Whelp I'm not shopping at target anymore, it's gonna be to expensive.


Isn't Target already in freefall?

They discontinued their Merona lineup, which actually was a nice clothing choice

snowflake detected

everyday my state and its corporations disappoint me

>by 2020
until then they will restructure and cut a lot of workers, target stores for closure, etc..
way to win

>get 15 an hour
>close 15 months later
im not against a minimum wage increase but if we dont get our trade, taxes, jew problem sorted its not going to work.


we got em by the balls

>Target gets automation projection the news story

kek, the 15$ push is just speeding up the demise of unskilled labor.

>be boycotted for letting men in the girls room
>Double down and raise your labor expenses

Wew lad

I liked the converse brand better it was ran by john varvatos who is a super sleek designer

This. Turns out you can't make money just appear out of nowhere

>Shooping at tarshit

If they can afford it, why not?
Its not a small business that's for sure.
Anyone know this will fare with investors?

323,000 employees about to be reduced to 200,000 or less.

>by 2020

Half of the current workforce won't even be around by then.

>they'll be moved into the new tax bracket
>they'll be taxed even harder than they were before
>the take-home pay will end up being less than it was before the raise


Used to work for target, got Insta hired as a high school student to work in the back room. Got the entire backroom to myself because only other employees were Mexicans and too incompetent.

Took care of the pull requests within 30 minutes and just chilled the rest of the 8 hours riding the forklift around, not worth 15 dollars

Theyre just opening the already very wide door to service automation.

Do you remember how left always screech how corporations are always and only about profit?

Now tell me leftist cocksuckers, if the Target raise minimum to 15$, what has happened elsewhere that they aren't telling you? Go on, you always waffle about your superior education, so enlighten us.

You're a NEET, aren't you?

People - they are doing it to compete for workers, there is a serious drain of great workers at places like Costco and Target keeps losing their best workers, that is all this is, its not a fucking political statement. Its just capitalism at work.

Nigga do you know how tax brackets work?

>americans defending jews not paying people for what they do in their jobs

cuckservatives are a joke.

Hey. 8% in 5 years will totally mean they can bump their lowest wage group. If only that stacked up to basic inflation. But hey. Let em fuck themselves.

You think there would be articles about how the share holders are taking it, but i couldnt seem to dredge any up.

Because it's a business, not a charity

They tried to open target in Canada but went out of business before half of them were even built. Sad.

>never had a job 101

They Tried to break into Canada. Got pushed out in less then a year. They're doing terrible in the US too. Target is already on borrowed time so the wage boost is a drop in the bucket to them.

If they are waiting until 2020 to raise the salaries instead of just doing it now, it's because they will started to lay off employees and go full automatization.

The very few employes that make the cut are the ones who will be paid $15.

Gotta think like the jews to udnerstand this, user.

>Anyone know this will fare with investors?
Stock was fine, because they know whats going to happen.This will just push further automation.

These idiots just priced themselves out of the market. Every human being is now going to be viewed as an ongoing cost and they will do anything to reduce that exposure. Short term structural investments typically have an ROI horizon of 3-5 years. At 40K a year, 50 thousand employees, that's 2 billion dollars right there. You think they wont make a structural investment to eliminate that many people throughout the pipeline?

Target employees should be teenagers not 40 year olds with 3 kids begging for $20 an hour.

All their shit is going to be even more expensive now. I will shop at WalMart from now on, fuck Target.

Exactly. The free market will fix this liberal faggotry. No one will shop at target when everything goes up in price by 50%.

Inb4 323k employees turn into 100k

RIP target. Press S to spit on grave.

Good, I always use the self checkout any way.

Triple the amount of those and have a few people stocking shelves and you're fine.

>by 2020
I'm sure the handful of part-timers they'll have on staff by then will like it.

>tfw these things starts to pop up

they do pay them???

Stop bitching about this so much. That money is a drop in the bucket cobsidering how much they hoard in out of country tax havens.

$15 for a job that is meant for teenagers. lmao

whats your carreer? shelf stacking.


What are they going to do when investments are made and their shelf stacking jobs are replaced by robots. then they wont be laughing, they will be crying, i will be laughing... at them.

This, expect every Target full self-check outs and fully run by a part time skeleton crew

That reminds me I have to go shit on the floor at Target to protest their tranny bathrooms. Now some dumb faggot can get $15/hour to clean my shit

trips of truth, this is so obvious. 75% of cashier jobs will literally disappear in the next 5-10 years. it will change so fast people won't even notice. at walmart and grocery stores where i live, people already stand in line to do self checkout. the only people target will employ in the stores will be a few competent people who are able to efficiently stock the racks and the shelves, the security guys, and the cart boys as well as a few people to help customers

The one by my house looks like something out of Venezuela, in some aisles, for years now.

Worked at Target before. It was a fucking hellhole, even by retail standards. Holy FUCK. Consider homelessness over working there.

What this means
More layoffs, under staffing, higher prices, less hours worked.



i've also heard they suck to work for. they laid off a shit ton of people at corporate in minneapolis a few years back. the kicker was they kept some of them around for 6 weeks just to process all the lay offs, then told them to fuck off once that was done

Funny enough there is a McDonalds here promoting $10/hr starting and I go inside and they had computer stands where you would order from and about 3 people working in the back.

Rly mde me thnk

my target just installed self checkout lol

My grocery store was bought out by Safeway, and they removed all six self checkouts. Now checking out went from 1-2 minutes to 15-20... I wish they'd give us back self checkout so bad.

Ding ding ding, remember how there were those protests for 15$? And how McDonalds announced that they are forced to increase automatization due to it? The order for those auto kiosks took around two years to process. But don't let the progressive filth to be bothered by it.
European chain called Lidl also announced increase of wages across the board, by a substantial sum, so I naturally wondered what isgoing on behind the curtains, and sure enough, the thing that they didn't announce is that they will cut down their workforce by a third.

Albertsons? Thank the shoplifters.

>TJ Kirk retweeted


It's a trotskyist method called a "transitional demand." It isn't meant to work. It's supposed to show how capitalism can't provide things like living wages for all. Same idea behind demanding free college for everyone or whatever. Failure is the entire point. The idea being that communism would be about to provide these things.

Coming up next: Lower AoC to 15


The Target by my house is aprox. 50/50 normy retards and flaming faggots. These are overt flamer type fuckheads too, they are shameless and make remarks to see if they can rattle people like me who they perceive as being a norp. I laugh at em and can't be rattled but fuck that place. You can get AIDS just from breathing the air.

This really isnt an anti white thing. If minimum wage jobs secure higher wages they will employ white people.

Yup. People were cautious around it at first but nowadays the selfcheckouts are full, and it took around just three years to get used to it.
I prefer them myself nowadays.

Replacing your workers while virtue signaling for niggers is a good strategy from a current day business perspective.

Until they actually do it, this is only a virtue signal. Probably to put attention on Walmart's pay in the hopes of them doing something that Target can take advantage of. Right now its a nothingburger.

Walmart near me already starts pay @ $12.75/hr. More if you do anything other than stock shelves or ring people up part time.

By 2020 $15/hr will be who gives a fuck wage. I think Sup Forums underestimates the labor shortage in the US right now.

Next Month

Target lays off 132,000 employees

time to boycott target!

They are doubling the self checkout capacity where I live. Takes one person to run 12 of them. Mostly to check IDs for alcohol purchases and help people who cannot read small print or work a scale. Unless you are doing major buying with a full cart, there is no reason to stand in a checkout line anymore.
Box stores have where you can scan items with your phone and pay on your phone, just show it to the door man on the way out like you would your receipt.
Anyway to cut a person out of an unneeded job, stores are taking it.

Pretty much. I work for Target, and our biggest struggle right now is hiring.

>2020 Target New Hire Qualifications for $15
>Masters in Gender Studies to guard restrooms
>Bachelors in electrical engineering to fix self check out machines

Target?! Bwahahahahaha!!!! There's been an active boycott on them for a while now. They can do what they like.

I already do lol their prices are a lot higher than Walmart and they never seem to have things that I need

Their clientele are better to be around but fuck it I'll be around degenerates and niggers if it means saving money

Walmart should be nationalized and all profits given back to the workers.

less niggers working at target at least.

thats a great way to ensure walmart fails.

walmart is already losing to aldi.


not that big of a deal honestly, Burger King has had automatic broilers for at least the past 10 years

Nationalize aldi as well. We must look after the workers.

why is Sup Forums against private companies paying their employees higher than minimum wage?

>yfw inflation by 2020 will result in that meaning absolutely nothing.

>for all 323,000 employees
Something tells me there won't be quite that many employees when they're done with the re-furbishing.
Libshists celebrating their own replacing, greatest day of my life.

Target HR is no doubt behind this. They're a bunch of fucking retards.
>Get accepted to work at Target
>Given 500 page book about how you should act and think at Target
>Think whatever, I'm sure this is just a formality and everyone's chill with each other
>Start first shift
>Manager hates me for some unknown reason
>Get diarrhea, so ask to go home
>He gives me permission
>Ask him if I need to tell someone or something
>"Nope just go home"
>Day later get call from HR
>Tell them I wasn't aware of that
>IT WAS IN YOUR 5,000 PAGE CONDUCT BOOK *starts foaming at mouth*
>Tell them I didn't even get a chance to read it because it's fuck huge and I never even got a full complete shift yet

dairy queen too

Because they don't like the people who are in favor of it. This is how Sup Forums comes to many of its positions.
>"Do the people I don't like like this thing? Alright, then I don't like it."

Well their increase in pay means that they won't get as many benefits as they did in the past. Hell in Baltimore its better for a Single mother to live off benefits if she can't make more than $70,000 a year.

> I think Sup Forums underestimates the labor shortage in the US right now.
>labor shortage

es riecht nach shekeln

>by 2020


>implying $15 an hour in 2020 won't be less than $10 an hour now
>implying they won't completely stop hiring niggers effective today

obviously no one is against that. Mostly I was mocking the idea that this FightFor15 "group" or whatever they are had anything to do with Target deciding to pay their employees more

>chant and hold signs in the streets
>nothing happens
>Target randomly decides they're going to raise wages

In other, unrelated, news: Target prices rise by an average of $20 across the nation.

this, its already happend in my small ass town that I live in, me and my wife noticed it when walmart not only closed their mcdonalds, that was there for the whole conception on the store, but made 80% of there check out isles self-checkout. I'm welling to put my check on in 15 years cashiers will be obsolete and fast foods will be next.

why the fuck would you boycott a place just because they pay their employees well?

if they raise their prices or reduce their service, sure, why not? but raising wages to attract talent can be reasonable, especially if it attracts actually talented people that do a good job.

>The very few employes that make the cut are the ones who will be paid $15.
existing employees will be the best pool of workers any company has access to, if the workforce is being cut down because of automation they'd rather keep the 10% who are steady loyal workers able to learn some basic machine maintenance and technical fixes instead of employing a graduate wanting $15 and "eventually a real job".
churn should be low with good pay and benefits.
That's what i don't get about redditors feeling pity for truck drivers, the average age is increasing to 50 and there is a shortage of drivers, it's not those experienced guys who will lose out it's younger ones who won't ever have the choice to become a truck driver due to automation. As the pool of drivers especially with experience shrinks further due to automation, they will handle the millions of deliveries the robots can't and the entry level jobs will disappear. T
Those with jobs end experience can ride a wave of automation filling in the entry level positions while the next generation flounder.

aldi isnt american you fucking retard

They already raised, fag.

you got played by your manager bro. he knew exactly what would happen, and he knew he could easily get away with it because they'd side with his word over yours (you literally never even completed 1 shift).

office politics is real bro

I see plenty downsizing between now and 2020.

they already raised the prices due to the wage increase? it's 2020 already? time really flies when you're shitposting I guess