, most women don't do anything in the armed forces
Id be willing to bet this woman has been in countless firefights.
I was in the USN and I can guarantee I saw more action than you did.
Do you ever wonder if the vaunted U.S. military is 100% unready for combat? Like, literally 100% unable to conduct any form of warfare against another state?
Maybe but they don't give purple hearts for taking a blast of cum to the face
Prove it ahmed
Like ahmed would even know what a Corpsman is.
I'm reminded of that scene about writing women from "As Good As It Gets" --
Ew, fuck these women. Fuck women in general, they are like fucking peabrained retards in every aspect of life. Does someone really need to explain to these dumb cunts that nobody is saying they aren't free to kneel, they are saying IT'S DISRESPECTFUL to kneel. Fucking bimbos.
POGs need to STFU
they are cumdumpsters for the alphas have a break while ruining achmeds day in afghanistan
OP posted an image of a "war hero" that died because his own troops shot him in an epic failure of communication, intelligence, training, leadership and ability.
Yes. We are totally ineffective.
They get soft shoe profiles and pregnant 10months into their initial contract. If not that, they wait until someone says or does the first thing that is even slightly hurtful then claim rape/sexism/etc. Thats what women in the military do. Soft shoe profiles and excuses.
Yeah I guess people forgot this was blue on blue in a war that didn't need to happen.
So you're out of the mix all around, huh?
Releasing that love jelly out of men's balls
you guys seem to be forgetting that the US military invaded Iraq and smashed the absolute fuck out of Saddam's military, took over the whole country in like a month with only like 200 coalition deaths during the whole thing. Yes, the occupation turned into an embarrassing bumbling clusterfuck, but the invasion itself showed that your "literally 100% unable to conduct any form of warfare against another state" claim is bullshit.
>Convoy gets fucking lost
>Accidentally drive into fucking Pakistan
>Drive into a sketchy canyon
>Get ambushed
>Freak out and shoot up your own troops
And this wasn't even regular Army retards.. It was supposedly more competent Rangers
Fat cunts who only served 4 years as a receptionist shouldn't be allowed to call themselves "veterans". They just did it for the gibs
Forgot to mention
>Army lies and says he died to enemy combatants
>Truth doesn't come out for months after an investigation
No reason to ever put boots on the ground. Just do strategic bombing of military/political targets
No reason to drive around in Humvees like fucking retards and wait for IEDs to blow kids up
These, they join the military for the same reason women go to college. They do it only to find a man that suits their fantasy, but they never find him because the only men that are good enough for them are officers which are off limits by the UCMJ, and usually already married to whores that actually pretend to be respectable.
Generally what ends up happening when they realize they can't win over Colonal Charming is that they lay on their backs collecting benefits and semen from every desperate guy in their squadron. Eventually, they find one desperate enough to marry a cum dumpster. From that point on they still don't do anything, but now they just happen to get pregnant every time they come up for deployment.
Glorious tax dollars at work.
Hey man....Army. Just look at casualty numbers, Army had people dying and wounded in large numbers even compared to Marines that were basically doing the same mission in Iraq.
Thoroughly unimpressed.
If I recall, this nigress, or some other was dishonorably discharged for refusing to salute.
I used to think that "veteran" meant someone who had shot and been shot at, or did something else dangerous, but I've known even guys who did pretty much this.
Perfect example of why women in the army is a bad fucking idea
The US military as a whole has killed three times more people in training accidents than they have in Iraq/Afghanistan.
We have had two fucking incidents in the last couple months that massive boats just crashed into each other and kill dozens of sailors
Over a dozen Marines recieved third degree burns this month in California in a vehicle fire.
Poorly maintained helicopters crash every couple of months and kill dozens a year.
Airborne training kills dozens every year. Heat strokes kill more people than Muslims.
Whole thing is a cluster fuck and waste of money.
Our Military people are still good people. But this Military that Obama began to create fucked everything up. This Military is not built to win, it is built to drag wars out for as long as possible such as Afghanistan. They are not sent into battle like they used to be, to destroy everyone. I think Trump wants that back. He is against the war in Afghanistan also, and I think he wants to actually get it over with and bring everyone home. Blame the leaders for not winning wars, not the soldiers. They are not supposed to win.
Thats funny, because the female Marines we had patrol with us in Afghanistan did everything we did, and they weren't even allowed to complain about because people like you think they cant do it.
Well I used to think that "veteran" meant people who had atleast lost a leg during a war. Was weird as fuck when after Iraq Americans started calling 20-something people in perfect health "veterans".
Imagine being in one of the easiest positions in the military like a cook or something. Now imagine not even being able to do that but some white knight soldier will do all of your work for you for years so you can get an honorable discharge and gibs. That's what it's like.
I agree. The term "veteran" is over used. It should be someone who sacrificed in battle. Whether it be a long amount of time like 10+ years, or got wounded. I was in the Army for 3 years and don't consider myself a vet. I actually feel bad for joining just to take advantage of the money. I joined for a motorcycle, and scholarship and really did not deserve it. I was young and dumb though. Was back in 03-04
You know how I know you know nothing about the US Military? You said being a cook is one of the easiest jobs. Anybody that was ever in the military knows that the easiest jobs are admin ones.
Nobodies talking about Dependas. This is about fat POG whores claiming jack for doing 4 and out.
> female Navy Chief
Yeah, she's a prostitute.
DESU cooks just microwave/boil shit... they do zero work
Doesn't surprise me that you were Army, you sound like a retard.
The classic tale of the Dependapotamus.... It really still astonishes me that nobody has questioned why every butter bar and terminal lance is conveniently married, whereas before they joined the service no woman would ever make eye contact with them
I was just looking for an example. Admin doesn't do their job period tho so it's not a good example. Can't lower the standards for the females in admin if there were no standards to begin with other than PT which is still easy as fuck for women in the US.
Get good men killed.
Women are the (im)morale officers.
Yeah but what is easier? Sitting at a desk or on your feet all day. And you know they sweat all day doing manual labor lifting boxes of food and shit.
Have trains run on them and fuck everything up, the same thing they do out of the military.
Can someone give a Yuropoor a quick rundown on this "take a knee" stuff?
What's going on?
Suck dick and eat pussy. What else have women ever done? Besides birthing children of course. But we all know military bitches don't go that route.
They get some injury or "medical condition" after a couple years of service, get discharged, and spend the rest of thier lives collecting benefits. I know a couple of women like this.
>using pat tilman for this dumb shit
dawg, come on, its such dinesh dsouza tier bullshit. A complete lack of understanding about pat. lolololo
The anti-American agenda becomes less and less veiled as time goes on
They are now directly attacking the flag on a national scale
This is gonna be interesting guys
niggers nigging
>sign contract saying you'll do whatever is asked of you by your superiors
>try to be a social hero
>get dishonorably discharged
American handegg niggers not standing up during anthem.
Not really anything that anyone should care about
I mean, dudes would be running back to their barracks rooms when colors sounded so they wouldn't have to salute but this dumb bitch posted it.
>dat jawline
literally never get Europeans with a jaw like that, what the fuck do you eat in America? Is it all the growth hormones in your milk?
They sleep around and distract men from protecting the country.