Berkeley Antifa turning on eachother. Antifa attacked for BEING WHITE
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Rejects gonna reject
haha "its in your blood its in your dna" antifa confirmed for fascists. weird.
This can't be happening!
I am one of the GOOD white people!
what a fucking cuck trying to justify his existence
god too bad he didn't fall on his own feet and broke his neck
Do you think this changed his mind?
stop punching right guys
An ideology filled to the brim with contradictions and useless identity labeling is tearing itself apart?
where are my twitter brothers at?
send this to normies.
White left wing BLM sjw nutjobs don't understand that no matter how sweetie they are to niggers they'll always be seen as white trash.
also I love the old timey fansub font+coloring
>halfway through the protest they all just started beating the shit out of each other
>whites in an anti-white march
he deserves nothing but death
This redpilling should be the equivalent of chemtrails
>The left eating itself
God I love this time line
>when autism reaches critical mass!
This video has everything, EVERYTHING, to destroy the movement.
what do performative mean?
Their movement has always been like this. They're just self hating cucks
Judging by the context it sounded like they were shouting at some, idk, Alt Right or whoever they happen to be, someone they didn't like, and she had expected him to physically assault the guy but he was only shouting at him.
So I guess it means he was just like, saying shit and not 'walking the walk'
Physical removal fucking when? Communist have more than shown they can't respect basic rights at all.
Antifa protects the banksters & lets people die
It's one of those stupid terms they picked up @ university from some absurd social science course from their wacky pc college teachers.
It just means talking and not getting physical i.e violent.
performative is basically the idea that saying something is equivalent to doing something. So saying "you are a fucking nazi, fuck off!" is the same as punching him in the face. She was telling him to punch them instead of just yelling.
In reality though she was just being racist and hoping to get 2 white people at once, she wouldnt give a shit if the antifa got jailed for assault, because he was white.
Useful idiot lets woman tell him what to do, because he is the racist for being born white.
Spread this
If I could get away with it I would execute these people with a shotgun shell to the back of the head. Nothing fancy, they are unworthy of it. Actual historical antifascist would kill fascists.
They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.
Brings to mind memories of Hitler commenting that most of his recruits ended up being Socialists who realized just how disgusting the Jews actually were, and fled into his arms to escape the KPD.
This is important because it shows that we were ABSOLUTELY CORRECT the entire time--when the Jews and the shitskins gain power, they don't remember their friends.
when will they understand that PoC just want revenge and want to destroy them? their attempts at do-gooding are just viewed as weakness.
>Be eternal cuck
>No social skills to get friends, no game to get girls
>Try to join organization that ask you to self-deprecate to virtual signal which seems kind of easy
>Turns out you can't even make friends there and they bully you out for racial reasons while you were trying to fight racists
Every loser that comes to Sup Forums with their shilling is literally that guy's clone.
It seems it's a way of saying "stop performing" but she thinks it sounds more intelligent because she used a longer word
It amazes that this is the opposition that everyone who isn't to the left of Marx has to face. The idiocy of their movement is so apparent and yet people still cling to the bullshit when it is devoid of all logic
These people are really stupid.
haha this is perfect. spread this everywhere. facebook, reddit, myspace, wherever. these things are having an affect little by little i have noticed recently that the constant race politics is taking its toll on ordinary white folk. let them know that their hard work against racism goes unoticed and unappreciated by these crazy leftists.
little increments but we are getting there slowly but surely
It's one of those things you kinda have to experience to realize that they really are just racist against white people.
It's too easy for many young people to just see movies and TV shows where everyone gets along, then start thinking that race shouldn't be some divisive issue.
You really have to get treated like shit for being white to realize that there is really a slew of non-whites that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
>fat bitch yelling racist shit at white cuck
>white cuck taking it and trying to justify being a cuck
top fucking kek. these hateful losers, all of them.
I don't think you can change leftists minds and moderates will probably won't care.
I tried once to soft-pill a dude that I had to work with for a while. Anything I'd throw at him he'd just ignore it, flat out. Like when I told him Merkel was a communist and he said it was impossible and I showed him pictures of her with communist uniform and a whole pdf about her involvement in the communist youths and he was like "nah man, that's just anecdotic".
Dammit. I didn't want this to happen until Antifa started the civil war. This infighting will make their extermination more difficult.
This is our time to gain some new recruits. It's easy to get people to join you when they're also being shat on because of their race.
If this keeps happening to him, he will be eventually come here and wake up. The left is redpilling themselves.
Yeah it is that way with hardcore believers. They call everything propaganda and lies.
The small % of openly anti white, whites are beyond any help and need to be treated worse than nonwhites.
mmm baby. nothing is juicier than the left eating it's own.
someone should just put them all out of their fucking misery
>somebody threw a megaphone on my head
>We cant allow whites to think theyre genetically unique and different from others and to think in their best interest. Let's tell them they're genetically different and that that's bad and they will never be able to change that.
These guys are legitimately retarded.
Pseudo deep negro activism speech for LARPing or "being a white ally but not putting yourself in harms way for us", I guess. They want whites to volunteer to be disposable. Give them you money, do their dirty work, then kys.
Jup. He was threatening some protesters. Most likely they didn't even do anything and just looked like targets.
There's a subset of far left radicals that are susceptible to redpills, though. I've met and spoken to some. They generally just rolled into Antifa bc of environment or circumstances and got caught up, but still have some capacity for reason. They really think they do good, and end up realizing the true intentions and nature of their ideology. This footage is a perfect example of what exactly can redpill those Antifas.
Still pisses me off. The fucking Scottish history museum themselves paid to have a shitty rapper insult their artworks. For... for what?
>stop the REEE shirt
thats not how you do it thats why. you just drop certain videos or news articles on social media etc WITHOUT making any comment or giving any personal opinion. gradually when they are exposed to enough of these things they will change their minds without even realising it.
forget the communism angle that doesnt work it's not a bad word like you think it is.
my mother has always been a leftist and we have often talked about politics but i never revealed my real thoughts about anything because they are so opposite to hers. but i slowly drip dripped little nuggets of information here and there which i could tell caught her off guard. eventually she started looking into things herself and now she no longer supports the left.
you have to use subtlety to get through to them
Sup Forums is always ALWAYS right. We predicted this exact thing months ago.
My mum is a Muzzie and I redpilled her on muzzies and refugees. Took her only a year of my little deposits of redpill to admit she "sometimes feels ashamed to be part of those people". Slow and steady, and most of all subtle, wins the race. Put it on too thick and you push them away.
Did you guys know King George III and George Washington were the same person?
But if speech = violence, they should be equivalent, right? hmm
She might be reffering to performative speech (Austin) where a speech executes an action ie. "I declare you Husband and Wife" when said by a priest, or "I sentence you to 45 years in jail". However it makes absolutely no sense in this context. She might think she's using a technical term for "pretending" or "posing".
t. Had to endure that shit for 8 years
checked and checked
has she been doxxed and arrested for inciting a riot?
The answer to 1984 is 1973.
The movement is doomed already.
idiots every last one. irrelevant
because hitler didn't burn every bridge he ever had, right? read a book you faggot.
>Hey Sup Forums look at this one nut job that I'll pretend now represents all of anti-fa so we can all get recreationally outraged about it!.
bahahaha literal retards
What does this mean in the grand scheme of things?
t.triggered antifa
I would recommend you to meditate on what it means to "identify" as something. You are using this word because you were taught to use it, as an objective descriptor of how people operate. It is both something the person does, and yet also something the person has no control over, since it comes from a place of want/desire. The term is in a quantum state of being both an action as well as a consequence (of their character/biology). And besides, people should be free to "identify" as whatever they want, right? Who are these bigots that would tell you some identites are off limits? And yet...
And yet it is not possible to "identify" as something, since the something is a mere ideal, a kind of platonic construct. Not even in the most manliest of manly societies was there a clear, articulated concensus of what it means to be a "man". But regardless of what people conceived us as "manly", it would be the product of one's actions and conduct, not a label you can ascribe to yourself.
You say you don't feel male or female, and I can sympathize with that. We live in a very troubled world and neither gender is clearly pronounced right now. In fact, you might be one of those who consider all identities to be "socially constructed" spooks. However, none of this means that identities are up for grabs, and it certainly does not mean that YOU can "identify" as whatever you want.
What you consider an "identity" is actually the result of a supreme lack of confidence in who you are. At the same time that you want to berate others for using "male" and "female" as if they are clear identities, you want the freedom to construct your own new identity to hold on to, and then force others to play along with that. You may not see it that way, but that is what you do.
You have been sold a lie that "identity" is something that is a personal construct, uncovered by deep introspection and comparison of your character with society's tropes. This is false. You are man or woman.
There will be a time when this white cuck got berated by a midget spic enough so he stayed home. When that happens either the midget spic will be quiet or stay home as she obviously doesn't want to get hit.
Probably not much, she's one nutter in an organisation with no real hierarchy. All she can do is scream like she did in the video in hope to get her way.
Don't think so. Several people have claimed she's the same from the vid where some brown Antifa crashed the Berkeley police chief presser, but it looks nothing like her.
Cracks within Antifa. German reports showed this last year. The far-left is not only decreasing in growth but fracturing internally due to ideological differences. They grow less potent. As has been said often: "The left pushes more people to the far-right than the far-right could hope to achieve on their own."
exactly. unfortunately most people on here and on the right in general are far too blunt and sometimes downright thick. if we had a few smarter heads knocking about we could be in control of things right now but as usual the over-zealous larpers and fools ruin it for the rest of us.
never out live your causes purpose or risk becoming the rot that'll kill it.
>white antifa get btfo'd by Sup Forums and colored antifa
Yes Lord, I can't wait until they mentally break down. How do you guys think they'll react after being exiled from the left? Will they crawl back to us? Or will they all commit a mass suicide with their last thoughts being "Sup Forums was right"
that breivik was right in killing them, you can't argue with genelets or shitskins
It means antifa is less and less likely to accomplish anything as they alienate more of their white members. No group has ever accomplished anything without a white man that leads and organizes (for what ever reason).
>all those other cucks jumping in to shit on him as well so they get a pat on the head
lol fucking pathetic
>I will
lmao what a fucking cuck
I bet you're great at parties, user
"fuck off"
why is that leftist say this the most effeminate way?
if you are implying this is a isolated incident then you are lying to yourself more than anyone
I really need to lay off Sup Forums
have a bump
anyone going to mention that a female is commanding males to do thing for them, fucking weak cucks
they are holding back tears
and its not a "fuck off or ill fight you" that men usually say its a "okay you win please leave me alone"
All of you are commies, you all think the same so this might as well represent all of you. And this idea will continue to spread throughout your movement.
What an incredibly pretentious and long-winded way to say self-identity doesn't matter.
>You're white, this is your fault.
>It's in your blood
>It's in your DNA.
Trump calls mexicans criminals and rapists and everyone freaks out because NOT ALLLLLLLLL of them are criminals.
fun fact: They all act like sassy black women because that is literally their only reference for a "strong woman who dont need no man" its fucking hillarious and now that I've pointed it out, you will notice it all the time. Rich white girl nerds acting like they are some badass ghetto bitch
are not good at getting gets?
Reminder occupy wall street fell apart because the SJWs kept arguing with the white dudes trying to actually strategise and ended up with bitches getting raped because no one was there to protect them from wild niggers
I can't wait for non-white antifas to finally turn completely on white antifas and start brutally murdering them at their own rallies. It will bring me great pleasure to see those defective cunts get what they deserve.
was only a matter of time
When will white leftist cucks learn that for shitskins being white is literally like the original sin? No matter how much they cuck out, bend over and how much of an "ally" they're, non-whites will still hate them at the end of the day.
>"its in your blood, in your dna"
This singlehandedly has to be a wake up call, i myself went straight into WN because every leftist and shitskin kept telling me i was a nazi no matter what, so i said "hey if im so irreparably and undeniable racist no matter what i do, i at least better be good at it!" And here we are.
Holy fucking shit, I'm so relieved now that I'm aware of the shit these faggots deservedly got for this.
Nope, probably turned him more into a white-guilt faggot.
The world is truly prison politics when it comes down to it.
Is Che Guevara considered white? He was a good leader of men