Public sector pensions

We're HEROES Sup Forums. We're the police, firefighters, teachers, and city workers. We DESERVE that pension, its your job to fund my lifestyle for the rest of my years.

See these people. These people are the reason why states like Illinois and Kentucky are going bankrupt. American bootlickers really see these people as "heroes" who deserve a tribute of taxpayer funded pensions for the rest of their lives. Pensions in excess of $100k a year. These public sector pensions and unions are the real reason for city and state bankruptcies. Stop licking their boots and get angry.

Other urls found in this thread: Scales Library/PS_Sec_15.pdf


>the opposite of paying tax

You're all thieves.

OP doesn't comprehend "competition," just "getting angry."

Maybe OP is an incompetent person.

Public sector pensions aren't meant to be funded by taxes. Public sector pensions are funded by the the public employees themselves. A portion of their salaries are taken and put into a fund. The problem is when the govt uses those funds to fund social programs and other flights of fancy of the govenor or mayor


Illinois is going bankrupt because they've been one of the most corrupt states in the union for over 100 years without a proper judicial check against their political machines.

Kentucky is bankrupt because they won't raise taxes to the level necessary to fund a state government.

There are almost no stable middle class jobs left and you're proposing that we kill what we have.

Exactly this.

No, those states are going bankrupt because they cut revenue fro big business while not cutting spending.

But maybe I am wrong, maybe you're not just talking out of your ass.
Go ahead and show us the state budgets and make your case.

If you're not just spewing feelings all over the place, of course. Please proceed.

>We're MASONS Sup Forums
Fixed that for you.

All of these should be replaced by unpaid volunteers

Volunteer Militias
Volunteer Sheriffs Deputies/Gendarmerie/Constables
We already have volunteer firefighters
One of the most Jewish professions currently with (((billing and coding))) and (((6-figure salaries))), they should be volunteers as well

> social programs and other flights of fancy of the govenor or mayor

The governors and mayors guarantee these pension funds. The actuaries of these funds have modeled these funds around higher interest rates and higher stock market gains. Since they can't achieve these gains, they dip into the taxpayers to do it.

The taxpayers are the ones paying the high wages of local employees through property taxes- they are ultimately the ones who pay the pensions too.

Lets see the state budgets, show us exactly how those pension are bankrupting those states, like you said. You made the claim, if you're not just assuming your feelings to be true, then surely you can prove it.

The govenors and mayors had to guarantee these funds otherwise the unions would never agree to let them use those funds. And saying the tax payers ultimately pay for the pensions because they pay their salaries is like saying I pay for the gas company worker's pension because I use their service

Every hero has an accountant who must make financial decisions.

The two roles are different for a reason.

>The city’s general fund payments for pensions and retiree healthcare reached $1.04 billion last year, eating up more than 20% of operating revenue — compared with less than 5% in 2002.

L.A.’s vaunted pension reforms have not cut the city’s pension costs; at best, they have modestly slowed their rate of growth. Since the changes took effect, general fund contributions to the retirement system have grown an average of $66.6 million a year — roughly twice as fast as all other spending controlled by the mayor and City Council.

Articles like this are everywhere. Los Angeles's pensions are eating up 20% of their operating revenue.

This video sums up Illinois's pension crisis.

Sup Forums seems to be very against socialism for the poor. But very for socialism for the wealthy. These public sector pensions are living off of socialism and expect you the taxpayer to fund their socialist lifestyles. We can't support socialism for firefighters and police just because they are "heroes."

mfw I'm getting a pension when I retire.

the public sector pension system is driving California right off the cliff, economically


what is it with the yanks falling for the hero meme

these are just people, like all grouped peoples a lot of them will be total cunts and negligent in their duties

Its not socialism because these public sector employees pay into their pensions. A portion of their salary goes into the pension fund. Its their money they earned working. If the city or state would leave that money alone there would be no need to use tax payer funds

They are just regular people, but so many Americans grow up with this fantasy of seeing firemen, cops, teachers, doctors, and military as "heroes."

Its disgusting, American taxpayers put up with high taxes to support these people and their lifelong pensions. Americans are willing to sacrifice their own cities and children's futures just to support the high salaries and pensions of these people. And don't you dare criticize the high salaries and pensions of these people- that's un-patriotic.

in other words unions are cancer if a single tax dollar is involved

I wonder how many public sector pensioners are women

How can anyone be stupid enough to believe volunteers would be capable of doing any of these jobs? Did you think about it for even a second?

no you're right lets just keep raising taxes to infinity

Exactly, because those are the only two options, volunteer public services or INFINITE taxes. You dumb fuck. You think a volunteer military would have won WW2? You think a volunteer police department could effectively police a city of $8 million? You think a volunteer can perform heart surgery?

>Provide 2/10 service to the public, because you can literally not be fired and have a safe income for life paid by those you provide 2/10 service
>Expect 40 years of monthly payment by the tax payer for providing 2/10 service for 30 years
Boomers, kill em all

So if we had less firefighter there would be more fires.

That does not show how pensions are bankrupting the state.

Do you not understand what I am asking? I am asking you to back up your claims, not to explain to me that pensions exist and the expense increases.

States have more spending then just pensions, and they have revenue too.

Now go ahead and lets see how pensions are bankrupting the states, stop trying to muddy the waters with dance routines.

>Nurses and Doctors being public sector employees

I don’t think you know what public sector means.

You don't understand public service pensions AT ALL.

They don't get $100k pensions.
they get a percentage of their paycheck based upon years of service.

It WAS 2% at 55 years, with the option to extend it to 2.5% at 62.
Now it's 2% at 60, with the option to get 2.25% at 67.

It is based on the average salary you had in the last 2 years of service.

This means to make 100% of your pay, you'd need to have worked every year of your life since age 23 and not retire until 67.
You also pay 10% of your paycheck into the retirement fund, which the pension program is SUPPOSED to use to invest and mature it.

Most public employees retire with 30-35 years of service, and unless you're upper management, you're only making 90k a year before taxes and "benefits" (around 30-40% of your pay is taken in taxes and benefits fees).

Here's a list of public service jobs in California, the richest state in the union: Scales Library/PS_Sec_15.pdf

Everyone makes about 40% less than private sector.

The only positive thing about it is that you can't be fired without a good reason, and you can't be punished for taking legit sick days.

According to this, they're actually running at an 18% profit.

Well maybe this is the case in the US but it is not in much of Europe where local government can be putting up to half of tax revenues directly into defined benefit (final salary) pensions.

And these people are not fucking heroes. They have it easier than private sector, low stress jobs, and anyone else in the working economy is as "essential" as them.

nigger, pay up or I won't tell you shit about the weather
>t. public employee

Doppler RADAR ain't cheap, bitch.
You develop a satellite, launch it into LEO, and train people to use it to monitor weather patterns if you think you can do it better and cheaper.

Besides, your state taxes are probably low as fuck.

All those workers contributed to a pension fund, it was the job of the employer to wisely invest those funds to earn money to pay the obligation of the pension in time.
More or less every pension obligation vastly under performs even risk adverse investment managed funds.

Don't blame workers for giving government trillions in low cost loans and now those government have to pay the pension fund balance.

>Volunteer Militias
Nothing like giving unpaid part time militia billion dollar aircraft and ships. Nuclear missiles? Just come on in and take a shift after your half day at Burger King.
>Volunteer Sheriffs Deputies/Gendarmerie/Constables
Incompetence and poor training are already the primary cause of police screwups, lets exacerbate that problem with only part time unpaid LEOs.
>We already have volunteer firefighters
As supplements to trained professional firefighters that are on the call all the time. Reaction time for fire service is critical to protecting property and saving lives.
>One of the most Jewish professions currently with (((billing and coding))) and (((6-figure salaries))), they should be volunteers as well
They should be paid, but the AMA should be ended replaced with a simple state test to see who gets to be a doctor.

Military is going to 401k plan. No more pensions