>$200,000,000.00 for nig-nogs to learn computer programming--pic very much related.
We outspend all other countries on education and yet our students' performance pales in comparison. Gee, I wonder why.
$200,000,000.00 for nig-nogs to learn computer programming--pic very much related
Other urls found in this thread:
>spook leaning all over President Trump's chair.
America's best and brightest.
we wuz programmers and shieeeet
>the virgin space accommodation
That guy is moving out of the way for that woman beside him, what a fucking cuck.
A kike serving kikes. Up next: the sky is blue.
Video related from today's signing. They're going to have to fumigate the Oval Office
>get the gasoline, ivanka. We gotta get the smell out
Trump doesn’t look relaxed.
kek, those urban inner city "children" should've been sent to the delousing chambers and given a hot shower.
Jeez, look at that nog resting both arms on Trumps chair like a savage with a look of disdain.
Are they all related?
That bitch is sweating like crazy down stairs.
She needs that alpha white cock.
>look how non-racist i am
nah lad, thats just how somalis look
so that monkey fucker just went and gave the nogs stuff after stringing us along with the promise of more nog destruction the second his little nfl distraction falls through because nogs watch football...
im buying a hunting rifle
They all look the same.
slay qween
Well at least it's money going into relevant fields, unlike fucking gender studies and shit
>respect black people racist!
Zoomalis are inbred as fuck, so you can them all relatives.
Hol up, hol up hol up
Imagine where America would be had we killed the kikes who pushed for immigration reform.
Leave the Swedes out of this.
antisemitic oy vey
>We outspend all other countries on education and yet our students' performance pales in comparison. Gee, I wonder why.
That in murrika education isnt a right so the jews turned it into something to sale for proffit. and good goy cuckservatives defend it
why is the white house full of niggers
Yes, because somalis are a distinct ethnicity.
In america, 90% of our blacks are so far removed genetically from their homelands gene pool that we don't realize how distinct some of them are.
I knew a black guy from South Africa (good guy, christian with 5 kids with his wife, working full time, never complained, always smiled, never swore) and even in his work uniform, you could immediately tell he was from south africa.
Wtf are you smoking
Trump has never even HINTED at wanting to do anything bad for the black community
That body language just screams "get these niggers away from me"
nog back left and the gook chicks are the only ones there who will end up in stem fields.
digits confirm. cap this post for future reference.
I feel so bad for the kids. you know how EXACTLY this is going to go. The nig nogs will larp as learning science and make the non niggers do all the work.
I'd rather have monkeys coding than chimpouts after they teach them shit like feminist studies and white privilege.
>Trump leaves a better legacy of helping blacks than Obama
At least he's prioritizing STEM instead of meme professions I guess.
you're replying to a leftypol shill.
they come here and pretend to be racists because we're not racist enough.
a fuckton of the racism here is white leftists pretending to be weebs and neets larping as white supremacists, nazis, and neo-nazis.
Trump is not a Sup Forumsack of course he is blue pilled enough to think he can get them to do something useful
Because the closest schools to the White House are full of niggers. Why not score a couple "The blacks love me" points?
you're wrong user
blacks have the most diversity out of any race as far as looks go. They have a wide variety of shades and facial types. Some look like whites with dark skin, some like poos, some even like chinks.
>blacks have the most diversity out of any race
>Africa has 3000 distinct ethnic groups, 2000 languages. Home to the most genetically diverse people on Earth. So diverse that two Africans are more genetically different from each other than a Chinese and a European are from each other. Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent.
kys leaf
>tfw a white man passes a negro in the street and they achieve eye contact
>tfw a white man find out his daughter is dating a negro
you are a disgusting racist. there are no human races. fuck off
>Africa has 3000 distinctive ethnic peoples, 2000 spoken languages. Home to the most genetically diverse people on Earth. So diverse that two Africans are more genetically different from each other than a Chinese and a European are from one other. Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent.
You mine as well start burning the money. It will be more productive to burn it to merely heat the white house than do this.
>to spend grant money on dem fields
so inbred there's no data but google somali inbreeding. thank arabs/muslims for instilling that first cousin marriage for 800 years on them.
All that diversity never enabled them to be anything other than a bunch of tribal savages though. It's almost like diversity has no inherent value.
Guy with red tie looks very uncomfortable. I bet one of the little "scholars" tried to steal his wallet.
Good investment.
>And then can all be summed up as niggers. You're point?
>yfw trump got B L A C K E D
I just want a White Nation at this point. The absolute lack of boundaries and respect just confirms we need to just fucking drop these people. Besides, we are better together as Whites anyway.
How is "genetic diversity" being measured here?
Just kidding, I know you didn't care to look at the methodology of whatever study you're citing
mo money for dem programs...
>200M and still get called racist
its not worth it
You can't expect them to abide by normal social graces. They're "average" is mental handicap levels.
>t.shitskin demonstrating his fundamental lack of understanding of western civilization
you need to fucking leave.
WTF? All except one look like they will steal the equipment on the first day and rape the video instructors. Can't they even smile for the camera?
>Be white cis straight male from poor family
>Be interested in STEM from a young age
>Get good grades in school
>Get involved in a tech program in high school
>Get two years of programming under my belt right as I graduate
>Can't go to college because I don't have the money for it
Despite my already clear propensity and skill in STEM, I don't get shit. Yet fucking Jamal who can barely use his iPhone gets a free ride.
>all except one
which one user? i can't even tell the difference
since you faggots are too lazy to read the hilarious thread i linked on somalinet.com i picked the best of the best out of it
FYI: This is the superior "black man" that these kangz go on and on about.
These fucking hideous creatures.