We have to do something, Sup Forums!
3.4 million AMERICANS are trapped on Puerto Rico! We must act now!
We have to do something, Sup Forums!
3.4 million AMERICANS are trapped on Puerto Rico! We must act now!
Top kek
More like 3.4 mill Puerto Ricans are stuck back in their home country
>Ben Shapiro retweeted
Good. Die.
Maybe they should have paid taxes like the rest of us.
> Americans
Their cultural pride will feed them.
Maybe they should have invested in better infrastructure besides fucking around to the point of declaring bankruptcy recently. Hard to get capital to rebuild when your sorry ass never pays bills.
> Prideful of Latin American prideful shit tier culture
Wait.. we wuz americans .. halp .. act now
9/23 timeline - let your pride feed you
can't they just fish? And distill some sea water? Sounds like a great time to me honestly, why do shitskins always flip out when the lights go off? Just head to the beach, bring your tent and some bait, and fucking chill for a week or so, it's a free vacation.
Nah, those fucking spic beaners can die. They hate whites remember? Go fuck yourself user.
Regardless of what you think of puerto ricans, as a US territory we're obligated to help them.
>3.4 million AMERICANS are trapped on Puerto Rico! We must act now!
Are they white?
We could send them some refugees for enrichment
>both cultural and financial
They are a territory. It isn't the same as a state nor are we bounded or obligated in a similar manner. How this fallout is exampled will reflect just that. It's the reason why we have no sway over how their government runs the territory or its budget which they just committed technical default on and are in bankruptcy. They ran their territory like shit tier latin Americans always do. Instead of partying, fucking, and doing otherwise wasteful shit w/ their time, they could have been investing in proper infrastructure. Now that they're fucked, they want America to step in and bail them out? We've got texas and FL to take care of. Let their prideful asses sort their own shit out.
Happy and content. This is what those spics get for Despacito and browning this country
That actually sounds like a great plan IMO.
Send all of the refugees and immigrants there.
Do some rebuilding. Lets see how they feel about a territory filled with their own kind...
in my experience Puerto Ricans hate mexicans, so it would be pretty hilarious to watch spic-on-beaner violence between them.
Beurocracy shouldnt be the death sentence for those people, puerto rico isnt just a liberal shit hole, they dot have conservative grass roots movements just like anywhere else. They want our constiution for freedom of speech, and the ability to defend themselves from the actual criminal trash who are thriving right now during a disaster. I agree the homeland should be the priority, but we have a military large enough to help there as well.
I'm half Puerto Rican and I agree. They need to pitch a fucking tent and wait for their government to sort themselves out.
How do I make a hurricane?
Their ignorant pride. Lack of planning for the future and inability to grow beyond their cultural deficiencies is what is resulting in their suffering. Most of them don't pay personal federal income tax. They aren't prideful in being Americans they are prideful in being Puerto Ricans. As such, they can largely fend for themselves. We have prideful Americans who pay federal personal income tax who are in need, without power, water, or homes from Hurricanes. Prideful Puerto ricans can take care of themselves.
> puerto rico isnt just a liberal shit hole, they dot have conservative grass roots movements just like anywhere else.
Then maybe this storm induced suffering will cause them to rise up, stamp out the liberal shitheads who fucked their budget to the point of bankruptcy, and deal w/ the insufferable libtards who use cultural identity as a blanket from growing the fuck up and taking adult responsibility.
> They want our constiution for freedom of speech, and the ability to defend themselves from the actual criminal trash who are thriving right now during a disaster.
Want want.. want.. But don't act.
9/23 timeline : Put actions to words. The conservatives who want whats right need to rise up against the assholes who ran the territory in the ground. No time like the present. It's time for the world to put actions to words.. Everyone talks about what they want and the future they want but no one wants to put serious action towards it. People have grown tired of empty words. Trump stated : Yeah they're without power, they have shit tier infrastructure. Does that sound like a man whose going to put considerable efforts to fixing Puerto Rico? No. It sounds like someone whose highlighting what I have : your tragedy/suffering is of your own making. People told you what your problems were for decades. Your recent bankruptcy should have been your wakeup call.. But you sit on your cultural asses and do nothing. Well, I guess the govt. will emulate you.
The funny thing is that they claim to be. 80% of Puerto Rico claims to be Hispanic White. I have visited twice and can tell you that the real Hispanic White population (actual Spaniards) is maybe 2%.
You do know everyone born in Puerto Rico is a U.S. citizen right? It's not some third world shithole. If the island gets bad enough, they are all going to move to Florida (and you can't stop them as they are citizens).
You sound like a racist.
And we are. Go check Fema.org and southcom.mil for an education.
>this level of civic nationalism
Lol they're not American. They're your average Dominican, Afro-Caribbean, or Spic who just happened to be on an island the US conquered a century and a half ago. They want statehood for the gibs. They despise America. They hate freedom. non-white Hispanics vote overwhelmingly for bigger government. That's why Puerto Rico has 10x more votes in its Dem Party Primary than its Repub Party Primary.
Here's a red pill for you.
lol if you can't figure out how to survive a few weeks without electricity, you shouldn't survive anyways.
It looked like a commie shithole when I visited last year. Banners of politicians hanging from apartment balconies and graffiti everywhere.
Is that pedosta helping the children on behalf of the Clinton foundation
>we need to send aid after a minor hurricane or everyone will starve
>a small hurricane (hurricanes happen virtually every year in the Carribean) destroyed the entire electrical grid
>in massive amounts of debt to maintain a subpar healthcare system
>not a third world shithole
We've poured billions into Puerto Rico and spics still can't succeed. It's impressive how inept they are as a race.
>dump billions of dollars into puerto rico goy!
>it's totally not a part of the nwo agenda!
>think of those poor victims!
could you shills be any more predictable
I don't have to do shit, but I choose to point and laugh.
Someone help them!
Why didn't these 3.4 million """"""""""Americans"""""""""" pay their fair share of taxes? Eat shit and die
Waiting for the vengeful Mexibro who always comes in to insult the Chicanos, kek
Yes goy attach yourself to billions in debt