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Winning big league!
At this point, the outrage is significant enough that any company that 'punishes' the league and players will get millions of dollars worth of free advertising. Is it virtue signaling? Sure. But it's nice to see companies actually signaling allegiance to our side for once. It represents a real pivot away from the corporate submission to progressive dominance. Good!
>americans and a song
Who? You people are too retarded to see that the NFL is Jewish owned and Trump is a Jewish puppet. If this protest is big news it's because they are covering something else up.
wtf is Von miller anyway.
As long as it's entertaining, the fuck do i care
>Has anarcho-communist flag.
>calls out the jew
>Germany not understanding nationalism
He's the handegger that turned the 2015 MVP into a middle schooler in super bowl 50
>ruin my life as long as you entertain me
The absolute state of krauts
The Jews have been hard on you krautbro. It's not fair that you were taught since birth to hate your country.
to be fair the psyche thing he did was pretty fucking stupid too, considering he was advertising for a law firm... Imagine the competition's ads.
"Philip Long... PSYCHE!!"
Reminder that Trump got legions of niggers to kneel for him yesterday
>4 more years of merkel
Its all connected. Libs and their self righteous shit. There is a HUGE culture war going on now.
This is another battlefield
shit tier fps
I guess the yellow on your flag represents your belly.
niggers on suicide watch
We'll know that we have won when people start burning jerseys with the niggers still in them.
Even without the MUH NATIONAL PRIDE stance on why the players shouldn't be doing this there'd still be the fact that they don't know what they're even protesting. They want the NFL to take an anti-police stance. Think about that.
Oh fucking kek man.ahhah
Our victory in WWII was so total, we destroyed your ability to even think of Germany as a nation of any worth besides the mercantile.
Denazification really did a number on you.
I'd apologize for what the anglosphere did to you in World War II but you're probably too brainwashed to understand why.
Humans work with symbols. Your old national anthem is a fine song. Much better than the Bohemian Corporal who ran your nation into the ground, but now you are happy robotic Leftists instead of happy robotic Nazis. Either way, Germans get to skip critical thinking and be obedient to their DDR mummy Merkel.
Kikeshill concern troll detected.
Raid all you want. It spurs us onward.
>Not nationalism
>see flag
I'm not surprised
This is the epitome of the jew media echo chamber thinking they pulled a fast one on Trump here.
They have no idea that most people are siding with the president on this one.
Even some dudebros in lab today were talking about it. "Bro just play the fucking game. If NHL pulled that shit with O Canada I'd tell those boys to fuck right off"
Operation Spark was a good idea but Sup Forums isn't interested in trolling niggers to escalate by flag burning.
It would have been glorious.
Do you feel it, anons...
Adpocalypse: NFL edition
haha back to picking cotton
Nice bait
Fucking hell shes a cunt.
Delete this right now you cunt
i want to see real companies act
Ford might have a hard time selling trucks to the Rust Belt soon
I know it was a good idea but nu-Sup Forums is not even trained up enough with good shill accounts. They are weak and chripple chan sat on its ass along with /ptg/ not doing shit to back up Trump. I'm not even gonna tray and bring it back this whole place has gotten very soft just reliving its past glories.
yeah its almost peak stupidity by the left
It is churning out more and more Trump supporters by the day.
Wait until NFL Network and redzone subscribers numbers start to leak. I bet they have had some busy call centers these past 72 hours.
PLZ god leftists start doing this shit at baseball games. Basketball nobody cares about but baseball will be a huge deal.
2020 Olympics will have some chimpouts I am sure. Right before election time... Truly we are merging with best timeline.
>six month contract runs out
top kek
It just begun nigger
your white race has been dying for a long time kiddo
Are you saying they would have not renewed if all this shit hadn't been going down?
And now I see Big Ben from the Steelers posting he regrets his decision yesterday. HA HA HA I bet you do ben!
We don't need numbers.
>communist not killing himself instead of trying to ruin everyone else
I make the best tweets
absolutely retarded
were not dying its just nonwhites are growing exponentially faster
so it just means more ghettos and non white on non white crime and I get to live in my quiet suburban neighborhood :)
I still don't believe the Trump/Jew narrative. His refusal to invade Syria is simply too non-kosher.
>were not dying its just nonwhites are growing exponentially faster
wait wait wait
>I get to live in my quiet suburban neighborhood :)
Obama put section 8 into pure white neighborhoods on purpose, by design, and publicly admitted that was the point. People cheered.
He will not be the last to do this.
Everyone loves you based trump
>Red, Blue, White, Black, and Yellow
The Color Revolution isn't being televised; it IS television. Lulz!
A fucking faggot already did it on my team. I had to throw away my Jersey, Hat, and Lanyard.
These white fags putting a hand on them in support is fucking funny. Looks more like he owns him.
Yes! Fucking ridiculous niggers
Seriously, today's Germans are the faggiest group of people to ever exist.
Don't think this has anything to do with real patriotism though, this is profit motive plain and simple, it just isn't profitable to cater to leftists on ESPN, if it were they'd do it. The good thing is that it signifies that sports fans are still generally conservative, which is obvious to most people anyway, but still it's nice to see every now and then.
>krauts and identity
A nigger who plays da feetsball and was in a deodorant commercial. Which is funny advertising because niggers are stinky
why are white guys doing it too?
>haha back to picking cotton
We made that mistake before, we need to go back even farther, to a different time and place... pic related
Yeah, well, we've been evolving too. You should try it sometime, nigger
Hes a half breed