Brit/pol/ - Lycamobile store edition

>Hitchens: My drugs advice to William? You've been duped, you dope!

>Six injured in east London 'acid attack'

>Theresa May urges EU to retain trade terms for two years after Brexit

>Ahmed Hassan charged with 'attempted murder' over tube bombing

>Theresa May to warn tech firms over terror content

>Parsons Green bombing: Two more arrested over Tube attack

>Owen Goes Full Brent

>May Agrees to £40BN Brexit Bill

>M3 Is Fucked

>Year of terror: Timeline of ISIS attacks in Great Britain

>Brexit fuels smuggling fears on the Irish border

Other urls found in this thread:

drunk ama reddit

Anime is shit btw

2nd for NEET Kangs

And yet the numbers show that the great men of history are pretty much split down the line between beta virgins and alpha sex-machines.

Newtown and B. Franklin for example. And arguably the most fruitful part of mens lives are when they are focused on work and not pussy. See Saint Augustine who is only remembered for his works after he vowed celibacy.

Moral of the story is that you can make it whether or not you pump/dump or remain a virgin or chaste.

>tfw all I do is drink, work and shitpost

I mean you can, but it's nowhere near as fun. It's like teetotalism or not going on holiday. Sure, you can do just fine without it, but you're depriving yourself of one of life's greatest pleasures.

> Some of the predominantly female characters wore school uniforms, hair clips and innocent expressions as they engaged in sometimes violent sex acts with dominant characters.

> In moé, sexuality is treated indirectly; rather than showing overtly pornographic images, it focusses on “slice of life” dramas that allow consumers—mainly adult men—to observe the budding sexuality of pre-teen and teen-age girls from a discreet remove.

> The first person convicted under the law was a Virginia man, Dwight Whorley, who used state computers to download and send Japanese anime cartoons showing child pornography acts. He was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison in 2006.

drunk as i promised to be for a special occasion and hating every moment of it because i can't read

22, never had sex, never had a gf.

right wing, populist scottish independence when

By choice or what?

20, had sex, had gf

the only independence you get is to take the euro the following year

>by choice

Honk needs to go on estrogen
She is clearly a girl
If you don't you will end up like 50 years old and look like Jenner

I'm not ugly, I'm quite wealthy, intelligent, fit and healthy. I've had women interested in me but things never go anywhere.

wtf is wrong with the people in these threads

nobody on pol is your friend or cares about your stupid problems unless they make a good greentext story

I mean, at risk of sounding like a cunt, it's not exactly difficult to court a woman. What goes wrong?

>energy drink
>no caffeine
why bov's

>make better content then i dare you

Fun has nothing to do with it. Jesus Christ and the apostles made it clear that fornication is a great sin. Moreover, engaging in pleasures of the flesh will only allow impulses to control you.

This is why we now have a society built on satisfying impulses rather than building a better tomorrow. Also, lets be honest, casual sex is not that great. I was memed into having sex because I wanted to feel like more of a man. Sex is just okay when its with someone you don't love. Luckily I've come to the light, realized that my fornication was a sin and I'm hoping to one day successfully atone for it if the Lord will forgive me.

>tfw my German interracial cuck page on Tumblr is getting popular
>now linking up with other eurocucks

The Jews ain't got nothing on me.

>Watching this video like "ohhhh so thats why there's a terrorist attack everyday in london..."

>had gf

laugh at me again and i'll fucking kill you jeb

Literally all you have to do is ask for forgiveness and he forgives you if you mean it

>atonement bs

Jesus means no one can sin anymore

>Sex is just okay when its with someone you don't love.

Finest sentence i've heard on brit/pol/ in months, have a gold star user and god bless.

this isn't content it's just r9k-lite


tfw too clever for prison

If I apologised for having pre-marital sex I'd be lying, because I don't actually feel any guilt for it.

It does have caffeine
it doesnt have sugar

Isn't a lycan a Werewolf? I hope they get those tranny vampires.

Need book recommendations lads, literature or non-fiction that has influenced your view on society, the less obvious the better (no Hitchens pls)



How is Leicestershire? Thinking about moving there for a job.

>Literally all you have to do is ask for forgiveness and he forgives you if you mean it
you have to actually mean it
going out and shagging a slag straight afterwords obviously means you don't mean it

Grace is free but forgiveness is not. I ask for forgiveness every week, but my heart still lusts after women and from time to time I think about hooking up with one of my female friends. Clearly my heart is still in the wrong place and so I will continue to ask for guidance, wisdom and forgiveness on this issue. I'm not a papist or anything, but it's just not as easy as "sorry."

High levels of degeneracy.

Don't let it ruin your day. Here /britpol/, enjoy the greatest Python sketch to lighten things up:

*unleashes navy*

Notes from the Underground


Man, Economy and State with Power and Market by (((Murray Rothbard)))

I don't know, women annoy me so many that's it.

niggers aren't human we should shoot them on sight

Good B8 M8


retarded faggot

Contrapoints is so cute
I wanna be an antifa catgirl too

I genuinely struggle to know when to use too and to. I just say it in my head with an emphases on the "to/too", and if it flows okay I use too.

It's to in British English, yank.

*becomes export economy due to currency devaluation*
heh, nothin personel kid

>tfw to smart too use "two" correctly

To = going

Too = more than expected/needed, hence too many "o"s

Goodbye To All That by Robert Graves. The single greatest piece of literature to come out of The First World War and possibly one of the best of the 20th century IMO. Not very obvious and just as readable now as back in the 20s/30s. Quintessentially British as well.

I'm a British citizen as of today lads

>How is Leicestershire? Thinking about moving there for a job.
Are you going leicester itself
The county is ok

had this on my Kindle for a while but haven't summoned up the will to read it yet. How much of it is just standard libertarian arguments (basically "on liberty")?

hadn't heard of it, thanks for the tip

This is far to complicated for me. To many variables too take intoo consideration.

one percent

>Israeli-American author Miko Peled told a conference fringe meeting Labour members should support the freedom to “discuss every issue, whether it’s the holocaust, yes or no, whether it’s Palestine liberation - the entire spectrum.

How long did it take you?

Holy shit your retarded

Just south of the centre of the city.

>The single greatest piece of literature to come out of The First World War
*blocks your path*

This was predicted weeks ago on if it's the same woman, her imprisonment "would be a great loss to the medical community" fuckin joke

Putting criticism of Israel in the same breath as the holocaust, classic technique.

All boys here should try estrogen

If you can't quit you become a girl
If you quit you can be a man

I'll give it a go then – as far as I can tell Rothbard was basically the last serious libertarian before it became a total meme

>Loud cheers, applause and calls of “throw them out” erupted in the room of around a hundred activists in response.

So, i got hit with con-aids after going to eurogamer after 1 day, kinda glad i didn't go for a multi-day ticket, as i would've been too sick. Missed work today too, which i feel brutally guilty about since i just had a week of AL


for a longer explanation: it's entirely devoid of ethical judgements. it is simply an massive a priori work on economics
the only a posterori assumption is that man can do something other than produce - have leisure
i think, at least
if you haven't read Hoppe's "Democracy:..." then read that first, perhaps. shorter, less thorough, more appealing to the general right-wing non-libertarian mind.

>tfw you live to see a Communist Labour party sweep to power and finish what Stalin was unable to do

Storm of Steel is the runner up. In comparison to Grave's it can often feel somewhat cold and attached and the scope is confined mostly to WWI itself... which is fine. However, you get a better picture of the pre-war, war and post-war culture from Graves than Junger.

Still, Storm of Steel is fantastic and worth a read.

I went for the weekend and I was vomiting like I had food poisoning last night.


>gamer n3rd$ Xd
>not deserving to die

How is eurogamer?
only ever gone to MCM in london

I've read Hoppe, kind of wish I hadn't though
>tfw I can't have a political discussion now without saying that democracy is bullshit and starting an argument


>come into this thread to see if you're just a bunch of drunks
>you are
feels good man

Good luck getting hold of a copy of Enemy of the State.

read the comments on this Facebook video

Almost gives you a bit of hope. Then again, half of the stupid cunts will probably vote for Labour in the next election

reading the book i suggested will make you want to kill yourself whenever anyone says anything about economics, then
i can't go to uni lectures anymore because i want to scream

>paying money to attend a convention with other like minded faggots to discuss something that ultimately does not matter in the wider world of the past, present, and future

You're better off reading a book

>women annoy me
If you are disgusted, annoyed or feel really hatred for woman its often an indicator for too much porn consume. its just a fact that such habits result in social Anxiety and other related disorders. Maybe you also had some difficult relation with your parents.
My advise stay of the porn and maybe it helps to get a normal level of social behavior. Porn is just degenerate mate. If you don't believe me than just blame it on the "asian" Grooming gangs or whatever...

I've always felt Storm of Steel captures both the tragedy of war, but also the mentally of those men who could at one moment shout over greetings to men in the opposite trench, and the next moment pick them off through a sentry post as they clambered to escape a gas shell. There is a great deal of emotional dissonance and unspoken mental anguish in SoS that really makes it the greatest memoir imo.

I feel like it comes the closest to answering the question posed by Tolstoy in "The Raid". Under the influence of what feeling does one man voluntarily kill another in the context of war?


Imagine if we had a civil war today, say for the purpose of restoring monarchical powers and diminishing parliament. This is an important part of the evolution of government, the ability for nations to go through cataclysmic changes through cataclysmic events. But you can almost guarantee that the state would have the support of foriegn states such as the United States and Europe making not only the British state dependent on foriegn states and effective revolution impossible. This in my view is why political evolution has stagnated in the West

£20 paperback on Amazon or £4 on Kindle, what's the issue?

I already ignore most of my lectures to be honest so no worries there

reminder that when you are replying to the uk flag they are mostly either chavs or non white

Oh, was a lot more back when i was looking.

>I've read Hoppe
My condolences.

labour has become such a fucking meme party what is even happening anymore

Hey, listen to me bro.

>2 weeks ago, I was exactly the same as you
>22, kissless, handholdless, hugless, friendless loser virgin
>masturubating 3 times/day, constantly fantasizing about how magical it must be to actually have sex
>meet a girl on tinder
>explicitly tells me she's looking for a casual relationship, nothing else
>asks me if I want to fuck
>I go along with it, agree to meet her
>she turns out to be a druggie, hippy kind of girl
>always talking about muh institutional racism, muh imperialism, other stupid inane shit
>I actively dislike her, but she isn't fat and she's not ugly, and she's the only female who's ever expressed interest in me in my life
>she becomes my first everything
>first kiss
>first hug
>first handholding
>first fuck
>yesterday, 2 weeks after I met her, I told her I don't want to see her anymore

Now I honestly regret giving away my virginity like that. I feel like I've been tainted. I wish I could go back to being a virgin, so that one day I could find me a nice virgin Christian qt wife and we would be the only people to know ourselves intimately. I've ruined it all now. I can't expect a virgin girl to take me as her husband anymore. I'm gonna have to settle for some smelly roastie slut, like all the other normies.

Take my advice, hold on to your virginity til you find someone you want to marry. The bible is 100% correct when it comes to human nature.

looks like you have to order from the US but it's available

abandon hope all ye who enter

Seeing things again lads

found full text

People can have more than one hobby you know.

That's because when you don't watch porn you are so sexually frustrated that all you can think about it making love and plunging your penis into the infinite depths of a womans vagina, but when you relieve yourself you can see the eternal roastie with her knife in your back.

>memeflag poster
>opinion taken seriously
Choose one, shitskin