Police are basically working as free security for the NFL, why don't we make them pay for their own security?
Fuck this, if there is a riot or someone attacks a player, let the private security handle it, don't waste my tax dollars.
Should police boycott NFL Games?
I like this image but it won't work. Niggers love their nigger ball
No. Don't drop to their level.
I think this should be seriously considered.
Protest the police? Police go on strike regarding the games. Last time I checked these stadiums were privately owned. Meaning, the government doesn't have to give security. Just like a privately owned mall has to hire its own security, so should the stadiums.
They should.
But it's good money.
So they won't.
Sports venues are a tourist attraction which brings tax revenue into the city. If riots and shit happen then tourism drops and so does tax revenue. Basically having police at these things is a net gain for the city
What good money?
There seems to be almost none unless there are contracts I do not know about.
Stadiums never pay for themselves.
Too late, your city/state has ALREADY subsidized the stadium for the owners. You were screwed by your elected officials before you ever knew what happened!!!
Police aren't their for "free"
I work at a convenience store and the weekend security is the local PD and they get paid $25 hour on top of what they already make.
These policemen at stadiums probably make way more. I mean they can go ahead and refuse service, there's plenty of Private Security willing to do it, and if shit does happen in a stadium then the police are obligated to arrest someone, so they might as well cut the middle man and police the area themselves
the police are paid, what are you talking about? The venue pays for them
Damn now where will I go with my $200 tickets and get my $7.50 bottle of water after paying $30 for parking and $150 for a jersey (((Officially licensed))) $14 small crab fries and $12 beers?
> + tax
Those are off duty cops paid by the store owner, I know what you are talking about.
To hell for all I care
Organized sports are the Roman Colosseum of our time. It serves the same purpose now as it did then.
I doubt millionaires weer playing in Rome.
Ceasar probably had you killed on the spot for disrespect.
>working as free security
No they definitely get paid son
t. Do contract work for an NFL team
I'm gonna support SJWs now just to help destroy OP. Making me look at a bear get shot. I'm sick of you insects. You are just as human as niggers.
>Stadiums never pay for themselves.
They literally do within the first 4 or 5 years of operation
Stop making shit up you definitely don't know what you're talking about
The tourism money the generate alone is incentive enough for cities to chip in for their upkeep or outright footing the bill for their creation
What if there was an alt-right protest at a major football game? What could happen?
>free security
it's even worse; municipalities and states pay NFL teams to move to or stay in their locations. These clubs extort governments for tax breaks and millions of dollars for stadiums to keep the jobs and tourism dollars there. Meanwhile, the middle class is paying real estate taxes, income taxes, FICA taxes, personal property taxes, sales taxes, etc. while then having to pay the high cost to attend these events and any food/drink they decide to consume (and if it's alcohol, there's more tax!)
One count of being a bear...and one count of being an accessory to being a bear.
They're getting overtime you autistic nigger, and the team foots the bill. Do you really not know this. Same goes for concert venues and shit.
Its alaska state troopers, the bear was hit by a car and couldn't be saved.
But he was an unarmed black bear who dindu nuffin
Except that isn't what happens retard
Except that's bullshit faggot
The staidums do pay for themselves
I never said anything about the tax payers getting back the money
Dense fuck
why no rifle, though; going for headshot with handgun is cruel
He actually reached for a shotgun but the lock malfunctioned so he had to shoot it in the head.
let the bears pay the bear tax
How do stadiums pay for themselves when taxpayers foot a large portion of the bill but don't get paid back? With that logic what are you, a woman?
>pay for stadium
>all sales proceeds go to other people
>"it pays for itself"
Event security isn't free nigger.