Why Has Government Made it Impossible to Get a Job?

So much red tape around becoming anything

>become cop 50 years ago
>pass basic fitness and swear an oath of loyalty

>become cop in 2017
>pass basic fitness, advanced fitness, have a ivy degree 4 years, have 20/20 vision, have a 130+ IQ, and have a firm but compassionate personality, and volunteer 150 hours a year

>being private investigator in 1950
>just follow someone around and find clients

>being private investigator in 2017
Go through college, write exam, possibly get license, pass fitness, eye, and mental exams, get hired by big mega firm.

>joining the military in 1915
>just sign up and show you can hold a gun

>joining the military in 2017
>Chat tier fitness, 130+ IQ, must got 90s in high-school calculus, physics, and english, 20/20 fitness and no physical problems at all

Could say the same about anything else. Government regulation made it impossible to find work.

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Its not so much overregulation, it is overpopulation and the fact that employers don't have to educate or train their employees because they can just hire a 45yo with 10 years experience and a master's degree who just got laid off.

The real reason to worry about overpopulation is not the entironment, it is quality of life.

oh and unskilled labor jobs have either been exported or are illegal aliens

Damn. Sure do have to be over qualified to kill nigs.

Overpopulation increases employments. More people = more employers = more jobs

Also lack of jobs shouldn't mean more regulations on everything.

Certain percentages of unemployment help economics grow.

>The real reason to worry about overpopulation is not the entironment, it is quality of life.

Now this is a true redpill. In the early 80's, a couple of economic researchers (goggle it yourself, can't be arsed to find the article) showed that if you wanted to give everyone in the world the same quality of life as a U.S. citizen in 1980, the global population could not exceed 2.5 billion people.

Limited resources. We unironically need to dig deeper into the earth and expand into the oceans.

No, economy of scale and technology. You need less workers to sustain a larger population.

Which is why we have criminal and welfare populations who literally contribute nothing.

How, explain that.

kys fake keysnsiean.

Wouldn't that mean more jobs. Less resources means more work needs to be done to keep our same needs up. If resources were plentiful we'd need less people to work and have less jobs since everyones already satisfied

Makes sense actually. In the 50s everyone needed to be working, now there's less.

That's bullshit though because pretty much everyone lives like an American now, which isn't saying much. Go to any third world country and most people will be living like us. Pic related is Somalia

Keynes never said that wtf. He said that unemployment is the number one thing governments need to try to get rid of

>pretty much everyone lives like an American now

>have a 130+ IQ
That can't be true, Theres so many niggers cops. Unless niggers have different requirements

You just need to find the right job/opportunity
>be me
>barely graduate highschool with fall into 40hr/wk $17/hr live onsite desk job with no job responsibilities for 3/4 of the month except to sit at the desk

>become cop in 2017
>pass basic fitness, advanced fitness, have a ivy degree 4 years, have 20/20 vision, have a 130+ IQ, and have a firm but compassionate personality, and volunteer 150 hours a year

>or be black

>>pass basic fitness, advanced fitness, have a ivy degree 4 years, have 20/20 vision, have a 130+ IQ, and have a firm but compassionate personality, and volunteer 150 hours a year
So no nigger could get in, you fucking nigger.

>130+ IQ

0/10 would sage again

So what's the deal about declining population? Because the same problems are in countries with delclining population

When I say economics I talk about (((economics))) how the federal reserve stimulates it's own inflation and deflation of currency value.

Too much inflation of currency and it's worth goes down, but too much deflation and industry and business goes down. A low percentage like 4%-6% of unemployed keeps industry growing.

>pass basic fitness, advanced fitness, have a ivy degree 4 years, have 20/20 vision, have a 130+ IQ

Guess they got tired of fat idiots on the force

You have internet which means you have electricity and a home and I assume food and water. That's pretty much what we have.

IDK I tried to be a cop and they made me do very advanced stuff.

I don't get that

Different standards for minorities

Enjoy your ban.

>>joining the military in 2017
>>Chat tier fitness, 130+ IQ, must got 90s in high-school calculus, physics, and english, 20/20 fitness and no physical problems at all

Please tell me you don't actually believe this. The military will take anyone with a pulse.

>Why can't I been a dirty cop, why I gotta get educated and shit.

Becoming a doctor is insanely difficult today. 20 years ago, if you were a shitskin foreign doctor you had to pass a shitty multiple choice test and that's it.

Nowadays, besides having to take three multiple choice tests where the test makers try and find clever ways to trick you you also have to have graduated from school no less than 5 years ago and have some clinical experience in the US.

Basically you have to put your life on hold for two years in order to preapre for the tests and meet the experience they want.

They are diversity hires

It's not so much the government as it is the economic/social climate.

Thing is, more people have joined the workforce than ever before while jobs have remained pretty much the same. Likewise, larger companies have effectively created cost barriers to entry for small businesses; e.g., I cannot compete on price with extensive supply chains.

If you want to change the climate, you will either have to

>Convince people to willingly leave the workforce
>Create barriers to entry for new labor to enter the workforce
>Convince people to go for less competitive options and thus bolster small businesses

Overpopulation isn't quite the correct term. It's more over-utilization of existing population.

stop being a lazy tard making bullshit excuses and spend less time consuming and shitposting retarded and delusional commie bullshit you commie tard and stop supporting migration from shitholes into your countr and gibs and preferential treatment for niggers and spend some more time on something that has a value to humans.

>So much red tape around becoming anything
The problem isn't regulation it's monetary policy that has limited economic activity by failing to create currency in relation to economic factors rather than the demands of private banks need for profit.

>Property management.
>Free rent (or discounted depending on your state)
>Collect rent once a month
>Education req: GED/HS
>Fulltime $11-$20/hr depending on local market and experience

Oh ok.

There's a difference between hiring fat idiots and making it impossible to join without connections

Try to join, unless you're rich, or a literal ubermensch you won't get in.

>spend your youth years in college
>finally get out and become a cop after your body has deteriorated with age.
Retard logic.

In USA yes, in my country it would be easier to become an astronaut instead

>That's pretty much what we have.
You're literally retarded.

You have to literally spend 9 years of your life doing nothing but CONSTANT work to become a doctor. I thought that was obvious. I would be a doctor if i could though. Doctors are pretty much the most sucessful people ever

>respected by the elites/establishment
>lots of money
>respected by society
>have authority and power
>opportunity to become a politician

Like what? Oh right I can't because there are no jobs. Fuck off

Our monetary policy is expansionary, should be creating inflation and jobs.


It's easy to join the army in Bulgaria because they need more people due to political tensions. U.S has robots doing most of its military work so that's why it's so much harder in U.S

You're pretty much retarded.

So that would explain overly high requirements for everybody else (e.g. whites)

One Superior group - high requirements, works extra hard, to carry the other, Diverse Group, on their backs.
High requirements are set to make sure there is enough empty job positions for niggers.

Pathetic. It's so depresing to live these days as a working class.

This, I think the minimum score on the ASVAB that they accept is equivalent to like a 65 or 70 IQ. No you wont be servicing turbines on a blackhawk or doing EOD, but it doesn't take much to be a perma-Private one-one-bulletcatcher.

only japan falls into that category and thir pop is more stable than declining

the test company has a gubberment sponsored monopoly

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>knows nothing

If you think the majority of Somalis live like that, you're beyond moronic.

Government, if given too much power, takes over private life. This is why our founders told us to limit our government, but we are stupid, selfish cunts.

>t. millenial
You need a GED to become a cop. The only requirements for a degree in law enforcement is if you want to be promoted beyond sergeant.
t. worked for the police department at my college.

>most Somalias live in capital city
>thinks majority don't
>being this retarded

They made me re-take calculus in school.

>Our monetary policy is expansionary, should be creating inflation and jobs.
And how is new money added to the economy?


poor people deserve to be poor

I didn't meet a single requirement, and I'm a pretty ubermensch tier guy. I'm smart too. Cops are upper-middle class and the previous rich are todays upper class. So being a cop requires some pretty good connections now

Rich people deserve to be poor, poor people deserve to be rich.

Police recruit here, currently in the academy now (graduate in December). Took a study class for the civil service test, got a 99, have been in the academy since July. All those requirements you posted for police are retarded even when they're obvious exaggerations. I have an associates degree in criminal justice, and the highest paying department in my area, which is also the highest paying one in my state, only requires 60 credits for entry. Federal requires bachelors. I can run a mile and a half in under 10 minutes, and do 56 sit ups and 52 push ups in a minute, but let me tell you right now without the physical standards we have in NJ are fucking abysmal. The amount of out of shape fat bodies is shocking. Stop complaining, study for the test, score well, and get the fucking job if you want it so bad

>I didn't meet a single requirement, and I'm a pretty ubermensch tier guy. I'm smart too. Cops are upper-middle class and the previous rich are todays upper class. So being a cop requires some pretty good connections now
You act like becoming a cop is as difficult as becoming a Private Equity partner. It is not that hard. You seem like a larper.

>study for the test
>score well
>get the job

Yeah im sure studying will totally give me Chad genetics and correct my eye-sight to 20/20 magically overnight, oh and get me into a College to get a degree good enough to be a cop.

You've never applied for the military. I has an amazing asvab and my recruiter liked me, but I sprained my ankle the previous week and at the medical reveal, they told me if I wanted to procede I needed three different waivers and to start all over. Lots of that happened to everyone else.

Why is it when a poor person wins the lottery they go broke?
Because that's where they belong.

>it's not that hard
Nice larp

I don't know, but that's a dumbass assertion. What about really smart poor people?

>Nice larp
Lel. You are just some millenial neet who is feeling sorry for yourself. Police departments are actually trying to recruit people.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Yes and no. The way taxes are structured make it hard to be a medium sized local business. It's basically a great filter on productivity where all the less productive people are getting fucked.

So go get the degree then? And the eyesight thing doesn't matter, i wear contacts and they literally didn't blink and eye at that at the physical.

Then maybe they shouldn't require you to be a top-tier guy who obviously would think the police force is below him.

>Then maybe they shouldn't require you to be a top-tier guy who obviously would think the police force is below him.
They don't. Either you are a degenerate or can't pass the psychological exam. Get your life together.

>go get the degree
And how the hell am i suppose to just "get a degree". It's not like buying a burger or a phone

>eyesight doesn't matter
My dad told me he trained to be a cop, didn't pass the vision and they kicked him out. He tried wearing contacts to the vision test next time but didn't tell them and they checked his eyes for contacts

>He wants to work the beat, he doesn't want to be a detective.

I don't get how getting my life together will magically make my eye-sight 20/20

It's a fact that poor people who win the lottery go broke very quickly.
Really smart poor people are not providing any value to society, and society doesn't owe them a Ferrari just because they are smart.

>I don't get how getting my life together will magically make my eye-sight 20/20
That shit does not matter. Get a pair of contacts.

Are you fucking retarded? Your score on the ASVAB is graded on a percentile, most people in the military are average to below average on the IQ distribution, stop making excuses and sort yourself out faggot.

more people more jobs you dumb nigger

>being a cop in 2017 means you need to have a 130 IQ, 20/20 vision, Ivy League education

That is not true, you can be a cop with a lower IQ than 130, you can be a cop and wear glasses, you can be a cop without an Ivy League education, however, some police departments, mainly the big city departments, require a college degree, either a 2 year or 4 year degree, most police departments require a high school diploma.

As for the fat cop issue that some people in this thread are talking about, no police academy will accept fat people, I'm talking about obese people. Most of the fat cops you see were fit when they got hired, but they became lazy and didn't work out regularly and got fat.

>more people more jobs you dumb nigger
That must be why India is one of the wealthiest countries in the world

>to get an entry level job in america
>requires 4 year degree or more
>5 years of experience doing relevant work
>multiple certificates that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to obtain
>all this gets you $30k salary

LOL. No wonder kids don't try anymore.

I tried to be a private investigator but it turns out it's fucking illegal unless you have a restricted license. Basically went from

They check for that at the eye exam. My dad tried to wear contacts told them he didn't have any, he was charged

>not wealthy

Stop belitting others. Once you get older you'll knwo what i mean when you're unemployed

I was being hyperbolic but you do need 20/40 at most vision without contacts or glasses

How the fuck has you body deteriorated with age by your early/mid twenties?

Fucking neets man

>They check for that at the eye exam. My dad tried to wear contacts told them he didn't have any, he was charged
Don't lie. You are not becoming a fucking fighter pilot. Vision does not matter if it is corrected.

You have a lot of excuses user. You sound young, so there's still lots of time to slap those silly ideas out of your head and pursue what you want.

You still need good eyesight to be a cop

I technically fucked up my life beyond repair at 16 but that's a different story

I'm willing to bet that your dad lied about this and they kicked him out for being a fuckup.

No you didn't. Fucking your life up beyond repair is getting life in prison or becoming a sex offender.

>You still need good eyesight to be a cop

Demonstrably false. See my previous posts. Seems people here are more interested in complaining/being a victim than solutions.

The economy is composed of more than just police officers, soldiers and private fucking investigators. Learn a trade, work manual labour, become a fucking explosives engineer, stop limiting yourself for fuck's sake.

I got 55% average in grade 11, which goes on your life-line academic record. That's why every job I tried to get was something physical rather than academic, since my academic life is already destroyed

Then why didn't my dad just get contacts or glasses?

yeah demonstrably false if you have someone to hand you a job. if you don't you are fucked. lemme guess someone handed you a job that you think you "earned" LOL.

>Then why didn't my dad just get contacts or glasses?
He LIED on his application. Just tell them you have contacts

You just want to belittle others for not suceeding at what they hoped

>learn a trade
Sounds reasonable actually

>Manual labour
But then i'd be like a peasant wouldn't I?

>become an engineer
You can't just become an engineer.

I'll do that, but don't you need to do a lot of stuff to become a cop?

>I got 55% average in grade 11, which goes on your life-line academic record. That's why every job I tried to get was something physical rather than academic, since my academic life is already destroyed
Dude, I stopped giving a shit my 12th grade because of depression, and I am still in a somewhat prestigious business program. Just go to community college and transfer.

no my friend. In fact you will be given free housing and meals if you do!

I went to college as a high school dropout. Nobody in the workforce cares about your high school degree. This has to be a troll.

This, legitimately. I bought a property out of college and Section 8 its 3 units out and the 4th gets free rent and a monthly stipend in exchange for making sure there aren't meth labs set up.

Like unless you went through all the pre-cop courses as a teenager you will never be promoted.

that's globalization for you.

At the university department, you need a degree to become a lieutenant.


I wanted to be a college English professor. Don't even get me started on what they require aside form getting the necessary education. They aren't allowed to ask you about your political beliefs but they do. protip, being a commie helps, pro protip, being a minorit helps more. Fuck this gay earth.

The only certification you need to take this course in Canada is a highschool diploma with special ed courses and above. I'm sure you can find something in America for half the price and make double the money, again, stop making excuses.

