nothing, nada, not a single tweet.
Fucking Trump cares more about some B-rated football players than world politics.
nothing, nada, not a single tweet.
Fucking Trump cares more about some B-rated football players than world politics.
What is there to say? You elected the same witch AGAIN.
>World politics
You are going to become less relevant than Poland in a few years. Enjoy yourselves, cucks
>german begging for american attention
>boohoo trump doesn't care we are drowning in nigger dicks, pay attention to us drumpfkins
germany is pathetic
minus 9 percent, everyone in Germany says she is history, at the latest next year or 2019. German politics is changed forever... and Trump is mad about someone not kneeling in front of the flag, What kind of faggot is Donald?
>4 terms of merkel
I wouldn't bring that up anywhere it's just offensive.
No one gives a shit about Germany. You're digging your own grave, you'll look like us soon
Did Merkel comment on the recent Australian election? Why do you expect a foreign leader to comment on your domestic politics?
>trumps reaction to the equifax Data breach of 150 million fellow Americans
Nothing, nada, not a single tweet
Unless it's filled with Goya. He won't tweet it
>Germany - nonody gives a shit... although Germany
>rules Europe, largest market in the history of mankind, biggest trading hub worldwide
ok there, whatever you say
German politics are irrelevant to the rest of tue world until Merkel is gone. Go back to being a minority in your own country, goyim.
muh dik
Here let me give you a sample of what he could have posted
>Congrats on electing Merkel for the 4th time in a row, Germany. Weird how there's no term limits on German chancellors. Probably should be.
It's not even news, everyone knew she was going to get elected again. She'll get elected again next term too. And the next one, until she dies, or stops running.
Yea none of that will be relevant when you're full of low IQ mongrels and the smarter Germans have moved elsewhere
He congratulated Macron though.
I'm waiting for a response too. Should tweet something about the AfD and how Merkel and Schulz should be ashamed of themselves. As a non-American it's laughable how you all complain about all this NFL shit. It's a non-issue to me.
Germany is the most relevant country in Europe by far. There are 3 relevant market powers today - China, the EU and the US. China and the EU are their respective biggest trading partners.
You can downplay Germa elections if you want to, but the facts are different.
I'd definitely impregnate that woman if you know what I mean
When you guys care more about your politics, we'll offer more lip service. Until then, fuck off.
North Korea has nuclear weapons. That is a sign of a country that matters.
Germany has none, why should anybody care about them?
Do you have term limits for your Speaker of the House or your Senate Majority Speaker? When did your president start to have term limits, 200 yrs after you started to call your fake land a country?
Donnerwetter bist du ja bedürftig.
Selbst da, wo die Wahlergebnisse den politischen Kurs maßgebend veränderte, hat kein Amerikaner darauf Interesse, sich eine Halbstunde mit Landeskunde auseinanderzusetzen, um nur zu der Feststellung zu gelangen, "Die AfD hat 94 Sitze gewonnen und die CDU muss eine Jamaika-Koalition bilden, um eine Zusammenarbeit mit einer rechtskonservativen Partei vorzubeugen."
Schlagzeilen, Menschen, die muss es ja geben und so dramatisch war die Wahl auch nicht. Merkel bleibt und auf sie kommt letztendlich ALLES an.
He should have tweeted that now that she has another term time to pay up the NATO money that Germany owes us.
Trump doesn't give a shit about Germany because its an irrelevant country.
>minus 9 percent
North Korea is a paper tiger. There is literally a twitter war going on. Nothing else. Why this is even newsworthy, is mind boggling.
he added germany to the travel ban. he called it 'sudan'
The country of Germany is what, 25 years old now? Get fucked.
>he called it 'sudan'
Thought he called it 'Mambia'?
>Swedish Democrat national party isn't leading the polls
Go kill yourself.
Germany is older than your negro run island, Aussie drunk.
He probably doesn't want to comment negatively and any show of support for the AFD from Trump would just give the media more ammunition in their latest "literal nazis" smear campaign impacting both Trump and the AFD negatively.
>finally going to be irrelevant
>no more money, no more welfare, no more bankers, no more power-grabbing from EU functionaries
>possibly even the chance to go neutral at last
>never ever having to care about anything or anyone outside of Germany again
>finally alone
It would be paradise. Shitskins would fuck off, kikes would fuck off, Slavs would fuck off, tourists would fuck off.
>shills complain when he tweets
>shills complain when he doesn't tweet
A globalist kike-serving faggot, the worst kind.
Why do you care what trump thinks, is your daddy not giving you attention?
Germany just isn't terribly important to us.
Germany redeemed soon.
He can't express his satisfaction that the AfD did better than expected because of the NFL distraction. Wouldn't want to be painted a white suppremicist racist or whatever ist word is trending today.
PS, what happened to this chick?
this, what's the last thing Germany has done that the average American cares about? Your country is irrelevant except to other irrelevant euro countries that owe you money
Poor baby wants Trump's attention too.
>World Politics
yes, that creapy Trump crawled full up the Macron asshole. Proves Trump is a lefty socialist faggot.
The EU is in decline though. The piigs and migrants are slowly killing you and you're surrounded by people who would gladly conquer you. Your people are afraid of guns and are too effeminate to fight for shit.
Didn't you know, user?
He's fighting a (((culture ware)))
Maybe he's not commenting because he already knew months ago that you cucks would just elect that muslim immigrant-loving cunt of a "leader" for the 4th straight time?
germans are not welcome anymore on Sup Forums
now leafs are our best friend
What pigs? we kill them and eat fhem.
Trump has already said Germans are very very evil. He means your USSR style leadership, not you guys.
Obviously he supports the AFD but can't say so or the media will have more ammo against him.
What's that flag of yours? Aren't you the fellows who let the Soviets break through our Southern Stalingrad flank... which resulted in the loss of the entire 9th army and the defeat of Germany in ww2?
Holy sheeiiit!
Clean up your room.
Probably he knows what Merkel was in GDR, as President he should
And this. Though I like the "warm support" it's like "sorry for your loss".
Wasn't it the 6th army under Von Paulus
>Obviously he supports the AFD but can't say so or the media will have more ammo against him.
Can say that building a wall and shooting ISIS soldiers is ok, but saying a party that is somewhat right of the Democrats and left of the GOP is good, would be the end of Trump?
The absolute state of things... wasn't Trump allowed to associate with Nigel Farage, who is way more on the extreme right than the AfD?
>It would be paradise. Shitskins would fuck off, kikes would fuck off, Slavs would fuck off, tourists would fuck off.
shitskin won't leave their bussineses their made with your money probably should've think of plan B...
but if you want to get rid of money so shitskin don't consider you attractive anymore, we can take it all and deport them if they fuck around, and they will fuck around they always fuck around.
but first. money kraut! and make it cash.... Some good Chinease Yuan not some shity marek
Nobody is allowed to mention that name and that army. We call it the 9th.
Macron was newly elected. Merkel has been in power for 12 years and everyone knew she was going to win.
>and everyone knew she was going to win
Basically confirms Germany is no longer a democracy.
jesus dude yall lost ww2 get over it
Digga Heul rum ich find es super dass die AfD so aufgeholt hat.
I'm German and yesterday was one of the best days in my life. FUCK MERKEL
Germany is on the decline. It will be a third world toilet in 30 years time, whereas UK freed of the shackles of the EU will be exporting globally and who this week moved up to the eighth largest manufacturer in the world.
We are moving up in the world but anyway trump dont wanna talk to Krauts because you have fucked Europe up for the third time in a century.
>minus 9 percent
Fucking Germany, lol.
Cucks elected Mackerel....Again. why waste tweets on a country that would vote for her.
>9 percent
are you British?
What's up Karl-Heinz? How do you and Sarah know my name?
Wow. That's scary.
He Who Will Not Be Named even went over to the communist side, so I'm genuinely surprised.
You're still under USSR style leadership, since you tore down the wall nothing else seems to have been done about restoring freedom.
Intellectual censorship like this is unacceptable in a free country.
I've suspected for a long time that Germans are heavily lied to by the media because they don't seem to know how unpopular their politicians and policies are outside Germany but I didn't know you were intellectually censored to such a degree until now.
If Merkelites seek to spread that same level of censorship here and quite frankly I'd rather fight to the death than suffer that fate.
The AFD could save us from serious future conflict.
>Anglo commonwealth when
mad kek
America first, fritz.
what do you expect him to say?
Everyone knows he hates Merkel and her policies so he's not going to be too keen to congratulate her.
And he's also not going to say anything else that could be interpreted as being pro AFD for obvious reasons.
He concratulated Macron, a socialist, and May, who lost massively. Germany is a big ally, not even acknowledging the electiom is beyond rude. Merkel congratulated him to his win.
>America first, fritz.
Indeed :^)
You rule but with none of the benefits, you take the migrant Turks and refugees, you pay the debts of the south eu nations, also once uk leaves eu is no longer largest market and falls to second, sorry dude
yea we dont care either, buttcuck
He just tweeted for you to go suck some goatfucker cuck.