can Sup Forums bible scholars explain this to me? why is israel's flag symbol the shape that it is, a hexagram
Can Sup Forums bible scholars explain this to me? why is israel's flag symbol the shape that it is, a hexagram
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It used to be a sign prominent on synagogues
So when the Zionist congress had to decide on a flag, it was almost assured the sign was going to appear on was basically our symbol.
WHY was the star so widely used......I don't know.
Some say that it's an ancient symbol of protection, that King David painted it on his it's basically a sign of Israel's Massiah king.
>Gender studies is stupid and useless field
>Bible scholars are so smart smart and useful
synagogue of satan
Because the hexagram has the symbols of all four elements in it you retard
I personally cringe every time I see conspiratard cube shit and star shit on there. Fuck jews etc., but also fuck obsessing about them. Waste of time.
Christianity is a foundation stone of Europe, your leftist trash is a foundation stone of a degraded low IQ society.
It's the seal of Solomon.
2 greek delta letter "Δ" why not hebrew"ד"?
Where in the bible does it describe the seal as a he/x/agram?
It's the symbol of Remphan AKA Molech AKA Satan.
It's not found in the bible or talmud.
>Acts 7:43
"No, you carried your pagan gods--the shrine of Molech, the star of your god Rephan, and the images you made to worship them. So I will send you into exile as far away as Babylon.'"
The six pointed star was used in many cultures and religions such as Hindu. It was just a matter of time when such symbol will spread across, until reaching Middle east.
>The Seal of Solomon (or Ring of Solomon; Arabic: Khātam Sulaymān خاتم_سليمان) is the signet ring attributed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition, later also in Islamic and Western occultism. It was often depicted in either a pentagram or hexagram shape; the latter also known as the Star of David in Jewish tradition.This ring variously gave Solomon the power to command demons, genies (or jinn), or to speak with animals. Due to the proverbial wisdom of Solomon, his signet ring, or its supposed design, came to be seen as an amulet or talisman, or a symbol or character in medieval and Renaissance-era magic, occultism and alchemy.
Rothschild's emblem no?
I think the symbol itself is older then Judaism or even organized religion.
Induism likes it just as much as we, and to be frank I like their meaning for it best
Also;ד won't make much of a symbol
Correct. The modern red colored Seal of Solomon was popularized by Rothschild (for which the name originates). As he hung that symbol outside his shop and it came to be associated with his family.
egyptian god
This is the only real answer.
They interview Jewish rabbi's and even they refuse to answer that it's the star of Repham but instead state they don't know where it comes from or "they forgot".
>Rothschild The name is derived from the German zum rothen Schild (with the old spelling "th"), meaning "with the red sign", in reference to the houses where these family lived or had lived. At the time, houses were designated by signs with different symbols or colors, not numbers.
Man praying to god and god condescending to man.
A triangle in each distraction placed on top of each other.
>1 John 2:18Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
Who was Anti Christ at the time? Jews.
>John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Jesus tried to convert the jews, but they could not recognise or understand the word of God because they are of the devil.
Were they selling it at a discount? Did you have coupons?
Jesus was sent to re-unite the Jews, that was his entire mission. He himself was a Rabbi who spoke of abiding by the law of Mosses. By reunification I mean descendants of Noah. All Mediterraneans/Arabs/Asians. Descend from the same location. Those of the region who where not following the ideology of Moses where viewed as 'lost sheep of Israel' who was trying to bring back into the fold. This is what is meant by the use of Goy/Goyim. A word whose meaning in current popular culture has taken on an entirely different meaning.
Jesus was sentence to death by Pontius Pilate after Herod spoke with him. Herod knew that Jesus was prophesied to lead a rebellion. To liberate the Roman province of Judea, and became king of the Jews. Jesus failed in his mission - to liberate Judea and reunite the lost children of Israel. But people are so biblical and historically illiterate they now worship Jesus with enough mental gymnastics. It's similar to people deifying modern Gurus and why modern Hinduism is a clusterfuck
You have mundane, deeper, kabbalistoc and secret justifications for every single aspect of your religion and tradition yet the universal symbol of judaism, you somehow forgot. Don't fucking bullshit us. I know there's plenty of yeshiva goers here, spill the beans.
If we did know anything of importance
we would never tell You
It's literally nothing. They brainwash their kids to be little fuckbois like them for a giant scam. They're simply a scaled-up version of those bumfuck Branch Davidians that went too long without getting BTFO'd, and now they're a plague on mankind. That's all.
It translates to 666.
Because israel and zionists (world jewry working to fulfill their prophecies and be their messiah) are the anti-Christ.
See the first video here:
Also: Saturn in Hebrew is Shabbethai (Sabbatai)
How do you people not know this?
It is representation of merkabah
It is basically a two dimensional representation of three dimensional star tetrahedron (platonic shape), which it self is representation of four dimensional shape that our life energy generates. It is believed to be a shape of our spirit body vessel.
>It used to be a sign prominent on synagogues
?? bullshit,
it's always been a trade symbol for magical practitioners
>They brainwash their kids to be little fuckbois like them for a giant scam
You're thinking of Reform/non-practicing "Jews" the most popular type in the west. Actual Jews who follow biblical law are similar to Orthodox Muslims or Christians. Egalitarianism and it's various variants are the root problem of practically every issue we have in human societies.
... and the elctric universe theory on youtube talk about this symbol and it is the symbol of Kronos. Nearly all cultures that had no way of communicating with each other all drew a symbol very similar to the "star of david" or "seal of solomon" before it was known as that. Go check it out for yourselves.
It's this.
and dont tell me you people never heard of flower of life either.
He's right.
You're humiliating yourself
>Saturn in Hebrew is Shabbethai
cmon people!
>explain this to me?
As above so below.
The Bible never talks about it
just fucking read;
and stop embarrassing your self, pleb
There are some truly newfags here m8.
Kikes like the eternal liars and thieves they are, STOLE THE SEAL OF SOLOMON and called it the Star of David.
Prior to them stealing it, It had nothing to do with Jews at all but more to do with Egyptian Mystery schools and the Therapeute. Read any of the prominent Esotercists of the past 200 years. Wither it be Albert Pike, Helena Blavasky, or Alice A. Bailey, every single one of them called them profane thieves and worshipers of the devil.
>two geometric symbols that are unrelated to each other can fit in.
woow op how cool.
Probably one of the more interesting replies here. However, the symbol for Merkabah is normally a chariot wheel as your link says. I didn't read the full thing, just scanned, can you point out where it supports what you're saying?
Its not really hard, you just choose to not believe the world is controlled by a cabal of lucifer worshiping (((jews))). Thats literally it. They worship Satan.
So where is the Bible qoute?
>symbol of Kronos.
No it is saturn, satan, baphomet, moloch whatever name you give him. He is that, and they are his followers.
>Flower of life
Could be, quick run down on flower of life?
It is not interesting reply it is fucking truth, and it is not chariot wheel. But the merkabah it self is called chariots of soul.
>point out where it supports what you're saying
I have literally shown you. And this is something anyone with even a shred of mystical knowledge can tell you. It is one, if not the most (flower of life beats it) important symbol. Not just for Jews, fucking Jews dont own it. So people yellin' around "its a devil" are Retardation incarnate.
end your self, you arrogant retard.
This is true I'm jewish and we honestly love the attention. We don't believe ourselves to be vulnerable due to our superior verbal IQ, we think we can talk our way out of any situation and naturally fall into the victim role whenever plan A fails.
Soros put money into this place because antisemitism is one of our financial pillars. You will have to be a lot more organized and tactical if you are ever to gain ground. I guarantee daily stormer is infiltrated to some degree, and many antisemitic posts made here are paid shills.
Happy hunting.
okay i will tell you what most dont know.
Flower of life is a geometrical template of Existence.
It basically contains in it self the whole mathematical symmetry. Every platonic body, and every ratio (pi, golden ratio and so on)
It is in a nutshell a thought fractioning it self outwards from the center of being (in more mystical terms)
it also contains in it self what is called tree of life, i think you heard of it
>I have literally shown you.
I mean in your Merkabah wiki link, where does it say their symbol is Seal of Solomon/flower of life in appearance?
>So people yellin' around "its a devil" are Retardation incarnate.
I agree, they don't understand even the original meaning of 'devil/satan/antichrist' and rely on modern popular culture references/depictions.
Because it's the star of David, which existed thousands of years before the freemasons, you absolute mong.
Thanks user, all though the tree of life part without proper original association with flower of life might be reaching. As any pattern/shape can be made within flower of life symbol. What historic texts mention flower of life/it's role so I can read more of it later?
David had no star, it comes from Solomon
And here is a perfect example of an anti christ. Jesus is risen. He did not fail or his name would not be alive in the body of the Church. Truly I say unto you, you were never a part of us.
Arrogance will be the death of you. Thinking you are wiser than God. The same fate awaits you as it does the poor man. The word of God proves true yet again in the prophecy of Isaiah. Matt 13:14
because "hex" means six, it is a six pointed star.
Why cast pearls among swine? Or sow seeds in a place where it bears no fruit.
The wiki link on flower of life seems to only mention that it has been found in historic locations. No reference to texts saying anything about it. Do you know of some?
Explain how it isn't? Or why it wasn't a Jewish symbol before 1100ad? Or why it literally represents Saturn in older cultures.
>new age symbolism now means what I want instead of what its ment for hundreds of years
Lol Kill your self honey
no one really explains it ever.
But it always been present as a symbol in history (just google pic, "flower of life" archaeology) . It is ussualy encircled in 2 circles like in pic. and as far as i know some archeological evidence even dates 8-10 thousand years BC
but this is its accurate shape
>the tree of life part without proper original association with flower of life might be reaching. As any pattern/shape can be made within flower of life symbol.
It is derived from flower of life, not noticed in it.
Osirian temple in egypt (pic provided
It's the Star of David.
A symbol of Israels favourite king
>Jesus is risen
Accounts even within the bible are inconsistent on this.
>He did not fail or his name would not be alive in the body of the Church.
The church established by Jesus does not exist. It split into Orthodox-Catholic during the great schism. Then was fractured further with protestant reformation. Even further with Mormon/Jehovah witness.
>Thinking you're wiser than God
No I am saying man tends to twist/warp information through time and lose the original meaning.
because it is kinda kept as Mystical secret.
>hundreds of years
it just may be that you know nothing about it? could it be?
>Because it is kinda kept as a mystical secret
If there is no text or reliable source for interpretations. Then there isn't much we can accurately interpret the symbol as. Other then it historically having some appeal/purpose/meaning, which is now lost to us. This is sad, but it is true for a lot of information lost over time
the symbol it self is basic, and wide used, from vedic tradition all the way to slavic one (like in pic provided; one of the most sacred slavic symbols "kolovrt aka svastika'). asking for "reliable source" is kinda silly, they all are reliable, cos it is all about interpretation. It simply has always been among us.
new age mythology adopted this symbol heavily they explain it thoroughly. and they are not wrong about it.
I however like to look at it trough Platonic eyes. If you are familiar with platonic idea of "realm of perfect forms". and the math of it is amassing.
>in the prophecy of Isaiah
I will add even the concept of "Virgin Mary" is not accurate. Same word used for "Virgin" is used to mean 'young maiden'. The prophecy and other accounts are saying the mother, and that Mary, is young, a young girl. Not that she is literally a virgin giving birth. Jesus had many siblings, such as his brother James, that the bible mentions. Entire modern day church doctrine is a bunch of nonsense
from my folder entitled 'really kooky shit'
Zevi adopted it, originally nothing jewish about it.
this pic has it almost all
>Slavic sun wheel
Yes I tried previously to read of Slavic beliefs but it seems only some historical images or totems mostly exist.
>asking for "reliable source" is kinda silly, they all are reliable, cos it is all about interpretation
I disagree about it being silly, if we say x symbol means y. Then whose interpretation is this? Is it repatriation of ancients who used the symbol? Is it interpretation of archaeologist who found it? Is it interpretation of us who saw it online and attributed it to it?
>new age mythology adopted this symbol heavily they explain it thoroughly
That I know of practically no primary source exists for original European Paganism. I know of some texts found now kept in some Museum, think one is in Czech Museum. But otherwise it's mostly guess work. Vedas speak of whiteskin conquerors who established the caste system and implemented their beliefs. So closest to original ideology of whites may be found in Vedas.
>I however like to look at it trough Platonic eyes
>the math of it is amassing.
I can't disagree there user
I personally belief every religion/belief system is like a single puzzle piece. If we can somehow put them all together, we may see a larger picture then we know by looking at each. From what I've found every religion was established as a sort of guideline for societal success. I believe this world was created, but that it is a test.
>I believe this world was created, but that it is a test
here have some original content
Thanks for the attachment user, interesting
Something to add - even things like 'time' and 'light' are not solid things. They are not consistent, both have physical properties, but their value is not equal across all areas/circumstances
I think of 'spirit world' as one who can view our world but is outside of it. Sort of like second dimension is outside this third dimension, but we can view it. Spirit world would be like a fourth dimension, which created and now views this one. I think of it like we're in a lab, our world is a petri dish on the counter. All of the souls of this world within vessels are individuals who also exist in this higher world and send apart of themselves here. To experience it, when our vessel dies the portion of themselves sometimes returns. Sometimes it stays due to disconnection and becomes what we call 'ghost'
Oi vey
The sun itself is much like that on a microscope, it's used both to observe our world and influence it. Whatever the ideology of this world is, the natural laws of that ideology, I have come to know that it would be the exact opposite of egalitarianism. Egalitarianism being what we follow when we disregard the original guidelines set fourth in every major religion. We have the information and means to pass the test, but for some reason we keep screwing it up and destroying ourselves.