This is my Girlfriend of almost 10 years. We met in high school at 17 years old. She's very based but hides that power, obviously.
She's only had one relationship before me, it was her first boyfriend and lasted about a year before I stole her, dude wanted to be a 'player' and I stepped in to 'comfort' her.
I'm her second relationship and second guys she's had sex with. I plan on marrying her very soon.
How to find a girl or do what I've done. STOP MASTURBATING, get semi-fit and just be yourself...that's it. Oh, and get a non-meme degree from a 4 year university; we both have one.
BTW that's my kid we had when we were about 21 years old, we should have waited but it was a happy accident.
Raising a kid isn't that expensive and it's not rocket science, you don't have to buy all these bullshit 'baby accessories' to be a good parent.
So if you're interested, AMA.
Find a good white girl and have at least two children NOW!
dont get cocky, kid
gj tho
I'm a black guy, is that cool with you?
I'd love to have relationship with a girl and have children.
Sadly it is really hard for me to find a suitable girl here in mexico, i can't get over the fact that most people down here are blue pilled beyond measure, you have no idea guys.
Im currently 24 and a neet, but I plan on getting a job this year and i will start doing excersise this week.
I really do want this kind of life, wish me luck.
Your kid looks retarded
>marrying someone from high school
everyone is secretly cringing at you
Yep, I went to high school that was 50% black. A long as you don't act like a fucking nigger it's fine.
Sounds cucky.
Either you are a stand up guy or you are not.
Why didn't you marry her already then? Either she is based or she is not. But you have did the kid test drive. For what purpose? Cause you didn't trust her?
Like that's not going to come back on you in SPADES!
Mex women really take care of you. You don't have a job? Hmm maybe you don't deserve a women user.
How do you say "Rosy palms" in spanish?
You can do it user. Just be patient and drop red pills very slowly to a girl that has potential.
Remember, women are mostly conformists and followers. They will do what appeases you if they really care about you.
Guarantee, he's smarter that you. He actually reads books, he's working on '200 years together' right now.
He chose that book on his own by the way.
Really!?! Fuck! I'm gonna dump that slut and my retarded kid right now and find me a real woman down at the strip club.
>a 4 year old is smarter than me cause he reads books
Big if true
Had to google what rosy palms is.
A rough translation would be "puñeta"
>Just be patient and drop red pills very slowly to a girl that has potential.
Thanks man, I'll stick to this and hope for it to work.
By the way, would you suggest me to follow the same tactic in order to make new friends?
I didn't mean to come off as cocky. I'm just telling you guys that are looking for good, non coal burning girls they're out there.
Even if they're a little fat and liberal, her mentality can be flipped in about 6 months to a year with subtle truths.
That photo is about 7 years old.
Go back to Sup Forums, Krager you fuckin ape
Just about high school relationship I know fucks up, usually aroundthe late 20s
Unless the person is completely lost i.e. Eric Clanton, it works for almost everyone.
Eric Clanton is about to find out what diversity is really about with his prison comrades.
where do yo think ol' Eric is headed to, San Quentin maybe?
Pelican Bay, possibly?
Most do but I got lucky, I guess.
My girlfriends half Dominican what do you guys think of that. I'm probably going to marry her, I'm a little racist but not a nazi like most of you guys. Will are kids be white?
Domicians are great coz they hate hatians and blacks, great cooks , if she has big tits and fat ass your good, your will be white enough to pass, but they can be Latin enough to get a scholarship
My wife had one kid and then was told she couldnt have more. I tried and got so far...
I'm a procrastinator.
Kek, poor guy.
>tfw found the good Christian girl of my dreams
>tfw I'm 35 and she's 24 and a client of mine so asking her out would be creepy
wtf am I still doing on Sup Forums?
>Poor guy
That antifa motherfucker almost killed Sriracha shirt man. GF and I are both in healthcare at a level 1 trauma center; people have died with lesser injuries to the skull.
Do whatever you want, and as long as you don't share your shitty genes, that's okay.
Do it! Lot's of women like older men, just not too old. The worst that could happen is she says no.
You should ask her to lunch first, it's less formal and she won't feel as pressured to get all made up.
Ask God if she's the one
35/2 = 17.5 + 7 = 24.5
You're all good user
Wrong. I married my high school sweetheart and we've been together for 22 years total, tomorrow is our 19th wedding anniversary and younger people are always shocked, amazed and jelly we've made it this long while older people are happy and proud of us for not bailing after the first argument.
do you whore her off to niggers you cuck
imagine being this naive to the people around you
I never had problem with girls. Just be yourself and give her a firm handshake.
Wow, Sup Forums is a small world. Is that S....... M..... from H, M?
I fucking hate kids though.
Roastie detected
Good job user. If you've got the cash you should consider invetro.
If your not larping
You should delete this dude
You have no idea who is on this board
taking care of a kid isn't as hard as people say it's only a little harder than taking care of a puppy
basically it's only hard if you've never had responsibilites your entire life