Question for you trumpHard loyalists: If he tweeted that your mother needs to be killed off because her Facebook post about his inability to govern went viral, would you still obey him blindly?
Question for you trumpHard loyalists: If he tweeted that your mother needs to be killed off because her Facebook post...
I would kill that whore myself
>posts a thumbnail
ignore this slide thread
glad your thread is going in your favor
>Question for you trumpHard loyalists: If he tweeted that your mother needs to be killed off because her Facebook post about his inability to govern went viral, would you still obey him blindly?
Questions for you Talmudvision consumers: Do you not know that USA and North Korea have been in a state of continious war since the 50s, do you not know that Obama said he would destroy NK with nukes if they attacked his allies(ie, exactly the same President Trump said), and do you not know that Hillary said she would obliterate Iran is she would become president? The two latter are on camera and easily verifiable.
Also, what has Trump actually done that makes you hate him so? Do words matter more to you than Obama and Bush killing 1 million in Iraq, and Clinton, Obama and NATO killing 500 000 in Syria in Libya and creating the niggercrisis in Europe?
Do you not know that Bill Clinton was the one who gave two nuclear reactors to North Korea?
Do you not know that the feminist multicultural utopia now has more grenade/IED deaths than Ukraine, and country that is in a hot war? Do you not know that only Mexico compares to Sweden's refugee induced rate of gun murders?
Do you not know that the holocaust never happened?
of course lol xD :3
Holy fuck, I believe it.
my mom is a socialist go right ahead
And yet you bitched that Hillary would start a war with russia?
Well, you know what they say about sheep.
What papa drumpf command, I obey
>if (insert improbable scenario happened here) would you do x?
go fuck yourself.
>not understanding the difference between being a "Trump loyalist" and loving chaos
lurk more
Nobody is obeying President Trump blindly. We look at his actions which have backed up his policies, and realize he's fixing this country as much as he can. And he'd do even more if Congress and judges weren't blocking him to screw the American people. That's who you should be mad at since they're screwing you too.
>What has Trump done to make you hate him
If I could answer that question fully, it take a book. Aside from dividing the country, embarresing it, letting Puerto Rico drown because he's more concerned with the NFL, pulling us out the Paris Climate Accord and shit load of other things...his goal is to destroy American influence. He is Putins puppet. He is unfit, unstable, unqualified. He is a goddamn disgrace to such a sacred position. The question you should be asking is what the hell has he done to NOT him?
Is that why you're not watching football anymore? Right.
I refuse to believe this is not bait. I refuse to believe there are people this ignorant, this incapable of logical thought, and this possessed of a lack of self-awareness
>boycotting a company for doing something you disagree with is blindly following
please off yourself.
Trump's policies are what would screw me. What's blocking them is the only thing thats keeping me from getting screwed.
>letting Puerto Rico drown because he's more concerned with the NFL
How is this a bad thing?
Sadly user, there are people as retarded as op
are you retarded? yes
is Russia
>best korea
a meme
Now THAT is one hell of a contradiction.
Really dude
What kind of nonsense question is this? /po/ complains about shills yet pays attention to every single one.
Keep on contradicting yourself.
Since when is asking a logical question, shilling?
Dear diary,
Today OP was a fag. That made his butthurt all the more apt.
Pls explain it to me.
I mean, nfl is like important to you right?
Too busy cringing at your language and that picture.
Now I remember why I gave up trying to rationalize with trumptards.
How would they screw you? They'd lead to higher wages, lower unemployment, less crime, lower taxes, less welfare abuse, protecting your Constitutional rights, and making sure only the most qualified get scholarships and jobs, increasing productivity and innovation. There's a reason the elites shill against Trump so hard, because what they want is the opposite of Trump and would hurt every American citizen.
>Copying thumbnails
>Asking stupid questions
>"He's Putin's puppet"
I smell a journalist.
I haven't watched it since 2008, do people really watch niggers throwing balls at each other for millions?
>non argument
Yeah we know, your political positions have no grounding on any factual basis whatsoever.
You asked the most retarded question I've ever seen on Sup Forums then claim to be trying to rationalize. Seriously, consider ending your life.
>21 million people without healthcare
>cost of living goes up due to banning cheap goods
>less jobs created because raw materials and finished goods cost more
>police state instated to stop historically low crime rates
>low taxes for rich billionaires that he rallied against you fucking idiot
>constitutional right protection for Nazis but not football players
>lower productivity and innovation because America closes it's doors to the best and brightest aroung the world.
The only thing that might be good is Affirmative Action, the rest of his policies are absolute shit for anyone who can literally think 2 steps ahead. Too bad most of his supporters can't even manage to do that
And a faggot for sure
the only thing I care about is that every day we get one step closer to hanging you commies and niggers from trees.
It's so close I can taste it
Absolutely, would do it myself
> t. LARPing faggot
sure think shill. sure thing
You only make us hate you more. Keep pissing in this ocean of piss.