Sup Forums's thoughts on Nanatsu no Taizai? (Seven Deadly Sins)

Sup Forums's thoughts on Nanatsu no Taizai? (Seven Deadly Sins)

fuck off

Wanna bang that pigtailed girl.

This is some kind of shonen shit right?

Sawano and his copy-paste music now in a shounen series.

lowest tier shounen shit, but I want to hug ban

The faces annoy the hell out of me for some reason.

It's ok but not as good as the authors other work, Kongoh Banchou which is one of my favourite series of the last decade

Fairy Tail's ugly cousin

Its a shit show that only got ''popular'' because retards who use netflix to watch anime spam it everywhere.

Basically nurutu 2.0

It's way fucking better than Fairy Tail.

It was good just like Attack on titan and SAO.

copy of toriyama with even shit mannerisms added, who was already an overused old fuck in the 90s

On that note, the fucker couldn't even come up with a creative design for MC, its pretty much just Gouriki Banchou but in different clothes and without the hairpin and they're a boy


Fairy tail ripoff

>It was good just like Attack on titan and SAO
How old are you ?

Only shounen I've read and enjoyed after 6 years. Somehow it manages to make shounen tropes good.

It's in the top 5 ongoing shounen. Think of early Dragon Ball with clear plans for the plot.

My thought is that you should read the manga instead.

Ft rip off sure, but better, FT has fully jumped the shark

current Taizai arc is interesting

psst. Melo, is no longer MC

OP here so I've concluded the following after what everyone has said
>Its shit like Fairy Tail
>Manga is better
>People wanna bang the chick with pig tails.
Thanks Sup Forums not watching it.

Literally how? Taizai is what Fairy Tail should have been.


More like a Rave Master rip-off

It's nothing like FT though. Watch the first three episode and develop your own opinion. The other two conclusions are right.

I actually have seen the first 3 eps but I find it meh, I now understand that it isn't like FT.

Manga is better.

Been following manga and I dropped anime after a few episodes.

Netflixonlyfag shounenshit

If your talking about me (OP) and assume that I'm asking about this show because its on Netflix then your wrong I found it on take a look at

Nah, it feels like most people that hail this as a great shonen only seem to watch whatever is on netflix. Taking this from real life experience.

You already know it's shit so just let your thread die.
This series has posters like Macfags.
>We eat shit but please give us attention and become a dipshit too

Then why does everyone says the manga is better than the anime if they just watch it on netflix?

Ah I see yeah some friend of mine (who has netflix) told me to watch it. But I hate Netflix's subtitles so I never check the anime section on there.

Yep /thread

The anime's shit, but the manga's great. Probably one of the better ongoing shounen.

That said, it takes 10-20 chapters to get into and the first 100 chapters are basically a prologue for everything that happens afterwards.

>100 = Prologue
Yeah not wasting my time on that. I'd rather read something that is interesting/engaging early on, anything that takes more than 10-25 chapters to get my interest then it isn't worth my time.

its like if Fairy Tail was actually good

The plot isn't really the strong point, it's everything else. Characters, art, action, etc.

I'll extend my rule to 35-60 for this and give it a go I suppose. (After all I did end up watching all of One Piece so this shouldn't be too hard)

It's not a prologue, it's the first part of a three part story. You could say all of NnT is the prologue for the Arthur spin-off.

Too obvious that there wasn't any real thought or consistency to people's abilities nor any baseline for things, and that instead the heroes would simply always just be able to soldier through until finally pulling somethign from their asses to win. Rinse, repeated ad nauseam.


>yfw you realize best girl is a dude.

>lowest tier shounen shit
This isn't a Fairy Tail/Hundred thread.

Seven Deadly Sins is decent for shonen standards.

The pilot chapter was better

Meliodas was beta in it. The pilot chapter was horrible.

I preferred when he and Elizabeth weren't cookie-cutter shonen stereotypes.

But that's what they were in the pilot.

I still have no idea why they thought adding power levels would be a great idea. Those ambiguous descriptions of levelled a whole country, is grim dark, fought in that war ages ago, carries a fuck huge weapon feel way better just because they don't directly result in x beating y because x's number is bigger.

>directly result in x beating y because x's number is bigger.
In NnT a bigger powerlevel means nothing. Just look at how easily half the Plaides defeated Fraudrin, or how Gowther tricked Galan, or how Ban killed Mera. Supports are OP and skills > powerlevels.

I like it, the current enemies are awesome.

Then I guess I prefer those personalities to generic aloof-yet-perverted hero and timid falls-in-love-in-the-first-chapter damsel


>timid falls-in-love-in-the-first-chapter damsel
But her love is reincarnation type

It's in a weird place for me. I know it's terrible shit where they just go through powerup after powerup to beat the new bad guys, but I can't stop reading it either.

in my top 3 for currently running shonen, but that's based mostly off the manga and not the anime adaptation.

I like it enough to put up with the hate on Sup Forums at least.

It's fun, characters are all stupidly overpowered, moves insanely fast and Diane is a miracle of the universe.

>dat recent King x Diane doujin.

Anime wasn't amazing, colours were fucked up, shit budget, skipped too much. Read manga instead for pen and ink goodness

You can only pick one

Wonder if the 4 ep mini series is them stalling for the current arc to get finished or for to build hype for a movie.

They've probably hit a good (if frustrating) stopping point for the next series in the manga

I want to have Diane slowly fall in love with me and then be really disappointed when we have sex.

I want Diane to step on me.