Can someone redpill me on, as a proud White Nationalist, why the Jews are such a threat? Trying to explain this to a friend but don't have the words for it.
Can someone redpill me on, as a proud White Nationalist, why the Jews are such a threat...
Other urls found in this thread:
There are no such thing as white "nationalists"
Here you go, CNN.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
red pill thread
Thank you, saved.
Whites and north east asians have a high intellect, the same goes for white jews, and thus, whites and north east asians can see through their usery - eventually. This explains why the jews were kicked out of 150+ nations throughout history, thus, it is an imperetive that they dispose of the white and asian races, so that they can capitalize on the low intellect of brown and black races. Further, a Divided group of peoples are far easier to control than large monolithic power blocks who are aware of the jewish scheme.
This is not some overarching theory, but rather a rule applied to jewish leadership (media, finance, politics) not the everyday jew. It is assumed that the reason jews act this way is due to genetics. For some reason their genes find parasiting off other socieites the only way to prosper and ensure their survivabiltiy.
I think you'll find these quite useful.
Jews aren't a threat. They are weak and cravenly compared to Huwhite men. Their only advantage is that they are prone to all manner of trickery
So, they are trying to help humanity reach the next level of its evolution and rid the world of the vices of tribalism and xenophobia that hold us back, so we can finally get to colonizing space.
What's the problem here again?
the jews are no threat, lower your guard goy...
nothing bad will happen
sage kike threads that pollute the board
die kike
Because while jews are pretty average on all standards, they are an international mafia.
They support each other and spread division with skill.
They have no real country (nuke israel wouldnt change anything ) but are everywhere.
They invested in what matters : banks, medias, entertainment, law firms, criminal groups and military industry and have high leverage on everything that matter.
They infiltrate your mind, own your bank account and your government, the gangs who deal the drugs you consume and the weapon factories.
They are everywhere, yet nowhere.
They pit you against niggers they imported and trained to hate you.
They are the best atm, but use their skillz for the worst.
no kike thread
your base has been compromised americlap, there's nowhere you can run!
>Can someone redpill me on, as a proud White Nationalist, why the Jews are such a threat? Trying to explain this to a friend but don't have the words for it.
They aren't. Their culture however is one of strive for excellence and power and all the failures are efficiently removed via a mechanism of controlled "holocausting", so only the best survive.
So jews rule the world, because jews _are_ superior and if you want to beat them, you need to do what they do.
game over
Okay Muhammad.
>1 post by this ID
Starting to suspect these are actually slide threads.
t. kike
No matter, they serve as great oportunities to 'redpill'
>admitting to being a pawn in someone else's war
I hope nordbot tracks you down and archives you harder than an article from salon.
>Thanks for the warning greatest allie.
Jews are not a threat but white people are. Pic related.
JEW detected
Jews are the smartest race on the planet and thus whites are threatened because they dont like being brainlets. Jealousy
That child is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen
Stop being racist!!!
I would never envy those creatures.
You call them 'intelligent' but their success arives from The exploitation and corruption from the 'host' civilisation. Truly jews Re like a virus
Now back to dumping my JEW folder which i have only posted a tiny fraction of so far
just fuck my genetics up senpai
Thats it from me. I have much much more but there is no time. If you feel any outrage when reading these images then please save them and repost them at any oportunity
last two were thumbnails. seriously please post the full sizes I'm 18 and just started Uni (got a scholarship) and someone told me to look at Sup Forums and I can't believe what I'm seeing. Seriously why do all these Jewish people say they are white and then hate on white people? The hide their Jewishness so well. Fuck how much time have I wasted watching Bill Maher? And why aren't you guys doing something in the real world about this subversion?? Why nobody knows about this??!
Sorry mate i just saved the pics others posted on these threads
Good to see that someones eyes can be opened just with a few pics
Gtg now tho
Welcome to the club, we have a lot of work to do user. Lurk moar and make yourself stronger, more articulate, a strong debater. Defend your ideas, speak the truth and be productive in your life. Take the control away from these filthy Jews.
Jews are just a lot smarter
T. Somali
I've never seen proper proof of the Holocaust.
The Red Cross numbers don't add up to more than a million, no matter how you calculate it.
So many logistical nightmares to try to run a death camp as claimed.
To date, I've never seen aerial photos of concentration camps in action.
However, a bunch of Holocaust survivors have been proven to be a fraud with their books.
Even Anne Frank's diary is riddled with peculiarities.
Just remember Voltaire said the people who rule over you are the people you can't criticize.
Ever criticize a Jewish person? It's always shutdown with a slew of "anti-semite" name calling.
With so many oddities, it stops seeming like a coincidence after a while.
So I won't say it is only Jews, but the international cartel definitely has many Jews in it.
>Anne Frank's diary is riddled with peculiarities.
You have a redpill on this? I remember reading somewhere that the original diary had parts with different writing that were added on by her father to make it propaganda
There not a threat they are a scapegoat so you can hide from your own failure
Shit image. Gives no context. For all we know, there were 20 times more slave ships with more significance. Can't find any of that shit on Wikipedia. If this is a true perspective, convey it fairly. Good propaganda is true propaganda.
Watch this video:
if you don't hate Jews by the end of it there's something wrong with you
I like this man. I would've rather studied more English back in school instead of Swedish.