If you voted for drumpf you voted for school cuts, the kids aren't receiving enough funding and these are the results:


We need more money for programs to tackle institutional racism and injustices in the school system. It's unacceptable that in 2017 we still need to make it clear that school funding is fundamental in a diverse society.

Schools are getting blacker and browner, get over it. We need the tools to inherit what racist whites are leaving us; the old ones have always been there to accommodate white people's needs. We need a newer school system because racist whites have made it inaccessible for us People of Color.


Other urls found in this thread:


>booker t. niggerton middle school
>reviews trying to puff up their failing school
>My school is greater then people think. Teacher listing to what parents say to help them teach better
really made me think

>Big differences may suggest that some student group are not getting the support they need to succeed

We need funding because white people made it impossible for PoC to succeed.

There's never been a correlation between higher spending on education and improved performance, you can look at studies from quite literally all over the world and they all show the same thing: leftists are retards who think the system is oppressing everyone because people aren't equally represented in the ways the left want


Magnet schools receive additional funding, and look at the results:


You're just prejudiced against black people.

No matter how much money you throw at public schools, they will ALWAYS ask for me.

MORE is never enough.

Tossing public money at the school system isn't the solution. When the students take their tests, they prove this.

Please explain this


Do you go to bed and picture white people haunting your home too?
Ooga booga nigger get over it, blame white people for whatever you like but you niggers were commiting cannibalism, enslaving one another and ritualistically (see: we need a war every year) before whites came along. Go star in a porno ya cunt

ritualistically killing one another*

You didn't answer my request.

Naw, i did one better. We dont need to waste resources on blacks, blacks need to stop being the biggoted self entitled tumors that many of them are.

Is it wrong that I instinctively read it as "Need mo money fo dem programs"?

Magnet schools don't do better because of additional funding. Magnet schools do better because they get placed in shitty schools, in an effort to draw better students into schools that would otherwise have their assholes ripped open due to consistently awful test scores. Hence the term 'Magnet school', they attract students.

t. Magnet School student

proud of you

Kek, I remember when libs were freaking out about charter schools in New Orleans and were trying to paint them as racist and not even as good as public schools.

Of course, the most of the differences only came out to a few percentage points. Of course, none of the libs parroting the studies ever mention that public schools spent DOUBLE the amount of money charter schools were spending per student.


Then the theory about black students being intrinsically worse is invalid. That school is 77% black and they're doing better than whites there.

Niggers don't utilize education as well as whites.
Have you seen any in a class? Throwing pencils like chimps....

>Voted for school cuts
Got me there, the public school system does nothing but push agenda and swoon over athletes and how ethnically diverse they are.
>The kids aren't receiving enough funding
Who's kids, yours? The entire state-sponsored welfare system can't provide enough funding for your kids.
>It is unacceptable that in current year
I whole-heatedly agree that is unacceptable that we cannot understand that there is no correlation to high amounts of funding and state test scores. See >Schools are getting blacker and browner
And as such the scores are dropping because niggers literally do not have the same mental capacities as Asians and Caucasians.
>We need this, we need that
Just like every other nigger, there is always something you need from the white man because you cannot create or adapt your own systems because of the above point.
>Black Lives Matter
No more than any other lives, the fact that you seek to elevate yourself above all other races tells us more than your words ever can. Your entire movement is based around niggers not being held accountable for their actions.

>Apologize right now
I'm sorry that you're a nigger and will never be anything more than a nigger.

I don't have sauce but I'm sure it's easily found, America spends I believe the most money per student in the world. Either that or we're second or third. Money spent on education is NOT the issue, shitty standardized education created by rich fuckers who want us to stay dumb worker drones is the issue. And it will never be solved.

Nice racist reply, cumskin. I'm appalled at the bigotry and prejudice you're showing, maybe you should get out and see how real life works.

Indians do just fine, I don't understand your reasoning.

Has it ever occurred to you that racism stems from how the real world works? When I see white men and women owning successful businesses and hiring workers, when I see two niglets beating on a white child, when I see Tyrone peddling dope on the street corner, are you going to tell me that that isn't how the world works?
I have known black men and women, that conduct themselves with civility and a sense of pride, they are not the niggers that burn down abandoned buildings and swap illegal firearms and wage turf wars. Stereotypes exist because of a reason, Asian exchange students tend to be good at math, Jews tend to be good with money, blacks tend to be violent thugs with low intelligence.

Says the woman posting arguments with 12 year olds in a north eastern pacific islanders guro/pokemon gold fan fiction site

Indians are wannabe whites because of internalized racism.

It sounds to me like you're generalizing and seeing good PoC with racist lenses. Low intelligence is only a prejudice coming from white standartdized testing.

How do you know I'm a woman?

You talk like one

And it sounds to me like you're excusing all the wrongs of a race and culture in favor of cherry picking that one good example. Walk through a poor black neighborhood in nice clothing and then (if you're still living or still have anything of that ensemble or your wallet) do the same thing in a poor white neighborhood. If I'm generalizing then why:
> Are 90% of black homicide victims killed by other blacks.
> Why do blacks make up the majority of violent crimes?
> Why do most black youths have a criminal record before graduating.
> Why do most black youths not pursue higher education?
I would state verifiable statistics for those questions but I can't be bothered to look up nigger failures for that long.

We know you're a woman from how you type and how you excuse everything as not their fault and saying PoC instead of nigger, black guy, blackie, etc., that or you're a faggot who likes catching (could also be a cuck, jury's still out on that one).

there's always basketball

Money has very little to do with school/student success.

>If you voted for drumpf you voted for school cuts, the kids aren't receiving enough funding and these are the results:
And some people claim that voting for Trump was a poor decision.

>Mo money fo dem programs!

So now being polite means I'm a woman or a "faggot". You're no worse than the people you accuse.

Black folks are good at it.

"...you voted for school cuts, the kids aren't receiving enough funding and these are the results:"

The kids are getting enough money, it just isn't being spent wisely.

Also ,, 'muh kommen kore!'

"We need more money for programs to tackle institutional racism and injustices in the school system."
Quit being an undereducated shill.

Niggers learning? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA They don't do that, it's wyte.

My high school was small, poor, rural, and didn't have a lot of the books and materials we needed because all the money went to big city schools.

We outscored virtually every public school in the province on standardized tests and were only outdone by a few select private schools.

I don't have to tell you what our demographics were.

This reply is pure evil. You deny that there's millions of black folks that achieve great results with proper funding and post a horribly racist cartoon.

poorly executed satire?? can't tell.

Public schools for shitskins are funded by theft from Americans.

I'm as serious as they come

Fuck it cunt, the world ended Saturday anyway.

Kids should be in homeschool until the liberal public school indoctrination stops

How so?

indoctrination centers for the jew, the pivotal point of zog's supremacy through mkultra. the sooner the education ministry falls and the nuclear family with the mother homeschooling the children is restored, the better
(((schools))) are another way that taxation today is effectively theft, except worse because they literally rape your kids

fucking idiot spreading lies


Isn't school funding a state thing?

>the kids aren't receiving enough funding

You can't buy off nigger genetics.

Also I've found it wise to be very suspicious of everybody who uses the "it's for the children" emotional appeal. They're usually very sick people.

Defend this you stupid fuck. Baltimore city schools are WORST performing, while being 2d most highly funded in all of Maryland. I know facts are harder than emotions, but at least try.

Fuck off Tyrone Sanchez the civic nationalist board is on plebbit we hate you niggers here.

ok drop me some redpills i can teach to my son the school said boys are supposed to like cocks help

This one shows the effect of increasing spending on test scores-- no statistically significant effect.

So in conclusion, regardless of what your wife's son says, more money is not going to make him any smarter.

maybe the district should stop jewing the system and letting niggers ruin everything

Coal burners are a blight on our society.

>public schools getting browner
>schools do worse than ever before

yeah, its totally Trump's fault


This reply is evil, you deny that there are millions of niggers that don't learn shit and are nothing but a drain on every system known to man. You deny that the federal education system has systematically dumbed down education to try and help niggers learn and all they have done is hurt the poor children who would have been an actual asset to society with better educational opportunities.

public school is pointless anyway

>american computer science education

good to know. so how much money do you need to read a book?

sue the school, take your kid out of it and homeschool him, god dammit

God, that just makes me sad. I understand why my grandfather stopped teaching when they started bussing blacks in.

Good. Fuck you and your globalist homogenous society