How do we solve the nigger problem?
How do we solve the nigger problem?
>Left 17 future murderers.
Holy shit.
why is he angry when taking a picture with his daughter?
Stop giving them benefits. Niggers weren't a problem when the Jim Crow Laws were in effect.
Shoot them before they start reproducing.
Afraid he can't run away without paying child support.
And yet the proportion of black people in America is projected to stay the same.
imagine if abortion was illegal
imagine how rapidly niggers would reproduce
imagine the wave of potential criminals raised by clueless single mothers on welfare
I guess someone has to pay the toll.
Abortion and shooting deaths help, but it isn't enough. They are breeding like rabbits.
Get rid of welfare for life policies
Fuck white people
Free guns to Inner city's
remove welfare, put sterilizing agents in black water supplies.
Better yet, make permanent sterilization a pre-requisite for receiving welfare.
Yes, black people are going to stay 13-14% of an overall increasing population. Their percentage is staying the same. White people will be decreasing to 40% of the population and continue to drop. Whites are fucked.
>17 future soldiers for the race war
where will you get food without whites dummy?
Dey like bed bugs muddy fugga
Only give welfare to married men. This shit stops. We made a terrible mistake by paying women taxmoney by the child. Almost all of society's problems stem directly from this one mistake.
i'm pretty sure he left those seventeen children behind a long time ago
Exactly this.
How ridiculous that we should pay for people who want to breed and make a small city but want everyone else to pay for infrastructure and costs.
This woman is almost single-handedly responsible for the cap on welfare payments in the UK. Her kids are all by the same guy. She's hysterically insane, but also incredibly clever at playing the system.
Welfare is now capped at around £21k which is about twice minimum wage, and almost certainly three times the amount it should be.
Because he is a nigger, when are they not angry?
>Mexicans breed like roa...
I don't get why Sup Forums doesn't see niggers as the bigger treat
They of course are still nothing when compared to the jews
Borrow the chinese law of one child per family but limit it to niggers
>That many niggers
Sounds like he came from East-Michigan.All the worse niggers come from there.We have issues with niggers here in Western-Michigan-it's always gang and drug related that stays inside their own segregated borders.In Western-Michigan,Caucasians,Niggers,Spics,Asians,Jews,Islamic pigs,and leftovers choose to segregate themselves from other races.The only place you'll find your variety multiculturalism is in the city,and even there-there isn't a lot of multiculturalism/diversity,unless you count the shitters from out of state or from somewhere nowhere near the city.I HATE how the city turned into medical universities,and one shitty liberal arts college.At least the imported libshits figured out the west side of Michigan is really racist that won't put up with the libshit's forced PCness,anti-white,anti-trump,pro-ILLEGAL immigration,pro-sanctuary city,pro-antifa or BLM bullshit.Once the ICE raids started in the Spic start of town,the majority of illegals went into hiding.
>captcha:Public Ufahrt
$1000 cash to be voluntarily sterilized.
Refuse to give them benefits until they agree to be sterilised.
Unironically this. Copper IUDs and super low dose testosterone work amazingly well. Apply this to anyone who is on welfare longer than 2 years in 10.
I have never lost as much faith in the future of my nation than I did working obstetrics for 6 weeks.
Welfare families outbreed taxpaying families roughly 6:1
He had 19. Every white person should have at least 21
Forced sterilization was already tried, back in the 80's.
ACLU got it shot down
This is why you don't force it. Sanger's plan with abortions worked becouse it was counting on negroes volountaily aborting more than whites. You just need to pay them for getting their pipes cloged. it seems to work in India.
we already knew she is an animal lover.
nuke africa so they have nowhere to come from, then have the government sterilize or exterminate the ones at home.
Forced sterilisation of niggers with more than 1 kid