Explodes London embassy.
UK declares war on North Korea
oops wrong link
look at all those pussys cowering.
I'd be all like throw me your side arm lets go. I know where they are!
Does john wayne come on hand wave.jpg
Aren't you kind of... exaggerating this?
Who knows though, information control is a bitch.
Don't do it they have knifes
>tweet from some random faggot
lol europeans are such cucks
>that awkward void when nothing happened on Sept. 23rd
>7 year process
>world "ends"(not even what is says) in 1 day
try reading faggot
To be fair, we did have a historical flashpoint with DRPK on Saturday and if they took the bait and shot down the bombers, we would be in thermonuclear war with them. Of course, the domino effect of what happens after is the real issue with DRPK just being the trigger.
Thats fucking priceless
How are you aloud to post but other Chinese are not?
Separate province, you dumb shitskin. Just fucking leave my island already.
Pic of person seen fleeing the scene.
He can't keep getting away with it!
Thank God someone else says it doesnt happen in a day, I hate the habbening faggots that want everything to happen in a single flash
also remember that the east (SCO or new military equivalent) cannot take over/ win WW3 if they nuke us- their message would be resisted by everyone everywhere
They want NK to survive and mass produce H bombs so they can be the one to do it
Globalists want this too- to cover tracks and come back for scraps. We are reaching peak pissed patriot levels they didn't think were possible
NK must be tamed or put down for our chances in the coming years
it just triggers me famaLlamadingdong
DOTR best happening
>not archived
Will you just die already, Ahmed?
so basically, this thread was clickbait bullshit
you're doing it wrong, you have to go back
>announcing sage
Against the rules.
>that one comment
Somebody gimme a quick rundown. This is no declaration of war
Reminder China said it would back up DPRK if US attacked
World war III here we go.
And it wouldn't if the DPRK attacked first.
>he doesn't know