
>be europe
>colonize everyone
>show everyone advanced technology, and civilized ways of living
>raise all other civilizations up
>entire races of people become redefined by how much European admixture they have (India, American blacks, Mexicans, etc)
>be offended when people from your former colonies want to live in your homeland

What gives guys? Are we missing something here?

I'm full on 1488 but I think the Aryan master race thing to do is to forge a world empire with Aryans at the top of the hierarchy. All other people can contribute to the global empire and help build things, but nothing will change the social hierarchy. If Aryan people choose to race mix, let them, they don't believe in their soul/DNA anyway.

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I'm not saying their shouldn't be racial consciousness and in-group preference, there absolutely should be, but is a 4th Reich realistic? Are the Aryan people of the USA and the former British Empire the ones who are actually being smart?

We explored the world, conquered and colonized because we wanted to take the best parts, not import the shittiest

>show everyone advanced technology, and civilized ways of living
>raise all other civilizations up

That is good.

>be offended when people from your former colonies want to live in your homeland

Third worlders are destroying everything.

Here is what worries me though. Now that all the former colonies have our technology, they're not going to NEED a world order with us at the top. We have to give them a good reason to stay part of our greater civilization and culture. So that is why maybe 20% of our homelands should comprise of foreigners. What is the right number though? 5%, 10%, 30%?




ethipia doesn't count though

Russia is a product of Asian influence mixing in with Viking culture, so yes Russia is part of European culture. The commie fags destroyed much of the European culture in Russia though but I'd still consider them to be European.


>never under European control

Wow, shit map

This was when Christianity was at its peak in Europe. Spreading Christianity was a major part in establishing colonies. China is now seeing a rise in Christianity whilst become more capitalist and economically prosperous, and the chinks will probably lead the way in the next Crusade to get rid of European mudslimes.

excuse me?

Japan should be at least under European sphere of influence, or at Partial control of influence like China. Don't know anything about Korea from that era, but I'm pretty sure it's the same story. Shit map.

Ayo hol up eese


we wuz europeans n shit

It's France. Guess what's in there. Yeah, midnight black niggers.

And a space launch center.

To be fair thailand gave up quite a shit ton of land to both france and the UK to remain somewhat alone and korea and japan both signed unequal treaties. They should be partial european control
>Liberia is the only nation never touched by euorpe cause america litterly gave a nation to blackies and even they didnt want africa.

How did we colonise anyone?

we british waz kangz bruv
ruled da world n sheeeit bruv

Japan never was under European control you total dip.

Greenland is Danish but it's not purple

North Korea was technically under European Colonialism when the USSR forced Kazakh people to North Korea during a forced population transfer in 1948.

Nagasaki was well populated by Europeans during the 19th Century AD.

South Korea, Liberia and Thailand are the only countries not to be colonized or controlled by European powers.

And Thailand is the only country that's worth anything that wasn't occupied by the US either.

The us occupied Japan and wrote their current constitution you drooling retard


Fuck off with this "you colonized us now we'll colonize you" bullshit. Nobody lets themselves be willingly conquered unless they don't deserve independence in the first place. We have a right to fight for our futures.

I'll also add that it was the US that forced Japan to open trade and the Meiji government was heavily advised by the British

> I'm full on 1488 but I think the Aryan master race thing to do is to forge a world empire with Aryans at the top of the hierarchy.

user, have you seen the "master race" lately ?
Start building your time machine or move to eastern Europe .

Japan is still an occupied country perhaps not in practice but in legal terms they are not autonomous.

The reich number is near 0. They get no special privilege by law. Foreigners, Alien, and citizen are treated equal but land owning was restricted to citizens of the royal crown.

While they have our tech they lack sustainability. The moment white troops withdraw it will decay back into lawless tribalism. Where it becomes ok to commit crimes against outsiders. See brit teacher raped and killed by 30 gunmen. Those men wouldn't dare do that to each others daughters for fear of retribution or expulsion from the tribe.

So no need to worry abut them having our tech. They cant invent past hand me downs. When they get nukes we already have space cannons and lasers. When they use nukes, we send them back to square one like North Korea. Kim only controls that region of land because the boundaries drawn up by china russia and USA treaties and foreign food aid which prevents the population from famine and greater societal collapse. The math to create a nuke is lost when a new generation can barely even do basic calculus or know the values of sine, pi, e, c, or measure a days length down to the millisecond.

No when the bottom finally drops out and the pyramid order tips over we will all be back in a dark age fighting civil wars against our brothers for survival and food. Welcome reality outside the bubble of the american dream.

There are only a handful of non-white countries that would pose a threat to any of us. China, Japan, Israel, and maybe you could make a weak argument for India or Brazil.

Globalists have been saying the 3rd world will catch up for decades. The won't. We're still far ahead of everyone even with traitorous leaders and corporations that funnel our taxes and technology out.

>First part

Mutually beneficial trading at the time. Natives get fancy stuff to fight neighboring rivals. Colonists get land to establish trading posts and proceed to set up interior supply chains to acquire more common materials that are rare and in demand back home. Win-win. Dont blame us for your ancestors lack of foresight.

>Second part

Bring no value to the homeland besides relatively cheap labor supply. Low skill due to lack of higher educated and poverty. Only provide "muh dick" and higher crime which is raising the social burden of the taxpayers to enforce law and order. Foresee social collapse and expel those who are illegally entering and refusing to integrate into a homelands culture. Thus creating pockets of lawless gangs and dangerous areas among an otherwise law abiding population.

it's a correct map actually Japan during the time was under the Tokugawa Shogunate from 1600 until late 1800's. During the time they followed a policy called Sakoku, which literally means closed country.
We had trading posts there (nagasaki) and missionaries but even those were expelled and crucified at some point.

People like you are incapable of advancing your declining culture.
You are subhuman, lacking the divine spark.
Just go away and die, nobody needs you.

Didn't Japan have a small dutch colony? Or was it purely trading port?


Patagonia was colonized by Chilean and Argentinian authorities, so no, it wasn't colonized by Europeans.

Some parts of Japan were under european control, specially by the portuguese:


also after wwii, by us

Ah! I knew somebody got there.

french guiana