What was his problem?
What was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Vegeta complex.
dragonkin and/or attracted to dragons
otherwise flawless
His aryan dragon lost to a black magician
Too much money.
He lost to jank in a game he thought was pay2win.
Suffered Yugi's cheating more than anybody.
too much money , literally gay for ghost sand nigger .
But Kaiba is not a manlet.
> Be rich succesful dude
> Get the most powerful cards
> Some fucks comes along with a broken OP combo, that is impossible to play. Noone EVER managed to pull it off
> He pulls it off
> Thinks he is actually hot shit
>rich asshole takes brother hostage
>"not this shit again Mokuba"
>stupid haired cheater tries his bullshit again with me
>"nah bitch" ain't gonna work this time
>i threaten him with suicide
>he backs the fuck down
>rich asshole cheats me in our duel because he makes the cards and pulls out some shit that never existed before
>i lose
>he seals me in a fucking card
Just noticed the 777 trips.
Wew lad.
He thought that being second best in a card game was worse than being a tall good looking billionaire
Daddy issues
Nothing at all. Unless you watched the 4Kids dub which made him look like a salty asshole all the time.
He flew in a Blue eyes white dragon plane.
He clearly has a lot of problems.
It goes deeper than his dad.
>>stupid haired cheater tries his bullshit again with me
Fucking infinite kuribohs.
Lets not forget the part where he had Grandpa kidnapped, took his prized card, then beat him so badly he had to be hospitalized.
>fusing a monster with a magic card
That Kaiba kid needs to get laid.
That was Hermos' ability in Waking the Dragons.
Kaiba could fuse Critias with trap cards.
Remember Mirror Force Dragon?
you forgot the part where Kaiba put Yugi's grandpa in the hospital over a card. Just because he didn't want anyone else to have it.
He deserved that ass beating
To be fair, he was being possessed by a gay clown
Too much swag
>gets adopted by a megalomaniac CEO who abuses him and his brother every day
>eventually take the empire away from his father, destroy the weapon manufacturing and focus on card games
>become one of the biggest corporations on earth
>has all the cards anyone can dream for
>able to buy cities just to organize tourneys
>is living the fucking life with his dragon waifu, only worry is an egyptian duelist with hax powers
He's the best.
He didn't believe in the heart of the cards.
He's the best.
>& in a speech bubble
You think him and that chick who could summon the Blue Eyes ever got it on?
But it is pay2win. All trading card games are.
Did you read the manga? The 4kids dub doesn't even begin to compare to the amount of salt he actually had. He tried to murder Yugi, his friends, a baby, and Mokuba over a trading card game. He built an entire amusement park for just that purpose. It was the craziest amount of salt I've ever seen over something so insignificant.
>He built an entire amusement park for just that purpose.
Didn't he build the theme park as a gift to orphans like the one he used to be?
all tcg come down to money, skill and luck. in that order. anyone who disagrees is a retard.
I bet anyone in this thread to point out a duel that isn't bullshit in Duelist Kingdom Arc. because that fucking season was pure bullshit.
>Catapult Turtle + Curse of Dragon
Uh, no? If he did, he must have hated orphans, because everything in there was a death trap. The laser tag game was rigged to electrocute the losers, the roller coaster seats were electric chairs that would kill whoever screamed, and there was a "game" in the haunted house where Yugi and his friends had to guess which hole in the wall had the correct switch to open the door or get their hands chopped off by a guilliotine. This isn't even a funny misunderstanding or a bluff. Kaiba wanted Yugi and his friends to fucking die in there. There was no question about it.
Underrated post.
Picked up.
Good. The manga is fucking awesome.
Card games are serious business.
I remember he had lines and lines of orphan kids who were allowed in for free, but Yugi and Co were led through another entrance. I think the rest of the park for the public was normal.
Also I was really creeped out to see his abusive adopted dad made him wear a dog collar. It put into perspective the whole dog thing he had going on with Joey/Jou
He mellows out in the manga though and doesn't have nearly the amount of screen time
too many mind crushes...
Remember that time Yami was an asshole and fucked up every other person by forcing them to play shadow games?
>Remember that time Yami was an asshole and fucked up every other person by forcing them to play shadow games?
I actually re-watching season 0 right now and I like it more than the other stuff.
Best Yami.