Damn, I guess we're the bad guys here.
Damn, I guess we're the bad guys here
Other urls found in this thread:
>Putting words in the mouths of the dead
That pisses me off to no end
Protesting cops by kneeling at a football game? I don't get it...
>soldiers are noble deaths
they're fucking meat in the grinder, what the fuck is with the putting them on a pedestal in america?
i REALLY doubt those guys died for a niggers right to do ANYTHING
I don't care about the kneeling, what I care about is the false narrative that white cops are killing niggers because they can get away with it.
I honestly don't know. There is literally nothing left in Murica worth being patriotic over except the Second Amendment.
If I risked life or limb so that people can sleep safe at night, I'd want those assholes to stand. My great uncle was a vet, and he sure did.
>freedom of speech=freedom of consequences
don't piss off the business and people keeping that business afloat.
I shit on your uncle
Military are 100% dogshit: up, sit, eat, sleep
Only retards are soldiers
>Why is this negro playing in the white football league?
Then you're a selfish faggot, just like your faggot uncle. If you fight for America, especially if you have scene hell, you shouldn't bitch about a nigger standing or sitting. It literally does not matter. They threw a ball, you threw a bomb. you've done feats and that's more than enough for you.
hehe....the right is on the wrong side of history on this issue (as well as many many other issues)
just let them destroy themselves.
to be fair, they were cucks.
Because negros seems in a way better physical shape than whitey
Sorry to hurt you, basement dweller
seen* need to stop typing too fast.
I shit on niggers
Niggers are 100% dogshit: up, rob, kill, steal, take money from military who pay taxes, sleep
Only niggers are criminals
But WW2 'muricans literally fought for communsim
Thanks for the money faggot
Good whitey doggo
Feels good to do nothing while you are working for us
What the word for this... ? Oh yeah. A slave. That's what you and your uncle are. How ironic is this?
The problem is that they CANT sit. They obvious CAN since otherwise they'd be in jail.
It's that they SHOULDN'T, since it's disrespectful.
How is this so hard for liberals to grasp?
I'm willing to bet my life that 80% of the people kneeling or whatever do so just because Trump said the opposite.
Literal blind hatred.
Died for Israel more like
>tfw i thought kap was going to get laughed off of the planet earth when he kneeled bc everyone with a brain knew he was doing it for attention and nothing else
And now hes just as important as Rosa parks and MLK. This planet needs to go. NEEDS TO GO!!
Kapernog can sit or kneel all he wants. I just want to call out the how ridiculous the topic of his protest is. I bet more people die from food poisoning in a week in the US than legitimate police brutality deaths of black Americans in a year. I haven't been convinced it's a legitimate problem.
>And thanks for providing another distraction for (((them))).
Hah! Somebody post a pic that fucking user post and shut this retard up.
Shut the fuck up until we want your vote again.
these people are funny
>kap has the right to sit... and you dont have the right to disagree with him sitting
For international Jewry.
You're not even a shill, you're just a shit subhuman. Like all other niggers, you're not even human. You know why we pay for you? You're our upper class' pet. You're the real dog. You do your tricks, too: rob, cheat, smoke and fuck with other white people. You know why the fucked up rich people lobby for you? They know the truth: you fuck with other white people, and it keeps them strong. You're literally not even a person, and it makes me laugh that you can type.
To be really ultra fair soldiers die for nothing at all that has to do with rights of the people. Face down in the mud of a foreign land so that one more mother can say "my son died a hero".
>caring about idiots that gave their life to a war that's not their own
I don't care about the kneeling. I care about the bullshit reasons why they kneel. I work with a large number of blacks and women and let me tel they get a pass on EVERYTHING and everyone kisses their ass. I wish was black 2017 is the year for you. All this shit about how hard it is for them is straight up fake news bs.
Thats what I said
This idea that the people in the military all serve for the same cliched reasons is stupid. I was in the navy for 6 years. I didn't join because i wanted to make sure privileged niggers could kneel during the national anthem
It's a little more complicated than that. It's a protest directed at the fact that we are not one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. That's really it.
No, communism is just one tool. They favour corporatism now.
They're only cucks because the men who ordered them killed were cucks as well. They couldn't have knows about the 'international Jew' as we do now.
They weren't Henry Ford. They didn't found one of the most innovative companies in all human history. They could not possibly know the wrath of the Jews as he did.
Then break up into smaller countries
Are you denying free speach? You think we should respect nazi's freedom to protest but not rando black sportymen?
>second frame
I disagree
>third frame
Interesting way of saying stupid niggers acting like stupid niggers.
real aussie shit, fuck 'muricans
They were fighting for a country that practised segregation.
i thought they died because the japs bombed pearl harbour
Are you dense?
wow niggers really do ruin everything. why don't they leave for Liberia if it so bad here?
To be fair, since 1945 they've done a good deed by killing mostly slants, niggers, and dune coons. There is that.
In other words, dark cloud, silver lining, etc.
As far as I know, they are protesting the anthem itself because of the history of its lyrics and because of the Black loyalist soldiers fighting for His Majesty during the American rebellion.
Are you?
>dead american soldiers on clouds and not in flames
that is entirely inaccurate, fuckin' libs
"This isn't the Britain we fought for"
'I sing no song for the once-proud country that spawned me,' wrote a sailor who fought the Japanese in the Far East, 'and I wonder why I ever tried.'
'My patriotism has gone out of the window,' said another ex-serviceman.
"Those comrades of mine who never made it back would be appalled"
turns out ww2 vets don't like migrants and trannies and faggots ruining their country
Effective marketing.
If they weren't put on a pedestal there would be less willing soldiers.
It's one of the many reason USA has way better infantry units than places like Australia for example.
>always wondered what the Ruskies where thinking
>their tanks where Legos
>it all makes sense now
My dad said everything trump said (minus the sob part) literally a week ago. The minute trump said it he did a complete 180. Because he loathes trump. I would bet money 95% of the outrage is bc trump said it. People just want to hate him and will take anything they can.
>Indivisible liberty and justice for all
In what context?
The fact the the media propagates lies about the killing of African Americans by cops each year to push a false narrative or what?
Anyone who buys into the systematic racism meme is just as retarded as Collin Cappernick and now he is paying for his blatant stupidity and cant find a team who is willing to take him because he creates more trouble then he is worth.
The only systematic racism in America is affirmative action.
Because niggers are fucking stupid.
Nfl is racist. Why is it that all the QB are white (slave Master) and the defense and offense line are blacks(slaves).
Everyone knew about Jews until a few decades ago. Everyone.
>American soldiers died for the right of uppity niggers to be uppity
Yeah, that's about right.
That's a terrible way to present percentages.
>Literally AT WORK at his place of employment
>Expecting to protest while on the clock and remain employed
>Costing employer ad revenue due to lost advertising dollars
Notice its white guys doing the dying
Aside from that liberals misconstrue intent with virtue signaling
I think the thing hes protesting is retarded, i can think that, and he has a right to protest, to liberals its that his very right to demomstrate is whats under attack, but thats not the case at all
its the Bush era all over again. not that we should like Bush, but liberals acted this childish during the Bush admin too just because it wasn't /theirguy/. like a kid who doesn't get his way so he takes his toys and goes home
white dead American soldiers: actually we died and gave our blood so that 60 IQ crack addicted niggers can rape the daughters of white Americans and have them raise retarded mulatto nog broods
Thats a really good repetition of the first part of the declaration of independence
Now what is he really protesting?
When they died the country was 92% white, they would have surrendered to the germans if they knew what this country would become just a couple generations later
>We're bad for having an opinion
>Opinions are bad
Damn, I guess you're a fan of thought crime. Go directly to jail, murderous pedo.
>Fighting for a country that practiced segregation
Sure, how is that at all relevant to now though?
Like really how is protesting something that ended 50 years ago help anyone or do anything for right now?
In a practical sense, it serves no purpose.
Fuck off concern troll.
We need flag burning niggers for lulz. How to best troll them?
>prtesting cops
yeah nah shitcunt, u.s. cops aren't dressed like this on duty. you are thinking of Bongistan.
the token "vet" on twitter saying its ok for them to kneel is such bullshit, i bet 90+ of combat vets think thats not ok
We did they were called states. Then the fed got too much power and fucked over the whole system.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder" - Colin Kapernog
>Yawn. This dude is boring.
Those soldiers would have been outraged if they saw a nigger sitting/kneeling at the national anthem
and those men have the right to tell ungrateful niggers they should stand.
I'm not into politics at all and didnt follow the election but I wasn't prepared for how butthurt everyone got when trump won. Your line about the kid not getting the toy he wanted and whining was spot on. And another thing ill add as someone who thinks both sides are dumb. I've had reasonable and peaceful conversations with trump supporters, trump haters instantly get mad and attack me because I don't think he's Hitler jr.
>muh victim complex
People call me fag everyday and you dont see me making excuses
That's right, it's every man's right to decide what symbols he salutes.
What can Sup Forums do to exploit this?
What sayeth the hive mind?
>Jews totally aren't communists
>That's why they push for "equal rights" and "open borders" in all white countries
>That's why Jews are constantly pushing anti-corporate and anti-capitalist propaganda through the education system, media, and entertainment industry
>This makes sense to you
Look, I know a lot of Commies don't believe China is a Communist nation but let's be honest, no one expected a Communist nation to last longer than China has. Just look at their quality of life. It's terrible. They're not capitalist, they're an evolved modern Communism. They never STOPPED being Communist. All they did was decide to do business with outsiders - that's it. It was that or see their perfect system crumble.
If Communists were smart, they'd cite China as a reason why Communism WORKS but they're so anti-capitalist and retarded, they claim it's capitalism.
Here's a thought - if all failed Communism attempts were really Capitalism, how come followers of Communism keep believing their beloved Communist dictators? They keep promising Communism and giving them "Capitalism" instead, right? So why keep believing the lie, after so many hundreds of millions die as a result?
If they want to protest they should do it on their own time.
This faggot gets it.
>what to put on pedestal
>fearless patriotic men or
>mentally ill
Faggots who didn't serve in the military shouldn't have right to vote.
It's our way of trying to mask the overwhelming guilt of fighting for the wrong side. Hence our handfuls of "anti communist" wars (Korea, Vietnam, cuba, etc.) that we started to compensate for our collaboration. We also get extremely sensitive when one asks "couldn't we have stopped communism in ww2 and ultimately prevent the future wars against it if we didnt collaborate with the USSR?" most of the time the answer is your typical propaganda filled response; "We had to stop the people putting other people in ovens. they were much more evil"
You're dumb.
Everybody knows that the WW2 military wasn't segregated and all those white draftees sure loved uppity half breeds.
why should i care what vets have to say about flags, anthems, and patriotism?
they can tell me all about combat and the horrors of war but they can shut the fuck up about politics. they went to war because they were ordered to do so. they didn't jump up and fight for anything else.
They also were put in place to enforce desegregation, even though I guarantee you a few of those boys weren't very keen on it.
The military is just the military.
And you might say,
"Well user nigger is a much more hateful word than faggot and if youre not gay anyway then it means nothing to you"
As if faggot doesnt have a history of hatred behind it when they used to burn people alive for being gay and attributed them to being less than kindling. And it doesn't bother me because I don't associate with that word, a black man who is a proud man and does honest work wouldn't be hurt by the word nigger because he doesn't associate with it, thereby rendering it powerless
Freedom costs a buck-o-five.
If that's the biggest/only reason you believe liberals were/are upset then you're retarded. Judging by how much gun sales dropped once /yourguy was elected I'd say that statement applies to the Obongo era republicans, don't it?
In a way it's like saying your great uncle risked his life to support a totalitarian regime. Someone not standing for your country can be an asshole, but he has the right to be an asshole. I thought that's what american freedoms were all about.
you know you're trolling
this, so much
You certainly are. Imagine being a wealthier nigger (because of white people) and then complaining that niggers who attack white people are victims of some evil white oppressive system that blacks from Africa and the Caribbean want to come into for some reason
My dad was in WW2 and he bitched aboit jews all the time.