ITT: Girls nobody likes
I like her.
Pic unrelated.
Lilith a shit.
Pic unrelated?
Fight me nigger.
Mayuri a shit, deal with it.
i liked her
Obvious bait is obvious.
She had it coming.
white hair + glasses girl from yuru yuri.
This isn't funny.
It's particularly worth mentioning, because every single girl in that series is magnificent, except her.
Main girl from asterisk, so bland I don't even have a picture of her, I don't really do asterisk threads, but the few I've ever been in are only talking about the oppai loli and the ojou
I don't remember who she is.
Asuka is walking castration complex.
It seems you have some plastic memories
Actual serious reply.
Only serious reply in this thread
>facebook filename
Sasuga Emiliafags.
Kayo is proof no matter how pure lolis are they will always grow up to be bitches and whores.
you just made an enemy
She has like two or three fans who like to be vocal and samefag for her to make her seem more popular and liked than she is. Everyone else just faps to the other girls and call her pink Houki.
I object
Latest TLR chapter demonstrated once again that there's barely 2 or 3 people including me that actually like her.
goodnight thread, goodnight (you)s
She is good fap bait.
You're waifu.
Her gender bender shenanigans were disgusting and it made her terrible.
she was an ok grill but the problem is that she is a 7 in a room of 10s
>ninja best
Only one I've agreed with so far.
>ITT: we bait in the most obvious way to trigger reactions
Does this actually work?
OP is correct though.
Fucking hate
At least 4 people disagrees with OP, so he isn't.
They're just memeing. When the show aired no one gave a shit about her/disliked her.
Not everything is a meme. I'm one of the anons who disagreed here. T7 mangafags don't dislike her, she's simply not a favorite for most, that's all. It was the same when the anime was airing, it doesn't mean nobody likes her.
i like her
Then let me correct myself.
Obvious OP is obvious. The one "memeing" is you. Sup Forums hijacked your thread for a reason.
That's an old lady trying and failing to dress like young people.
So they're just indifferent towards her and aren't fans. I've never seen anyone posting her that isn't comparing how superior all the other girls are.
Literally kill yourself
To be fair all girls in Re:zero are shit. Perhaps Feldt could be an exception but she doesn't even appear anymore.
If you knew anything about the fanbase at all, you'd know that there are a lot of people who likes all girls. The general fanbase don't hate on any girl or have obnoxious waifu wars. There are those who don't dislike her, so they could be said to be indifferent, but that's is just one part of the fanbase. Then there are those who do like her, but not as might as they like some of the other girls. And are a couple of fans who likes Lilith the most.
>i've only seen Code Geass and Naruto xD
Annoying bitch.
>a lot of people who likes all girls
Oh shit you found one of them. One of the most decent harems animes I have seen in a while.
>first weeks of the show
>lots of Reinafags
>show ends
>no fans to be found
Literally what happened?
It's not that rare. Rokujouma and Antimagic are some of the more recent harem fanbases that are good and civil, most liking all girls.
I know that I just wish I would here more anons like Trinity Seven more then Asterisk War.
You are too drunk, go to sleep.
I actually agree, I'm sure she'll have a super tragic story or whatever but she's the one character I can't like at all.
Pic is pure garbage
Not rally just saying that Trinity Seven is way better than trash like Asterisk War.
Mai and Koito are hotter and more interesting.
T7 is high tier harem, but Asterisk is low to mid tier, but it's actually one of the better IS clones.
>T7 is high tier harem, but Asterisk is low to mid tier, but it's actually one of the better IS clones.
Can totally agree with all of this.
First serious reply in this thread. What do I win?
It's kind of a tough call. She's a bitch, but a bitch I would fuck like I have never had sex before.
Have this delicious (you)s.
The rest of the thread seems pretty accurate.
absolutely this
but you haven't
I like them
I like them.
I have to endure her sometimes, but I have to endure this annoying bitch even more times.