There's more non-whites on this board than on (((reddit)).
There's more non-whites on this board than on (((reddit))
we are a white nationalist christian board so i highly dobt that
show your real flag, kekistani faggot
talk for yourself nigger, i'm white as fuck
hello my fellow whites
Flags should be replaced with nipple test pics desu
yeah sure LOL
oohhhh, a White person!
>when atheists comment on the bible
You trying to say you can't tie a lynch knot?
Heyoooo!! How do you do, fellow whites?
Superior white guy reporting in
>when Sweden comments on WN
I'm saying that I can't find the rope and I wanted to die because I don't be a money to buy anything.
Sup Forums is a board comprised mostly of
>effeminate white LARPing young little spoiled dudebro queers
Most people here are not white, whites are just idolized here since everyone knows that whites are disappearing and the west will no longer be a nice comfy place to live when whites go away.
Sup Forums is a shitskin board and all the shitskins here want to use whites as convenient tools.
i am a WN and a christian. piss off kid.
there are also more americans on this board than non-americans
other countries BTFO
Diversity is our strength
where are the tiddies?
5% white, 95% black, All moderate-left American
>Implying girls go on the internet
Silly user
Im a tran poly asexual multi racial demi kin that likes trump (also im jewish)
b-but i came here expecting noodes
I am omnisexual. You have all had my dick at least once in your life. Except you, OP. You had it at least three, I think
Oh, there will be noods. Not the kind you'll like, though
We have 30 percent women on Sup Forums, not counting trannies. There is a particular board where femanons go to do what you said, I won't tell you though since it's degenerate.
Mostly fucking sneaky dirty spics using left leaning agendas to promote racial genocide of whites and their heritage.
are you attempting to bait?
because you're very bad at it new friend
please go back to where you came from
Mexican flag though. Take a knee beaner. Take a knee.
Spic is a spic.
i am doing extremely well my fellow white brother