Republicans : "people who kneel during the anthem are disrespecting our men and women in uniform who died for our freedom and they spit on the liberties afforded to us by this amazing country! People should stand! It's disrespectful to our country!"
Also Republicans : "wearing and or bearing the Confederate flag is every citizen's right to freedom of speech, anyone who opposes this is a crazy fascist"
The Confederacy literally seceded from the USA and waged a war against it. How is waving the flag of an enemy that threatened the very existence and territorial integrity of the USA somehow less horrendous than kneeling during an anthem?
If you're going to take a stand be consistent.
How is kneeling more offensive to you than waving the Confederate flag?
Wow there are a lot of bait/slide threads this afternoon. Did something happen?
Who’s waving a confederate flag on the field?
Something always happened.
It isn't. And it looks like the American people are siding with the players
In this faggot ass country? Everyday
I don't actually give a shit, it's just hilarious that blacks are trying to shame Americans because blacks are a disgraceful criminal underclass in america, literally everything is worse when there are more of them around. They should be told off and ridiculed.
Rebuplicans are constantly whining about the confederate flags and icons being taken down across the country, yet they're kicking and screaming for censorship when some nig nogs take a knee during the anthem. Idk how you didn't get that point from my post, but I guess it's just your American education
trump tweeted deflection again and everyone is eating it up
Argument invalid
Those two things aren't really exclusive what Republicans are defending is desecration of this nation's history so that niggars and spics can feel included
It's not that it's disrespectful, it's that the premise of the protest is wrong. This should be pointed out first in foremost. Kapernick is half white, half black, and was raised by loving well off white adopted parents. There is zero (0) evidence of a racial bias in police murder and it's very clear what blacks are responsible for 50% of all violent crime. The blacks (emboldened by insane liberals) think they are doing some profound protest though and for normal white people it's like watching retards too dumb to understand they are retarded.
*first and foremost
and it doesn't matter where you go to try to get away from them, they will still follow. Niggers are like little lost puppies that shit all over everything.
>The Confederacy literally seceded from the USA and waged a war against it.
That's not true. All they did was as announce their succession. Ft. Sumter in the south was attacked by the north. That's what kicked off the civil war.
Any American larping as a EUrofag should know this.
Too bad George Carlin isn't alive right now. The comedy would be gold... No platinum.
Did everyone also forget Kapernicks pig socks or the Castro shirts?
Always a leaf
>It's not that it's disrespectful
Maybe that's what you personally think, but hop on over to kikebook or your president's twitter page and you'll see that it's all about how disrespectful it is, even though many of those rednecks would gladly slap a confederate bumper sticker on their pickup truck
>It's not that it's disrespectful, it's that the premise of the protest is wrong
It's both.
First of all, the premise is wrong. The nogs who get gunned down richly deserve it.
Secondly, failure to respect the flag is merely tolerated when done by people who have religious convictions against doing so. If Jehovah's witnesses don't stand that;s one thing. But being disrespectful toward the USA because you are butthurt about Trump being president or the police doing their fucking jobs isn't acceptable.
>Liberals get mad when someone does a quick touchdown prayer, throw tantrum, get it banned
I'm really, really glad that I never liked team sports now. One less thing to have to give up. But, I did help get my folks so angry that they're no longer watching, now to work on the siblings and get them off the pigskin jew as well.
Are you pretending to be retarded in purpose?
Nothing you are saying has shit to do with football.
Yes, players have the right to free speech. That being said, consumers have the right to obstain from supporting private organizations we disagree with.
So which one is correct? Tell me now shitblue.
Niggers try so hard to seek attention.
They're been BTFO'd on almost every high profile nigger shooting the best they can do is shoot a few cops, loot some stores, and hold up traffic.
It's funny watching them push people to the right as they ook and eek over everyone noticing that their existence is memed.
Do retards waving confederate flags get their assholes rimmed by the entire established media? Are there people waving confederate flags during football matches?
Fucking faggot
I don't want Northern statues torn down either you mouth breathing retard. These niggers are literally protesting the people that freed them. People defend the Confederate Battle Flag and statues because they are our history.
Fucking shill bitch.
It's a matter of moral consistency. This is not a false equivalency.
We did we all get so defensive about patriotism?
Weren't we all mocking the overly patriotic culture of America not but 15 years ago?
First time I've ever seen a nigger reference a law.
Now if we could get all 30+ million of them to do the same thing.
I don't wave a Confederate flag while I'm on the job and in uniform
Funny how leftists care about free speech even though they didn't give two shits when people were fired for attending Unite The Right despite not representing their employers in any way. Niggerball players are wearing their work uniforms and are pulling this crap
wow, several groups of people can be wrong. Shocking. Yet Sup Forums is always right. The stats don't lie, the protest is a farce based on a lie and neither liberal or conservative views make sense without race-realism.
> misses key distinction between making apolitical statement AT WORK vs in an appropriate setting
Their freedom of speech doesnt protect them from the consequences of their speech,
remember, people are not stopping your freedom of speech, they are just showing you the door.
The guys from California were unlawfully fired, California has a law barring employees being fired for attending political events.
>butthurt about Trump being president or the police doing their fucking jobs isn't acceptable.
I don't know how well Trump's task force is working against drugs/gangs, but it's a step in the right direction compared to "people" that offer no policy solutions to problems they face today.
Really goes to show how braindead these "people" are: screech over racism over and over without solutions.
itt: some larping faggot using the EU flag gets people all riled up over a false equivalency which is so blatantly obvious nobody should be doing anything but writing sage in gigantic letters.
Jesus, how much longer for are we going to talk about some niggers kneeling before some boring match? When Jews brought them to America in chains, kneeling was the only thing they knew how to do. Just let them do what they are good at and stop giving shit about some nigger sport
Truth hurts.
Confederate flag has a meaning and historical value. All that niggerball will never have
Behead all those who kneel against America?
Right, and despite those laws, they were fired for political views.
Does the law protect you from being fired from your job, if while at that job + getting paid to perform a function, you advocate a political message?
Carry a tiki torch at a rally, fine...
carry one while working at wallmart, go for it and fire them, they aint getting paid to protest.
That's for physical US flags, not American flag patterns
You mean THE leaf? I hope someone Doxx him and beat him good
what does kneeling mean US?
isn´t a way to pay respects?
The Confederate flag is a glorious symbol of nigger subjugation. Kneeling for the anthem is the fucking opposite.
They should fucking sue if they were unlawfully terminated, especially in a lefty state like California
Dotard is having some issues with 1st Amendment and UStards are literally living in a fucking police state.
As a fellow canuckistani let me tell you, we are totally not a fabian country of brainwashed people who believe everything we are told.
becuase they aren't BLACK
I guess they could sue, the point still stands.
There is a big difference between political protests on your own free time vs political protests at work.
Because the confederate flag is not being waved at a private function I paid good money to attend.
I pay your fucking salary. That makes me the customer, and as such you answer to me. I do not owe you a damn thing besides the money I've already paid.
Stop being so fucking stupid, you dumb fucking commie.
Wave a confederate flag at work boy and see what habbens
Because post civil war the confederate flag was used for groups that helped beta and general society in the south. That's why you get groups like the Daughters of the Confederacy etc. They don't hold the same values as the upper class officers did because they were just infantry men who didn't really have a say in the war. So for them the flag is a banner of solidarity between southerners and removed it self from the war. Then in the 20th century you get the mythologized history which is basically "fuck the oppressive yanks! we held our own against those fags" coming across as a slight revolution in a way. Taking a knee is simple virtue signaling and disrespectful to a country that's constantly changed to better civil rights for her citizens. It helps no one and means nothing.
How do leftists object to both the emblem of the Confederacy and the emblem of the nation that defeated the CSA?
because the confederate flag is making a statement against federal overreach from the government, and promoting the sovereignty of state legislature. its not anti american, or disrespectful.
kneeling disrespect our history, our sacrifices, our values, and everything that is respectable about america. because the flag represents the height of American virtue, and the struggles of all Americans in history to strive for freedom, and a righteous way of living for all.
to disrespect that makes you either an ignorant child, to stupid to not lash out at whats good, or a shit human being.
either one is abhorrent and requires discipline, but to do this on national television in front of everyone watching the national pastime of our country?
getting fired should be a no question course of action.
Why did we stop mentioning the rumor Colin fucked a tranny? Black people hate trannies and wouldn't want to associate with a battyboy.
>we're equally bad
Strawman much?
Another pic of the deranged man who claims Colin slept with him
Moral consistancy is where if I have a device of entertainment that antagonizes you, you have the right to not give me money for my services.
The NFL has made it perfectly clear, football is now nothing more than platform where millionaire black people call you a racist and insult members of our military.
*false equivelency
And here I thought we were the uneducated ones.
Do you really think Sup Forums is offended by anything at this point or do you think Sup Forums is just getting angry at niggers because niggers?
if a white person waves a nazi flag, they lose their job, and are ostracized.
All I ask is that the same thing happen to dumb overpaid niggers
anyway, thats for making our jobs easier!
>What is Ole Miss
"model" they mean pornstar
To answer your question in the title, without reading your blog, it's not. Everyone should be allowed to wave any sort of flag they want - besides flags of enemy nations during time of war. Since we're at war with ISIS, waving such a flag would be sign of treason and probable cause for investigation on you and your family. A severe misstep.
We can disagree with SLIDE THREADS but disagreeing doesn't make us bad people. We're free to have opinions, just as they're free to be assholes, like you, OP. Sage.
I can't believe this board has descended to straight up bill o'reilly, george w bush tier neo conservative talking points re: this kneeling 'controversy'.
Honestly, bitching about these athletes kneeling during the anthem, while defending running over a woman at a violent nazi rally and trying ot make nazi rallies about protected speech makes you all look like a bunch of insane, brain dead niggers.
Crazy to think about how this board came out the other side of the 2016 excitement being so absolutely shitty.
That is total horse shit and you know it. Running the stars and bar sis way more disrespectful than kneeling. If you love confederacy so much then fucking secede. We won’t stop you this time
Kneeling is not offensive. It is the most respectful, solemn form of protest I've ever seen. This is why it is hilarious to see idiots burning their NFL merchandise.
Confederates were our brothers that we had to kill. These people are dissenters that we'll have to kill.
Keep politics out of football.
> Keep politics out of football.
- Zed T. Bulo
deep shit...
Let me white-splain to these white people
It’s not about the anthem
It’s not about the flag
It’s about injustice you’ve never experienced because you are white
It’s about knees in backs
And forearms on necks
It’s about stop and frisk
It’s about bullets in backs
It’s about sentences being handed out with out a trial
It’s about being looked at as a lesser man
But god forbid they ever question the man
When they’re on the streets it’s about “why can’t you be peaceful?”
When they’re on their knee it’s about “why can’t you be respectful?”
When it’s really about why can’t you keep your mouth shut.
I can’t breath because justice is not equal
I can’t breath because people aren’t being treated as equals
I can’t breath because you’ve got a hand around his neck because he was selling loose cigarettes
I can’t breath because you shot him in the back and then tried to make it look like it was an attack
I can’t breath because you stopped him because his pigment doesn’t “belong” in this neighborhood
We can’t breath as a country because our leader is a divider instead of a unifier
Make America great again he says
But for who? You?
What about the rest of us?
The voiceless and the downtrodden
The people who’ve been beaten to remain silent
Make America great please
But first you need to acknowledge that things aren’t equal
Because we can’t breath.
You do realize that the fucking anthem, martial patriotism display before every game is politics, right? And that it is used to valorize the armed forces and recruit young fans, right? The anthem is fucking stupid, end of story.
Politicize football.
Because niggers are doing it. That is all.
I'll tell you who isn't making a stand.
Those guys, who know when to kneel down to their betters.
Confederates were and are still dissenters. If you are going to side with tehm then you have to be killed
> niggers
Not even once
>implying im a confederate apologist
get your head out of your ass man, at least attempt to deconstruct the argument before you "hurr durr, fukin rednek mayne"
if a confederate flag was being waved around a football game i would say the same thing. its a football game, not a protest rally.
Well my family fought for the CSA. I don't find the confederate flag offensive. I also don't wave it or own one. It's just part of our culture and history. Get over it faggot.
Why was the Confederate flag allowed to be the flag of Georgia until 2001? If it stands for slavery and seceding from the US then why was this allowed?
Surely that's telling you that it stands for something else
Its not the kneeling thats offensive, i dont give a shit about that
Its that what theyre protesting is a made up objective that isnt achievable and doesnt exist to begin with
>protesting racism in america
Oh yeah what does that look like, how will you know when youve done it?
Its a goal that they can use to justify any dumbshit in the name of "stopping racism"
More undeserving blacks in colleges? Why not were stopping racism. More handouts for minorities to get on their feet? All in the name of anti racism. More shoehorned minorities in media and movies? You wouldnt want to be racist would you?
The confederates fought against a big government and had a clear and concise goal
I fucking hate liberals jesus christ
what the fuck kind of logic is this? why does the fact that it was a PART of georgia's state flag mean it can't stand for slavery and seceding, retard?
trump has done more for blacks already than the past two presidents could've dreamed.
blacks should be worshiping that man.
>wow, i'm totally drumfped
>better call it a slide thread
if the confederate flag is such a big deal like you shitlibs keep saying it is then where is the movement to fly the confederate flag? Oh there isn't one? So the confederate flag is a big strawman and the libs have no legs to stand on which is why they kneel in terror before the might of the god emperor?
Niggers on their knees is a good thing.
I enjoy the imagery. I hope they will kneel for years to come.
a flag that size can't be carried freely without touching the ground
Zerohedge is fake news
Theres nothing to be dumbfounded about, saying that hes protesting racism is like a child saying that they want world peace, any idiot can say it, this nigger just has a platform on which to say it