Precum Thread
Precure Thread
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Mirai is the cutest girl in the whole world!
Hello there little boys~
MiraRiko is a miracle of the Precureverse.
>wake up
>no precure thread
>nobody makes a thread
>wonder if the today is the day the mods finally went full retard and decided to ban /pc/
Every time.
Don't worry, user, it's just the maho effect. It will be over next February.
You know you could just do it yourself like I did.
best girl reporting for duty
You can create a new thread, you know.
What were you thinking.
killer thighs
>FB images
>first reply is a self-bump
What a trainwreck.
Why would the mods ban one of the most civil threads on Sup Forums, full of little girls and giggles and cake and friendship?
Let this die and start again
Why don't you die and start again
>the moment when you fall for precure
I want to fuck Riko
>tfw you like maho but no one else does
Is he fapping
>the moment when you fall for precure
I had that when I saw the first preview of Doki
But I like Maho. It's not the most thrilling season but it's fine.
tfw doki was your first season
FW was.
I've seen everything in chronological order.
>FB images
I love Maho. It's in my top 5.
Fuck off
Episode 19 subbed what happened?
Have you only seen 5 seasons.
Maho strangled the life out of IS.
I want to experience Mana's hyper potty shower first hand, in my face.
where would you take her on the first deito?
Famiresu, kouen,soushite hooteru.
Love hotel.
Fuck. Those toy guns look great for figuarts
Will it be better than Doki?
What is that other leg
I don't know what that is so no.
Alice's leg. Mana is taking a shit on her.
Whole image please.
future is looking too bright
How so?
I don't know. Futari wa is one of my favorites but I don't think it would have been if I watched it like that.
who /samba/
i'm going to marry Love!
We samba
You've got my attention now.
Precure doesn't deserve this
if they don't poop, they die.
Wow, it's just like maho!
>Trying to watch precure
>End up pausing to fap again
>trying to watch Precure
>realize it's Maho
>fucking Maho
>Trying to fap to precure
>End up cumming and to fap again
>Watching precure
>Realize it's not maho
>Keep watching precure
more like bitter virgins being angered because the latest season is a total dissapointment
Pretty cure are sexy.
Honoka took my virginity long ago, dude.
Some of them are cute and some of them are semen demons
The new show by the director of Doki.
Will Mana be in it?
>intended for boys
Of course not
Rude. I've seen everything.
Is see the man who directed the Doki movie directed Overlord.
Really makes you think.
You are not alone.
Is there good fap material on pixiv
I need more black haired Rikka.
We should make our own precure show!
With blackjack and hookers!
tfw nobody has subbed Chou Hatsumei Boy Kanipan yet
With boy Cures
Ok, who's in charge of the character designs?
Can we scrap Mahou Tsukai and have a new season of GoPri?
HC movie is after 20 or it doesn't matter?
milf cures when
robot cures when
sukeban cures when
gyaru cures when
totally spies crossover when
makoto uno
jouji manabe