Trumpsters on suicide watch

Trumpsters on suicide watch

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Nice try.


fake news

cancer and sage

sage this post.

Lots of shills today

Fake news, or, will it last? Will the nancies suddenly find they enjoy football? Probably not. The left once again kills another American institution.

That's just a bold faced lie.
They were even lower than last week.


nobody knows the ratings yet for the Sunday games in general just the Sunday night game but early numbers aren't looking significant either way

there probably were a lot more viewers for the first set of games just due to people wanting to see what would happen. By the important night game, everyone knew the score and it got bad ratings.

Weak b8. Go kys failtroll.


Fake and homosexual

Fake news, Hillary.


That was because it was a shitty blowout game. CBS NFL ratings were up all across thee board.

>UPDATE, 9:17 AM:
>all of that back pedaling

maybe you should read your sources?

>called black people sons of bitches
>tried to have the entire sport boycotted because the players hurt his feefees
>brought a whore who doesn't even speak english to the white house as his first lady
>lost the popular vote, lowest support in history
>broke almost every electoral promise he made
why is this idiot not being impeached?

CTR please leave


In for CTR circle jerk

We've been warned about you satan, you have no power here.

>drupf is delusional!
>reads fake news all day

It's a fake story, moron.



Literally none of that includes breaking the law, retard.

You guys ready when the adjust their polling methods to show rating increases

Where have I seen poll manipulation before? Hmmm......


They are already factoring cord cutting, theyre gonna just start completely fudging the numbers to look to good to investors

He is also guilty of high treason.

lol. everything he touches turns to shit. he's like some kind of turd Midas i guess

>nearly a year later and STILL trying to push this shit.


>one CBS night game.

boycott the nfl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get out, just get out nigger.

Literally fake news. Kill yourself.


LITERALLY fake news


Slide thread. Saged

Nah, he brings it up and liberals get their fetid, greasy unwanted mitts on it and alienate everyone away from it
We really do appreciate your help though, whether you realize it or not

>everyone tunes in to see if the players will do the bullshit stunt they said they would
>they do
>everyone turns on something else and never comes back

Let's see what happens next week.

This. Nobody was watching to show solidarity people wanted to see how badly the players were gonna chimp out.


It might have been the most highly watched for the first 14 minutes. then all of white christian american turned that shit off.

Bump brother.

Remember when Sup Forums's boycott of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was going to cripple the film? How much money did that movie make again? Seems like the NFL boycott is going just as well, but god forbid we let the facts disrupt the NFL BTFO narrative circle-jerk.

Next weekend itll be down. I know I am not watching anymore, especially after what happened to the Lions. Tired of this kind of bullshit anyway. College is better

Lol, just looked up the (((stats))) for this
They used CBS pregame viewership as the basis for their claim

They essentially admit butt hurt libs tuned in for the Anthem and then left
How desperate are these fools?

I keep saying this but no one listening.

>Trump's Attacks on NFL Backfire for Now, Boosting CBS's Ratings (and Shares)


>stocks also rose

b t f o

I know this is a difficult concept for you to grasp, but the truth is still the truth, no matter how much time passes.




It's gonna backfire

>no proof or evidence



false, snf ratings were down 10% from last week and even more from last year. the cowboys will rate big tonight tho, jerry makes sure they respect the flag

>The Jew Yorker

Fake news