Regardless of how much you like or dislike this guy, you have to admit that this is fucking hilarious

Regardless of how much you like or dislike this guy, you have to admit that this is fucking hilarious.

Other urls found in this thread:

Milo is gay?

>this guy

gr8 b8 m88

Are you serious?

When Milo eventually gets his face bashed in by antifa thugs, I hope all shill reporters like her get recognized as the accessories to murder they are and lose their jobs.

We're getting closer to that day but it's still a ways off. They'll never be held to account properly but they will be out of jobs. Hopefully many lose their minds and radicalize so we can put them down.

haha no
they will celebrate all the way to their rope necklaces, such is the fate of useful idiots

he went superfaggot on her

will rel8 to k8 at our l8 d8 at 8. let's collabor8 m8, don't hesit8 to rel8.

But the media thrive on scandals so that's precisely what they want.

How many of your moms do I have to fuck for you guys to stop calling me a faggot?


Watched it all. Thanks for posting. I know many people here hate this guy because of his personal life but he does stand for almost everything we stand for so we need to keep him as an ally. He wants a better future.

top kek

i wonder if they would have lynched him in the berkeley chimpout

it would be funny if he didn't actually suck black dicks.

Pretty sure she is my man

I still find it funny how the left thinks they're in a position to question a gay mans opinion when they're one of their pet protected classes. The rampant hypocrisy gets tiring.


is that faggot wearing a fur coat?

You cannot do anything to please truly insane leftists. SJWs are a fucking plague that destroy everything, even their own movement.

Wait, /ourjew?

Do you not all hate us? Because every Jew I ever met was as far left as one can be without actually killing people. They all try to talk me out of having kids and feel the need to pull me aside at some point to have the same conversations with me about that stuff. It's scary, it's like a mafia is all around us that wants us to die.

Never thought I'd see an Israeli flag say something like this.

He can be an asshole, but I really appreciate his forwardness and conviction

A redpilled faggot is still a faggot.


He's not redpilled at all.

Except for what matters.
Degeneracy and race.

but faggots can't be redpilled, are you a faggot?

wtf i love mass muslim migration now

>lol i'm not a nazi cuz i suc a lot of BBC
That fucking fag use the same kind of rhetoric when niggers tells they can't be racist because they are black

I genuinely don't care if an adult wants to be a faggot in their own home as long as he's not pushing it on children. In a more right-wing world, I'd be against him acting like he does as a public figure but I don't think he'd be as flamboyant in such a scenario. As far as race, you've got a point but that's not a battle we need him to help us fight anyways. Once people realize that whites exclusively uphold liberty and the associated values, they'll naturally respect themselves and their people again. It's a shift that comes with the other ideas he's pushing naturally. He probably knows this too.


>support Israel goy, Israel is our greatest ally
>only oppose muslims because they're mean to fags
>nothing screams "redpilled" more than being a Jew faggot who brags about sucking nigger cock
The only redpilled thing about him is hating feminists.

Dude is too pretty not to be.

At least he isn't a leftist.

>what is the foot-in-the-door
go throw some roman salutes for buzzfeed cameras at FBI rallies you autistic fag

you faggots don't have to like milo to appreciate what he does. his very existence is an embodiment of everything the left wants to eradicate. think how much it means to have a jewish gay dude blowing the lefts shithole narrative out their ass just by being a thing.

Cuh ringe


Gay pedo Jew.

Hates SJWs.


I'll take 'him'.

so what does "redpilled" mean to you?
because it seems whats redpilled is different from person to person

He's literally leftist or at best neocon in every issue except feminists and trannies. Still gets labeled a nazi because the far left is completely detached from reality.

lol an ugly jew with a bunch of self admitted plastic operations plus dentures . also fuck off meme flag jew


You nailed it, ancap friendo. They'll never be held to account, he says - who would say that? Sounds like someone who needs to be held to account.

I don't think so

If you submit to a nigger like that then you're worth less than a nigger. And as we all know niggers aren't even human, so what does that make him?

You don't get it do you.
Israel is an ethnostate.
Minorities have no rights there.
The Gaza Strip is a concentration camp.

Jews are only race baiting, society killing cucks when they are minorities. When they are the majority they make sure to give immigrants from Africa birth control and bomb Palestine.

The only difference between milo and your average trumpcuck is that milo is very open about his love for other men and cock.

>Milo sitting with a gigantic fur jacket spouting off quirky insults with an English accent
>Milo channeling his fag-rage from being molested as a child to go scorched earth on The Hill

Hhahahahahaha that fucking reporter

A sub-animaloid.

Yes. Super happy.