Why do women support rapefugees?
Why do women support rapefugees?
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Because their dads didn't rape them. There's two types of people on the left. Men who were fucked by their fathers and women who wish they were.
The female brain has 30% less synapses than men and they're often controlled by emotion (automatically liberal from birth). Plus the brainwashing propaganda doesn't help.
because we failed as men
we never really made our pure white dicks desirable to them.
Virtue signaling, they never have to be around them
white women subconsciously crave black and brown dick because of the melanin receptors in their pussy walls.
Women support what the person next to them is supporting.
>insecure white dicklets feeling sexually threatened so they try to pull "da evil browns will rape you" propaganda
why are white boys so pathetic
you mean women don't find fiat nearly as attractive as gold? shocking.
Because women are easily influenced by men and the jews have short-circuted this phenomenon.
Girls try to do what the larger groups are doing to fit in.
It doesn't matter if they have zero knowledge about what the fuck is going on and what will be the outcome of said thing.
Most of you probably had a female friend who talked about how much she loved a band but didn't know a single song or name of the people just to fit in the conversation. It's not even their fault. Their brain works like that.
Would prefer you to remove immigrant dicks from your mouth before you speak desu.
Cute puppy reflex, literally oestrogen makes them sympathetic to anything they feel sorry for. They can have power over something they have helped
Probably this.
Anglo cuckposting.....
Yes, this is also my guess. Women tend to hold whatever the mainstream belief is. Look at the women in NatSoc Germany for example.
its because global warming means white need to have less babies, so rapefugees must be brought in to replace those now underpopulated white people who stopped having babies who believed in global warming
bitches literally get crazy if they don't make kids before they hit 30yo
This. Women have no originality of thought, literally just go with the crowd.
The uncomfortable truth that you are not willing to admit is that they fuck them voluntarily and no rape is involved.
females love dominace plus whites are herbs now
its 2017...shes the cuck
Fuck I think you're right. Both men are timidly smiling as if there's sexual tension between them.
Imagine you are a low white male with a mediocre job and no real hobbies no ambition and perspective. Your life is repeated series of same mornings and evenings day after day.
One morning hundreds of exotic girls come to your town and every one of them wants nothing more than to fuck with you.
Sure if you would be smarter you could consider things like AIDS, self-esteem, sex being something more than physical activity, and so on ... but you arent. You are closer to the monkeys then your betters.
The other reason is that for some reason you just want to punish yourself with doing things on a level on shit eating - because daddy didn't notice you when you smoked weed.
The crux of the matter is - why do we need to care? Girls that put out to refugees aren't ones that we would fuck anyway. Leftist ideology generally caters to the weak minded, apologetic mess of a person.
Because of manipulative Jewish propaganda and most women's inherent naivety and desire to fit in.
It's definitely NOT because they want to get fucked by ugly, smelly, poor, illiterate, third world trash. You may have noticed that the media insists it's women and children that are coming in, rather than telling them that nothing but horny and sadistic men are on the way. That means they know women would be more tolerant of it if it's NOT men.
because they want men to fuck them who aren't feminized by western culture.
Women just unearned status in a society and culture
just like the refugees,
and let us be brutally honest - the majority of subhuman whites.
Because we are tired of your tiny white dick
they're women, so they're easily manipulated by those in power, and far less intelligent on average
Being unworthy of the culture one lives in feels like being an alien.
The alien hates the world and needs to degrade it to his level.
Too funny
This is the biggest waste of quads I have ever seen.
1) Women are often governed by blind emotion. They think the refugees really are all poor innocent well intentioned angels running from certain death. And then their response to that is again blind emotion - "help them" "give them this" "give them that" rather than thinking pragmatically.
2) Most of the refugees are men. So they dont see them as a threat or competition. They may even see them as potential mates, an injection of exotic foreign dick into their countries gene pool.
What an incredible argument you should be an international negotiator for trade.
Posters country bankrupt after horrible trade deal.
women naturally want to get raped by foreigners it has literally always been this way
I smoked weed with Lavren in Hungary 8 years ago
She did not want to put out
Because a disgustingly large portion of western 'men' do not deserve to be called men. Thus women are desperately looking for a replacement. It's sexual selection and general evolution at work.
they want my precious benis
Because they are too ignorant to look at statistics before they act. They only see what's in front of them.
Only when their daughters/sisters/themselves are raped and catch disease will they even consider that anything is wrong.
I knew a woman like this, massive liberal, loved foreign cultures yet knew nothing about them beyond liberal stereotypes. Then they had a surge in immigrants and she was almost raped by a group of brown immigrants who mugged her, then she decided to move out of her area to an all white area.
even the little black boy looks more ripped than the white fag.
>then she decided to move out of her area to an all white area.
Let me guess, she made excuses about the fact and kept her liberal opinion.
Most are Jews or they shill for Jews, safe assumption.
Just like White Antifa, paid stooges of Jew Soros.
You can stay based leaf.
Guess what she is thinking.
because they see the poor little children and it makes their mothering instincts kick in
because they're told too by the left
The correct resbonse ty ananabanana came hear to bost dis
Leftist retards support racism and population replacement if the victims are white, it's not women it's leftards. I'm female and I think each refugee should only be allowed to claim sanctuary in their own culture, so America and Europe would not have to take in one single muslim. I may make an exception for genuine minorities: yazidi, coptics etc