The left cannot figh-

>The left cannot figh-


hitler was pretty good at it

Is this your flag?

>number 67
>us butthurt
It grows in all fields.

>implying we won because of communism
It's rather the opposite, we won despite the communism.

>1.3 mil military deaths


The first good brazilian post in the history of Sup Forums

They were RWDS with communist clothing

>Russian flag

Still having identity issues?

Communism is a leftist ideology that has been only tried by conservative peoples

They can fight and die i guess.

>no private property


The private property of Stalin and his politburo

>Great Patriotic War
>lefties fighting for their motherland

It's just a name. USSR joined the war in 1939 changing sides constantly, fighting everybody and basically just pushing their own goals.


they fought for their country; that I have yet see from the left.

The Soviet Union was more socially conservative than modern day Conservatives.


>winter war

Being a faggot was illegal so yes.

Stalin was LITERALLY a fascist
Delete this now!

The left cannot fight.

They can subvert and throw peasants into a hail of bullets, but that's it really.

Those capitalist supplies that came via lend-lease sure helped,didnt they?FFS even in 45 the reds relied on american logistics.

Russia paid for every single resource they used and returned the ones they didn't need. The Brits on the other hand never paid for anything, literally gibsmedat tier.

The left cannot fight. Those are men with conservative values who would be considered racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, islamaphobic, transphobic, etc, etc. I've found that in Britain working class people are conservative through and through it's just that years of leftwing indoctrination from the media, entertainment media, "education" system and the such have made them into pathetic shadows of themselves where they say retarded things about the Tories and when you ask them to explain they can't. None of them want mass immigration or gay marriage but they think the y have to vote labour beacaue that's what their family and friends have always done, plus they think the system is oppressing them and that the Tories are part of that

Pic related is a leftwing "man"