How will anyone recover?
Pol and SJWs BTFO
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I'm pretty sure no successful black person was ever forced to stare into a camera and say he has no idea what blackness means in the last 100 years. We've officially jumped the shark.
America will legislate compulsory sodomy courses in kindergarten, I guess
You are correct my good user. It's just the opposite
Literally a CIA plant
pretty sure it means
A (doot)
Spoken like a man who went to all white schools and lived in all white neighborhoods. Whiteness isn't opt-in when you have to fight niggers every day for no better reason than because you're white.
Pretty sure he just BTFO every SJW anti white person.
I love coach pop. Fuck SJWs
One of the critical claims that social justice makes is that the ever-present malignant force of Whiteness is keeping a brotha down.
I hope this country gets so bad that people start killing faggots like this
So if whiteness doesn't exist then white privelige can't exist either
He's half serb half croat
It's unfortunate that this guy was trying to take a stand but he did it in the most pussy non-committal way possible "lol dude wut even r wites?"
Hallelujah I'm a boomer
And your hatred makes me sick
My mcmansions are lily white
While yours are racially mixed
Oh, it will get much worse.
anything that denies the existence of a white identity is ultimately going to benefit the "sjw"
that argument doesn't work, if you are white of skin you have privilege. also whiteness is a social construct, so "white" means whatever we want it to.
Fuck you whitey!
I think when people hate on whites, they are pretty factionally inaccurate. Was Croatia in the Americas conquering the native populations? What was Moldova doing during this time? If you know your history, you could point to England, Spain, and the other European countries and great empires of the past.
He is low key showing his power level. I know he is really great about recognizing all the important holidays for his team since it's made up of International players. Seems like a smart guy who knows a fair bit, also tends to dislike doing interviews anyway.
> Grow up in trailer park
> Methed out parents
> Joined military to pay for college
> Finished degree in three years
> Moved to new state to find a job
> Get told to chalk it up to white privelege
MFW I'm supposed to check my privilege of being white, while Lebron Dindu's children get all the perks of being a minority in todays America.
He's been in the NBA a little too long...
What he is saying is against SJWs you retards.
What does being born white mean? What is whiteness? SJWs are always throwing that shit around at people, accusing and chastising them for shit like that, and he's basically saying he has no idea what the fuck they're talking about and that they're full of shit.
The old man has gone senile