would they kick him out if they saw this?
should they?
should we show them?

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link here

This man should be forcefully sodomized
then summarily executed. Communist filth deserve nothing but death.

Nice digits

Maybe in the 80s.

>the army
not even once, they fuck everything up.

Probably not, but this will definitely hurt his career.

I don't think. Those aren't the 70's anymore

oh well, wat r u gonna do, communist will larp about this guy getting blowback, but he will keep his job and walk away a-ok

imagine if someone wrote 1488 on the inside of their cap

>This man should be forcefully sodomized
Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? You degenerate faggot.

I doubt communism is popular among US Army officers of higher rank than that guy. This is a terrible career move.

>West Point

>prior airborne infantry enlisted
nothing to see here, the guy is genuinely retarded


Yes, but yesterday the pubblic opinion was anti communist. Now all the media promote the libtard agenda. Anyway i hope he get fucked in the ass

Can somebody tell us what his badges are from?

High likelihood this guy's shit-posting. West Pointers are too fucking smart and patriotic to believe communism can work and are overall very funny people

looks like a kike to me

Why would i like that you dumb nigger. Its supposed to be humiliating torture.

It's probably a joke, but have fun getting fun vanned for doxing West Point.

combat infantry badge
parachutist badge
air assault badge

good get...
Is this real though, I mean no one can be that stupid right?

Either he is making a joke
big mismatch between mental attitude and career path



top is combat infantyman's badge, meaning he at least got shot at, middle is jump wings, showing he's airborne qualified, and I forget what the helicopter one is.
medals from left to right are: army achievement medal, good conduct medal (literally given out for not getting in trouble for 3 years), national defense service medal, afghnistan campaign medal with one star, so he went once, and colors are too small so I can't tell the last one there

he looks jewy

He will be NPJ'd or court marshalled under the UCMJ for disobeying a lawful order. In this case DoDD 1344.10.

Same happened to this guy.

He is gonna go far!
Behind a desk
review boards will love him

Airborne and then a combat infantry badge. Looks like he may have been an enlistee that was able to get into West Point after serving a few years.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Combat Infantry Badge
Air Assault

His medals are common ones you get just for showing up.

Literally a traitor.

>I'm going to photo bomb this picture with my believes.
>now everyone is a communist

Juvenile, would not respond.

>gets free college
>in return, has to go on welfare for 5 years

The only surprising thing is a west pointer being self-aware enough to realize he's a commie.

>supporting an ideology that killed million and is the antithesis to the entirety of the nation you signed up to defend

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Have they not read any literature from people who experienced first-hand what happened in the Soviet Union? I'm reading GUlag Archipelago right now, and anyone who wants to bring that sort of vile, inhuman destruction into fruition literally isn't a human being by any stretch of the definition.

This person is expressing dangerous ideology that will get people killed, and he's hailed for it! Just fucking end this entire planet before we spread our filth to the stars. End it all.

You are evil if you express any desire for Communism. You're fucking evil.

>Self-proclaimed commnunist
>Attends factory for imperialist capitalists

It absolutely isn't.
t. Army
Most people are either neutral about Trump or completely supportive of him and 99% are against Antifa and their bullshit. The good thing is that we don't even have to Dox this pleb. He'll get himself in trouble eventually by doing some dumb shit

t. guy with secret fetish of fucking men's asses

You guys realize West Point isn't some super secret military experiment you guys could probably find him on facebook

There was a series called 'Sandhurst' a few years ago by the BBC and it featured a female officer cadet who literally says real communism has never been tried.


the guy on the right looks like he's about to stand and piss down his own leg to affirm his dominance

This could literally indicate that he's working with a foreign persistent threat actor like China or North Korea. We do not have a communist government so saying they will win is advocating against the government he's sworn to protect.

He should be investigated and at best discharged/expelled.

Not me. Some of his "comrades"

Last one is Army Service Ribbon, awarded for graduating AIT.

Looks like prior enlisted with one tour, once they string this nigger up they should make sure to give him a haircut.

pretty young faggot to be a vet

>just graduated from the academy

Is this an american thing

>the absolute state of US military

thought it was ASR, but I'd never seen it in medal form so didn't stick with it


>NCO inspects his cover
>Sees this

What would happen?

>Combat Infantry Badge
How? You're supposed to be deployed and engage the enemy to be awarded the CIB right Armyfags?
t. Chairforce Vet

I was 18 when I was in afghanistan and 6 years later I still look like I'm in high school

>would they kick him out if they saw this?
>should they?
>should we show them?


Breaking a rule in the military doesn't automatically mean a court martial. He will most likely get NJP'd (or whatever version of it they have at WP). At most he will get kicked out or sent back to the Army and assigned a tedious POG job. If he has done more than 2 years at WP and gets kicked out, he will have to pay the government for wasting its time.

It's the only other ribbon he'd naturally own for being prior service. He's only been awarded the graduate AIT/deploy once/get deployment award medals.

>Hate capitalism and Imperialism
>join the US Army
I am quite speechless


He''s prior enlisted, see also the good conduct ribbon.

Free helicopter ride.

Quick execution is a mercy. Communists need to be slowly tortured over the course of months until they are begging for the sweet release of death.

The real question is why haven't you shown them this yet user?

Helicopter is Air Assault

Something is fishy. He has on a CIB, airborne and air assault wings. Now, although he has a CIB, I do not see his campaign medal for Iraq or Afghsnitan. So, something is fucked up.

did this faggot just doom his career?

Medals are Army Acheivement
Good Conduct
National Defense Service

Pretty much stuff you find at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box...


afghanistan campaign medal is second from the right

Kek has spoken, out the fuckin traitor.

Ah. I was always under the assumption that West Point would never take prior service because they were considered "contaminated". Everyone I know in both branches went OCS.

Yes, he will likely be booted out of West Point for this lack of judgment.

digits confirm. If any of you are legit vets, I appreciate your service despite not being a fellow American.
I hope this pinko gets taught a lesson.

>Guy has a fucking CIB, Air Assault wings, and Airborne wings
>Being this retarded

He's doing it wrong, you're supposed to use your right fist.

>graduate, not veteran


Combay infantry badge- At some point somebody shot at him and he possibly shot back.

Airborn Badge- He jumped out of an airplane at least 5 times

Air assualt badge - He learned how to tie knots, did a 12k ruckmarch, and learned how to slide down a rope

Army Achievement Medal - Probably an end of deployment award, generally everybody gets something.He pissed off his command or else he would have gotten an ARCOM

Good Conduct Medal- No DUI's for at least 3 years

Afghanistan Campaign Medal - He sat in the DFAC at Bagrum and tells everyone what a badass he was. I know because I do the same thing.

National Defense Medal- Participation Award

GWOT Medal- Participation award.

Certainly no Dakota Meyer here gentlemen.

When did we get state flags outside the flags script?

Based as fuck

>The good thing is that we don't even have to Dox this pleb. He'll get himself in trouble eventually by doing some dumb shit

Better expose him to be safe

You stupid wop-dago go pick up a fucking book.

communism is a virus, faggot

honestly, cannot tell if this is bait

It's not the GWOT medal, though I don't know why he isn't wearing the GWOT medal because it should still be issued.

Get em boys. Only good commie is a dead one

>tfw it's not even 12 and your colleagues are already LARPing and you're this close to telling the Sargent

Its also inevitable. Its how history works. Its a series of class struggles until the proletariat realize they are being exploited by capitalism

Oh yes, absolutely. Any leads?

Holy shit what a faggot
Dude is a full blown commie. Apparently "Views are my own, not DOD" lets you be as commie as you want in the US Army.

>you're this close to telling the Sargent

this looks fake, the twitter certainly is

There are 2 GWOT's.. Regular and Expedition. Expedition is for dudes who went to Kuwait and shit, sat at the pool at Arifjan and complained about PTSD. Expedition is the light blue one, dark blue is the participation award privates used to get after AIT.

Here, compare for yourself.


fuck your GIF. I was patient

The problem is with Communism is that its foundation is lying.

It's followers lie to themselves by saying every instance of communism wasn't "real" communism and they often lie or subvert about communism when they are shilling the concept to the public.

The whole system is a farce and its strongest supports can't face that truth.

Dio mio it's true at 25'17"
I'd make friends with lenin and tell him to stick to real marxism

kill yourself, quite honestly.

>That black dudes smile

:D I was going to do that, but decided on Richard-Bottom

everyone but him has a bit of a laughing smirk on their faces, either its a joke, or they think HE is the joke...

Yeah, that needs to be seen by the military before he becomes an officer.

The BLM, Kaepernick shit is trivial; but we can't tolerate commies. He's an obvious security risk.
