Generation Z will sav

What if they are worse than Y, then is it over?

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no my bruh. it will just be starting

Gen Z is more conservative than millenials. Gen Zyklon Nibba

Starting what the death of the white race?

It would be impossible not to have a friend of another race in Gen Z. The Hispanic Heritage Foundation, however, also discovered that they were the furthest right-leaning in almost a century.

Enough with your gay unsourced articles.

I thought Gen Z were meant to be a mix of antifa and super nazis

Hey faggot this was the first major study done on generation z

They are worse, I have seen it with my own eyes, not a single one of them worth saving.
Was at my friends place and his 11 year old sister just starts babbling gender bullshit over a fucking cartoon. God save us

Here is the study you are referencing

>1% for JEB!
kill me

That's it, more or less. They aren't necessarily super right wing, just very radicalized. A right-wing millenial would be r/the_donald, and a right-wing gen z kid would be Sup Forums. But that's just my observation as a high school teacher.

>35% of Gen Zers have dated outside of their race.
So mostly spics and niggers dating each other?

Millennial/Z split baby here
I've got a Mexican, a native, and 3 whites in my group and minus 1 white kid we are all right leaning

I believe you. And think you guys will get more right wing when you get older.

That's interesting perspective. Is your life like this by any chance?

Just as Millennials are substantially more polarised than Gen X, Gen Z/Post-Millennials are even more polarised than that.

We have kids being brought up in situations which were previously grounds for child abuse and being brainwashed into mental illnesses and on the other hand we have children who witness first hand the problems that occur as a result of this and outright rejecting it.

When Gen Z gets to the point where they are actually influencing and controlling the narrative, like millennials are today, a massive culture war is going to break out, even more so than what is already going on.

This generation is the worst ever. They have integrated the worst of the millenials that is to say : racemixing, love for shitskins, free hugs bullshit. They are the absolute worst and they will contribue to the end of society. They feel entitled since birth because they parents are shitty as fuck. This generation is the most depressing thing ever.

Generational rebellion has become a persistent trend and they all begin and end the same way: young ultra-liberals turn into another generation of right wingers.

Boomers eventually voted for Reagan.
X'ers eventually voted for GWB.
Millenials are leftwingers now but they will follow suit as will Gen Z.

I recently spent time with my nephew. The only reason the media thinks this generation will "save" anything is to save the status quo of goyim slavery. They are not smart consumers, they are the touch screen generation. He couldn't even make it to gameplay in metal gear solid 3 without getting bored and saying 'snake flipped too many times after jumping, that's not realistic.'

Never been so disillusioned as that point this past Saturday.

Lol that would be the funniest meme ever. Meet the new boss worse than the old boss.

Last year I was a senior and we had a mock election at our school. I voted Trump.

Last period, the loudspeaker came on and announced the winners. Trump and Hillary tied. As soon as the words were spoken, my classmate jumped up and yelled "I should've voted! Trump could've won!"
Funny shit

gen z here with a few nonwhite friends, doesn't mean I still don't want an American ethnostate

She probably from tumblr.

They will save Europe.

It just means you are retarded and not serious


If i was a white european genz i would be either a very angry kid of his parents taking their future away or a completely flaming faggot, i dont think there is an in-between

Hey you posted something similiar the other day. Isn't this just a poll?

>people honestly think Generation z will be Sup Forums incarnate
lmao, my nieces and nephews are as liberal as your average millenial if not more. The only difference is that alt rightism/kekistani shit is the new fedora
So yes they'll probably have a vocal Sup Forums subset, but they'll be swamped by all the Bernie lovers

Tell me shithead, in which continent is poland located?

Be honest. The youth don't stand a chance in the coming war. They wont age to maturity. The eyes of most are faithless and wicked. They are too weak to fight fully grown men. Not all obviously but most who have been coddled by phones and internet since birth.

>inb4 muh polls say they are more religious...

Most youth tend to have higher rates which then decline as they reach late teens and seek to escape the authority of parents and God. In my days of youth group the stat was that 6/10 who attended teen church would fall away from attendance and thus the church body even if they still claim "christian" on a poll. Lukewarm at best.

No it truly is better that these generations not been born than to see their dreams collapse before their eyes and a hopeless dystopia await the prime days of their youth. The lawless rebellion birthed by section 80 babies will see to that as we face the trials and tribulations of a final reckoning where all shall be held to account. We must reap what we have sown. Sect 80 sowed the seeds of death marked by the suicidal 666 beast birthed from Cobain and cult cronies amidst the sea of sound waves.

I hope pols become nationalist and stay in their shitholes

But young white voters have proven useful.

When exactly is this war coming, in 10 years when whites are 30% percent of the population, you morons are 50 and millennials are of military age?

The average who is 50? The only large sub group with a median age 50 or higher are Jewish Americans. The average male Trump voter is 37.

>missed the 10 years part
Can you read


Gen Z is still in school, it would be highly unlikely for them to not have at least a spic for a friend. Will they keep those friends after they are out of school? Who knows. Many spics are becoming very white in culture and behavior, though it is still a minority compared to the majority who are thugs.

Sums it up.

The more non whites I know, the more I want them to leave.
Exception for some Asians.

Weren't millenials 1990s-2010s? Wouldn't that make "Generation Z" 2010-2030, putting them at only a few years old?

>Glorify Hitler

Yeah sure, whatever.

>the US will be 30% white
Yea I thought you were joking

If you don't remember 9/11, you're gen z.

Gen z started late 90s
t. gen z

I have a gen z cousin whose mother is an illegal from Honduras. My uncle is a fuckup. Anyways this kid has endless swastikas and "fuck the jews" stuff up on facebook. None of his friends say anything about it.

>48% is non-caucasian
what did they mean by this?
>american hispanics are 70% european DNA, as white as the typical roach

That's cos he doesn't have any

>t. perfidious kraut

>List Chris Christie
>Does not list Rand Paul?
>does not list Gary "dude weed" Johnson
>does not list Jill "I smoke more weed than Gary" Stein
GenZ'er are likely pretty annoyed.

Is the last century playing out gain?

> 100 years ago Socialism was everywhere
> people born in the 1890s gave us Socialism
> millenails of the 1990s are giving us Socialism
> Caused the rise of authoritarian/nationalist movements
> kids born after 1900 became our Fascists & Nazi's
> kids born after 2000 are the most conservative generation in ages
> 99 years ago WW1
> 91ish years ago great depression
> mfw we're going to probably get a world war soon
> interspersed with another great depression
> leading into the destruction of liberty and even bigger governments
Does the same pattern keep repeating itself Sup Forums? How do you guys view history and modern parallels?

That's not even accurate. 1995 - 2010 is 54.5% white. This is literally a poll

History is always repeating itself as it always has.
Its the eternal Cycle of Societies reaching their peak, eliminating their enemies and becoming decadent without threats, or killing each other in cataclysmic war Events and then getting raped by those who were weaker before but not involved.

I'm 96 born, what does that make me

>kids born after 2000 are the most conservative generation in ages
that said we have basically repeated the 1930s and the aftermath of the Great Depression
>massive global economic crash shatters faith in the capitalist order
>causes political polarization as people lose faith in the establishment
>scapegoating and nationalism becoming mainstream
now that said, this is a much milder version of the 1930s, with our "Hitler" being Russia which really is just a socially conservative oligarchy that has had some incredibly lucky breaks when its come to foreign adventures.
There's also the fact that political extremism tends to die down as economic recovery continues, and barring some massive fuck up by a world leader or a war we seem to be finally turning that corner.

Nature works in cycles. Humans are fools to think theyre exempt from its cyclical nature. I think. "Trying to avoid repeating histories mistakes" is all part of the mistake. You think all the civilizations that collapsed before us didnt have the same idea? Yet they still collapsed. So its not history that makes the collapse. Its the changing demographics and ideas. Do you think the romans feared being called racist or prejudice. Was it as bad back then to be called a bigot as it is now. Todays patriot is tomorrows nazi.

World Peace was too smart for television.

Gen Z is basically White Nigger America. Fucking indoctrinated with nigger culture since before the fucking womb.

I'm sure their daddies pumped out a load into their moms to the sound of Fiddy Cents "Candyshop"

Not sure mate, I find it hard to believe that it's all natural when all the crises are artificially created so people can get power. Maybe they're taking advantage of our natural tendencies, they understand how we work or maybe they are just an effect of the natural cycle I don't know but it's weird.

I don't care about reaching some post scarcity utopian future like people imagined I just wish we could survive, so my kids can survive and make a better world than we have now. Fair enough if we need a hard reset but surely despite parallels each cycle is different or gets further along than the last?

Of course. Its part of evolution. What we leave behind enables someone else to learn faster. See i think the elites. Or whatever you want to call them. Found treasure a long time ago that was just books. Information about society and blueprints for inventions. And i think they keep it secret. And use the information to make themselves rich.


Its not a circle its a spiral

No. Its a circle that hasnt been complete yet. Because the people with knowledge arent sharing knowledge. Theyre getting rich off it.

They're also more liberal. Say hello to Polarization the generation.

Stfu gen z is as brainwashed as x and y and millenials
There isnt much hope