It's getting quite pleasant in Sup Forums now that we've taken over

Remember comrades, in the spring time we should expect more violence from the dumb animals who thought they could play victim better than women and darkies.

Stay in shape, don't use too much meth this winter, try drinking and brawling like the Irish do instead.

Irish can't even grow potatoes, no wonder you idolize them you starving irradiated Communist faggot.

All the shilling won't change the facts:
>You lost the election.
>You lost the public support.
>You embarrassed yourselves.
>Everyone hates you, even normies.
You are losers, deal with it.

We need moar incitement!!

C'mon leaf stop pretending you haven't been shitposting on both sides for 3 years.

That's the spirit Boyo!

You mean society is falling apart because the right wing accepted NLP predators and caused the zombie apocalypse?

We're ready.

Grats on the gay marriage thing.

Sage this sheeit peeps!


If you want to see 200 million Americans stand up and say 'I'm an Antifa' carry on trying to get it condemned as terrorism after the the zombie apocalypse flooded the internet with politically motivated death and rape threats and then drove a car into a crowd of journalists.

Do it bitch! It is actually your best chance.

You're no antifa, you're just some pathetic shmuck who need a you.

Fake and gay

>obvious b8
How pathetic is your life that it revolves around getting (You)s from anonymous strangers on a fucking imageboard?
Jesus Christ on a crutch you're fucking pathetic


"There's one who said Brock Turner did nothing wrong and sending rape threats to our daughters is 'free speech' "


"Oh dear they're going to make a petition now to call us terrorists"

antifa is dead, you retard

i sincerely hope you enjoyed your LARPing while it lasted. youve done more for right-wingers than you could possibly imagine

holy run on sentence batman

Right on Norway.

Send my regards to Anders.

He did more to guarantee racial mixing (and therefore evolution) in Norway than any false flag could have done.

What is antifa?
Some kids' new hip movement?

norway is the second most right-leaning state in europe (second only to polen). less than 2% non-whites. im good, bro


Fuck Trump!!!

Sup Forums if for robowaifu posting now

>and therefore evolution
You mean devolution

first the Drumpf
then the AfD with 97 seats
oh Laaawdy, what else

>Afd with 13,x % was a 09/23 with some delay

a closeted homo like yourself should rather seek attention in bathouses or truckstops than here.



You need to chill like pic related.

sage? did you mean sage? like put sage in the options field so the thread won't bump but will incrimate towards the reply limit?

Retards who love communism and make a point of punching everyone who doesn't agree with them. A homegrown American terror group full of trannies and literal cucks. Everybody hates them.

gay LARP
not even the DNC endorses you anymore