Starting the vegan General with a Boca burger, lads. How's meat-free Monday?
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I just made some vinegar veggies for my lunch
That was such a fucking nice story kek
this is such a sad thread.
why do you hate plants?
But user, I love plants: that's why I eat them!
Not sadder than that flag, m8
what about some picanha to give a joy for the thread
I eat primarily veg 3-4 days a week, supplemented with high quality beef and fish. Those Boca burgers are gross and a ripoff. You can make way better veggie burgers yourself, and freeze them for later use. Much better.
Sage on my friends, sage on.
You're eating a meal of heavily processed foods (bread, veggie patty and cheese). It might be tasty to the vegan palette, but I'm not sure it's that healthy.
This was my cheat day, I eat mostly Whole Foods plant based during the week too lazy to make my own
I shit 3 times a day and eat no veggies go fuck yourself vegans
>t. Uma delicia
This is important, this is about the environment. Fuck global warming, animal products are what's destroying us
Is this true? Wouldn't logging and selling forest products be the #1 cause of deforestation? Once those forested areas are cleared, then they are going to be used for other purposes, such as home development, farming, cattle grazing, etc.
Logging can be sustained and even replaced with hemp production so it's not a big deal
What vegan cheese do you get?
inb4 dick cheese
The funny thing is that modern city-humans think that not eating animal products is a way to find back to nature when in fact it is the most unnatural way of living and to not get sick you have to take artificial supplements.
I get that in the US most food you can buy is cheap and fake. However if you really care you should raise your own chicken or something.
No they burn down the forests to use as farm land. Most wood used for logging is farmed, specialized trees with few short branches, uniformly lined up, on flat ground, and evenly spaced, makes it much easier for harvesting.
vid related
nice 9shit meme son
Best looking grass I have seen all day.
try this :)
Fuck off fucking faggot. This is a political board. MODDDSSSSS WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKS? Go back to
Yes, that is true however if proper agricultural practices were again introduced rather then the bull shit that goes on right now people would have the meat they want and we would be improving the environment. Your "organic" veggie farms still fuck up the environment as well as the massive herds. Learn about Permaculture.
/political/ board
>"I'm a vegan faggot!
Satan ribs in the smoker right now. One more hour....
No they are not. To have a truly restorative agricultural system you need to have integrated systems of animals and plants. Permaculture is the future.
veganism is political u tool
You can also use the practice of coppicing and pollarding trees to get continued wood harvests for whatever purposes would be needed, its also good for some kinds of trees and make the tree live longer. Hemp should however make paper rather then trees I will say.