>accepting non-virgin characters
Why would people do that?
>accepting non-virgin characters
Why would people do that?
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh purity
That's the reason why we barely see soft sex scenes in animus today.
Because you can't express yourself with only 純.
>female character knows about the dick
Because humans are disgusting.
I'm glad I've been enlightened and will forever remain pure in the eyes of His Holiness.
Fuck you
Don't worry user, your mom still loves you.
>female character knows about other genders
>all these normalfags
Can't be a MILF otherwise
>female character has ever interacted with the outside world, instead of spending her life in a dark, soundproofed room
>female character has seen a man before the MC
Because Saten needs love too
B-But muh strong female characters proud of their sexuality.
They are either so cucked that they believe non pure girls would be faithful for some reason, or so alpha that they know they've fucked more people than the girl in question. I hate both kinds of these people. By the way is Accelerator a virgin?
>female character has sex
>it's with her brother
> is Accelerator a virgin?
Well think about that for a while.
Sluts can be pure. Virgins can cheat you.
2D has no limits.
>Sluts can be pure
I meant to say faithful but they can be pure as well.
Worst slut of all time.
Why not? It's my problem, fuck off you faggot. I don't care about a persons past, as long as they will be a different person in the future. It's just as easy for a pure virgin to cheat on you as a slut.
>female character has a dick
Because we aren't bitter jealous assholes.
the pure slut user
a rare breed to be sure, but they're easily identified by the fact they're only sluts for their husbando
Because I have a certain degree of confidence in myself, and I don't turn into a nervous wreck at the thought of being compared to another man.
On a related note, for anyone who wants to laugh at purityfags:
>Sup Forums is filled with normalfags playing pretend
Who would have guessed
Yes, user, anyone who isn't as horribly insecure as you is a normalfag.
>w-well you're just insecure >:)
Don't you have friends or something?
Go watch cr with them and fuck off
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
Truth hurts, doesn't it.
Why would I care?
If anything I would be quite thankful, because she can teach me on how to touch her spots that drive her crazy.
>not being insecure
Spotted the normalfag
Are you attempting to make it sound like being insecure is good? Oh. I fell for the bait.
Are yo looking forward to dying a lonely virgin? I'm sure looking forward to you doing it.
>Are yo looking forward to dying
I don't follow.
>you jno I an rite :dd
Ebin bantz my friend
Nice arguments you got there.
Not that your reddit-tier passive agressiveness is any better
Being lonely's honestly not that bad, you get used to it and find better things to worry about than friends and other stupid bullshit. You are just addicted to social interactions like the slut (I'm guessing you're a female) you are.
What's wrong fatty? Hurted your NEET feelings too much?
Which brings us back to . You're the only one being passive about it, probably thanks to that crippling insecurity.
Stop using smilies on Sup Forums. Also, stop typing like a fucking spastic. It's really obvious why you have no friends purely from the way you type; why would anyone willingly associate with someone who talked like that?
I was a total chad in high school and there is NOTHING you can do about it. In fact, it's possible i took the virginity of one of the girls user had a crush on.
>still with it
Damn son, I thought normalfags would have some variety at bantz
>she can teach me on how to touch her spots that drive her crazy
No, she wants that her partners would be linearly better than the previous.
Self-confidence is just a form of self-deception.
And what do you gain from posting it here?
everyone who isn't able to quit Sup Forums is a social interaction addict
Why do people fall for obvious bait so easily?
Wow what a slut look at her with that SnapChat filter
Who is worse? Purityfags or yurifags?
Keep in mind how rabid and autistic both sides are.
>Sup Forums
>anything to do with social interaction
I can't even order anything at McDonald's without difficulties.
At least yurifags are occasionally slightly amusing.
Burn them both in ovens, I say.
If you're confused, please consult the guide. Be sure not to tolerate or, god forbid, love any impure temptresses.
>self-confidence is deception
How deluded and /r9k/ tier would you have to be to believe this? Most of you have such a false dichotomy for normalfags it is bizarre
Never been there, your point being?
I'd say normalfags are the worst.
Because virgins are overrated
The dead fish position is their best 'parlour trick'
Sluts are superior
Because I'd rather fuck a girl who knows what she's doing than one who just sits there. Wizard leave
I won't become wizard for another 10 days. Can I stay?
>Nyarlathotep the anime girl = 10/10 would bang.
>3 KB, 114x114
That is even smaller than my penis.
That's the joke, shapeshifters can choose what "size" they want to be.
If she's only a slut for her husbando then sure
Damn you
Purity fags are even worse than normalfags. The mental gimnastics they have to make to think they're 2D waifu won't cheat on them are ridicoulous. They amount of insucureness of these faggots is astounding.
>I can't even order anything at McDonald's without difficulties.
Why is chatting so hard?
Are we strange people, user?
Are you boring aswell?
Because 2d non-virgins/sluts are better than 3d non-virgins/sluts. That's the magic of 2d; it gives you "slutty" pure girls, "pure" slutty girls, literal sluts without the nasty consequences.
If you say you wouldn't literal sex angels because they're not virgins, you're full of shit.
It's possible
Fuck off back to Spring, Autumn or Winter whichever you came from.