Why did we kill him, what was his goal for libya
What was the true story of gaddafi red pill me
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He was a mudshit.
There really isnt a story, he was just some retard who by chance with his military experience had the right connections to take control.
Controlled chaos is a big thing in shitholes like libya.
hillary wanted a phone stuck up his ass for abandoning the petro-dollar
I've not read this and it's probably really autistic shit, but he wrote a short book on his goal for Libya
Strong arm leader, didn't like the US and west meddling in middle eastern politics, thought the middle east should band together and help each other out, didn't like the petro dollar, didn't like Israel, didn't like terrorists, prevented africans from being trafficed into Europe, etc
Basically the only component holding north Africa from falling into a chaotic, 3rd world, lawless hell hole. Look at it now that he's gone.
Kill Gadaffi = kill anti-US influence in the region
McCain, Clinton, Graham, Rubio, and Obama had him executed.
They're trying to do the same with Assad right now but didn't foresee Russia and Iran from stepping in. Trump stopped the official flow of weapons to "moderate terrorists" but we all know it's still going on through underground channels.
Inb4 gidf helicopter ride winners try to claim ghadafi was a good boy who Dindu nuffin and Libyan life was actually great because he gave people some free shit
He keep all the terrorists in jail and wanted to make a gold currency, so they mutilated him. Then the idiots let out the terrorists he had locked up. His currency would have destroyed the petro dollar! China and Russia are working on new currency to destroy the petro dollar!
You need to stop looking at porn dude. That keyboard...
We had to kill him because he was keeping the niggers from invading Europe.
>don't sell oil for gold, Gaddaf -Mericah
>I will sell oil for gold -Gaddaf
>Gaddaf is dead
>Why did we kill him
Burgers kill anyone who threatens the Jew World Order. Usually they have a good (((reason))) why (((something))) has to be done but with Gaddafi they just didn't really care. Just a blatant war crime because who will stop them
>his currency would've destroyed the petro dollar
How exactly?
We has a strong believer in Arab unity.
That arab countries should stick together etc.
It proved impossible so he moved on to african unity.
Rumors are that he was planning to fight the petrodollar with a new african currency
sponsored terrorism. sent cronies to bomb pan am 103, hundreds died over scotland.
always antagonistic on world stage, friends with soviets during cold war, threatened to join warsaw pact
sponsored terrorists to bomb a berlin nightclub, killed two US Army sergeants
tried to claim waters of the Mediterranean, shot at US ships and planes multiple times while they were in int'l waters/airspace.. later two Tomcats blew away two of his jets after first dodging a missile
its all even more of a mess with him gone.. it probably takes a psycho to rule over psychos
I would lick that keyboard clean for $100
Because he wanted gold for oil. Same as Syria.
just shut up, stupid. brush ur teeth
Didn't he have some über water plan also
Mostly true, actually. Burn in shit, neocon.
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>it probably takes a psycho to rule over psychos
>All those school shootings
it makes sense now.
>Why did we kill him
i guess to much dollars on foreign banks
>what was his goal for libya
everything went fine
Here's the email from (((Sydney Blumenthal))) to Hillary Clinton that started the whole thing.
Gaddafi wanted to start a gold-based pan-African currency and the Jews wouldn't have it
pic related
I'm reading it now and finding it fascinating. Reminder: we had this guy killed
>accuses me of autism
>dude ghaddafi was actually a pretty cool guy man. He paid for their weddings and shit. Isn't freedoms m beautiful?
I bet 95% is so politically ignorant they will have to look up the definition of rentier state
Watch this
He didn't want to use petrodollars and went a step further by challenging French-African currencies. Basically fucked with the wrong peoples' monies.
Wasn't a plan. It was done. Just google it. Im on me phone cant be fuct.
He worked for cia.
>Why did we kill him
Hillary killed him. She wanted to invade a country, any country really, while she was secretary of state just so she'd have some significant foreign policy experience going into the election.
She thought being a woman made people see her as weak when it came to national defense, so she wanted to prove that she was 'tough' by starting her own personal war. Gaddafi just happened to be a convenient target. She couldn't just topple some no-name loser in some African shithole that nobody could point to on a map. She had to have someone with name recognition. Then when 2016 rolled around she could get up on stage and say "I was instrumental in overthrowing the tyrannical regime of Muammar! Donald Trump may talk tough but I've got experience!"
Of course, if she knew a god damned thing about foreign policy she'd know that Gaddafi had already bent the knee and should've been protected as an example to others of how those who play ball with the US prosper. She'd also have known that you don't give arms to fucking Al Qaeda and expect them not to instantly turn on you. But no, Hillary was an incompetent, arrogant, STUPID bitch, surrounded by toadies and sycophants. Her hubris fucked up half the god damned planet and might very well end western civilization. Were Gaddafi alive the migrant crisis would never have happened.
How did that mold even start growing?
More of a blackpill, but you will grow a third eye.
so maybe it was for the iraq gold and then the gaddafi gold.
2 redpilled documentaries you'd all like, explains about Gaddafi and Syria, Afghanistan, Wahhabists and SA
Also Trump lol and why Wall St hates him
This isn't an argument. Libya objectively had the highest standard of living throughout African, even surpassing South Africa in years prior to the Arab Spring.
Average income was high.
Standard of living was high.
You dislike it because of "muh dicatorship" and you think anyone who points out an obvious fact should be thrown out of a helicopter. You are in denial and living in a fantasy world that is utterly and totally unrealistic.
They're trying to do it in the Chinese yuan
Gaddafi was an outstanding leader. He was wise, firm and generous with his people.
The red pill is that he was overthrown for cooperating with Bush on WMD. Obama was pissed that this might benefit American foreign policy so he decided to reverse the situation.
>He was wise
He threatened the petrodollar. For that, he and his nation payed dearly.
The Saudi and Jew won't tolerate such.
Oil. Hillary lobbied for the Lybian war in the EU. It was her project
He was taken out for trying to set-up his own gold-backed pan-Middle-Eastern currency and to expedite the invasion of Europe. He was a dictator and that is a good thing in the Middle-East.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment and nature of your post, we can expand. The rest of Africa were laughing at him as toured the continent dressed in his ridiculous extravagant clothing hoping to drum up support for a greater African union of sorts. The African Kangz were only after his money, as most niggers are. He wasn't perfect by any means and I'm no Gaddafi apologist.
The man is alleged to have kept the dismembered bodies of his enemies in a freezer(s) in his compound in Tripoli. This infomation was verified through his all female close quarter bodyguards.
He really was the door stop to Africa, now look whats happening.
>Really makes you think.
It was better than the lawless chaos of today
Libya was also secular, banning most of the worst practices of Islam like child marriage. Average life expectancy of 77. Free education, free healthcare, housing assistance, deliberately weak military of no threat to its neighbors. Just before Gaddafi was killed he was working on the implementation of a profit sharing scheme for oil revenue, similar to that of Alaska, where the poorest members of the nation would get the most money - a shitload of money too even by western standards.
There was abso-fucking-lutely no reason to topple his government and turn the place into western Somalia.
Money and control, and he was helping to keep the invasion of Europe under control. It's not complicated. So we went in there and arm the 'rebels'.... which is just a word they use to make us support overthrowing other countries. And poof! Qaddafi is dead.
>muh Lockerbie bombing.
There's literally no direct link to Gaddafi.
Gaddafi paid reparations to the victims because the bomber was a Libyan national.
Was planning a golden dinar and was uniting africa to only sell oil in gold. Can't have that... Guy was kooky but understood his own world, clearly he didn't realize that the west will do literally anything to maintain hegemony for the kikes
That's the irony of things, because anyone who disagreed with ghadaffi may as well have been thrown from a helicopter because the end result was usually being disappeared. It was a brutal dictatorship and a police surveillance state that tortured dissidents and was trying to cover not genocude on the berbers. The civil war was not an insurgency but a genuinely popular people's movement following mass defections of military people following hiscrackdowns in the Arab spring. That's not to say that Hillary isn't alone. Her reasons for action were not genuine. But the only thing that the coalition really did was air support. It was still the majority of the people that deposed him, not some sort of 2003 Iraq style invasion. I followed everyday of the war starting with the defection of a frigate to Malta. Tge people in Libya were very westernizedand democratic but after the US abandoned them during the reconstruction phase, collapse and Islamist infiltration was inevitable.
The basic gestalt is that Gaddafi had an insane amount of gold and silver, and was planning to introduce a gold-standard currency. This threatened the dominance of the U.S Dollar and the Franc in the region. Like Iraq beforehand, Libya was destroyed to maintain the international banking cartel's power and to maintain the hegemony of the petrodollar. Basically, if you try selling your oil in anything else but the USD, and you don't have a nuclear deterrent or a strong military, you're gonna get invaded.
Also, here's a good article on the matter: africanexponent.com
It's alleged he also instructed the destruction of a commercial jet over Libya to garner sympathy after Pan Am 103. The wreckage is still in Libya to this day. That much I do know.
Spill a sugary drink and leave it somewhere damp for a few weeks
Sand niggers gonna nig. Sup Forums should stop considering them any better than the other sand niggers, Kikes. Everything south of the Med to Cape Horn should be glassed, along with the Persian Gulf, Turkey and the rest of the Middle East.
Raped to death with a bayonet
>Gaddafi had an insane amount of gold and silver,
who has it now ?
>weak military
What are the Toyota wars, for 500 Alex?
Ghaddafis military was only weak because he was cheap and also afraid of being couped. This is common Arab behavior. Giving a measly small chunk of welfare to citizens doesn't make him a good guy. See: rentier state. It was a banana republic without bananas
He wanted to screw over the (((international bankers))) by making his own currency
it was a favor to france i believe, i forget what cucking he had planned for them but they had already made plans to eliminate gaddafi before the US got roped into it
btw if you take anything away from this situation it's that you never, ever fucking give up your nuclear armament programs
To the extent that there ever was any, it's probably in the hands of islamists.
Domino destabilization to flood Europe with refugees, so the EU could justify the EU Army.
Talked about this across several different KB's: archive.4plebs.org
Gookmoot should publish the IP addresses of all these COINTELPRO faggots. They shouldn't feel so free to do such a job without fear
Why the fuck would anyone do something like that to a computer? What has that poor thing done wrong? This is a disgrace.
>That's the irony of things, because anyone who disagreed with ghadaffi may as well have been thrown from a helicopter because the end result was usually being disappeared. It was a brutal dictatorship and a police surveillance state that tortured dissidents and was trying to cover not genocude on the berbers.
I could care less. If you would have suggested helicopter rides as a solution for a problem rather than just saying people who disagree with me should be thrown out, perhaps you could turn it around but you didn't.
Also, Obviously was better as a "brutal" dictatorship than it is now; chaotic and free.
Couldn't tell you.
But we know where his vast aresnal of conventional weapons are.
Killing Khadaffi told Kim and the mullahs that they DAMN SURE better never give up their nukes, or they'll wind up like Khadaffi. It's amazing how badly the neocons fuck shit up.
It disappeared. Really.
yup. petrodolar, central bankers, etc.
Story behind pic?
A failed operation. Pretty much all that went down.
Libya was one of three countries without a Rothschild bank.
North Korea will be next, within a few months. Trump might even take down Iran during his term.
Red herring. The question is "why was ghaddafi temoved?"
The answer is that he was removed in a genuinely popular uprising because his own people hated him. Regardless of why the west intervened, it only provided air support (for the most part) and only intervened after the war was already in full swing
1. He should have been afraid of coups, seeing as he died in a coup. My point was he was not a threat to his NEIGHBORS.
2. He was better than other arab shitheads, but ultimately I don't give a fuck whether he was or not so long Libya's bullshit stays in Libya.
Right now Libya is the gateway to Europe for gorrillions of sandnogs. An entire continent is being destroyed and you're concerned about whether Gaddafi was Mr Snugglepuff Smileypants. Who. Gives. A. Shit. He kept the dirt people in Africa. That makes him a fucking hero in my book.
Libyan life was actually pretty good under Gadaffi.
t. Someone who actually went to Libya while it was under Gadaffi
IIRC most of the Libyan assets are frozen indefinitely until a unified government emerges. Right now there are three governments and a bunch of extremist groups fighting for power.
Can't confirm right now but I believe he hsd plans to construct a pipeline of sorts. I think it was to supply the rest of Africa. I'll check now...
Except that's true. Sure he described it like a nonce, but that is the basis of it. It was a test by the West and it's Arab allies. Nothing more, nothing less.
I have a buddy who went to my highschool who's a few years older than me. One of his classmates was a Green Beret who was dropped off in Libya before any fighting began. Before anyone was even paying attention to Libya, before Benghazi. Now what the fuck would a Green Beret be doing there? Apparently he was dropped off and met with Tuaregs.
Nice how that's gone huh?
Also my highschool was a college prep highschool that sent alot of kids into high finance and senior military leadership positions.
> pan-African currency
> based on Libyan golden dinar
Sauce: foia.state.gov
That's only $8.2B at 2011's price of $1800/ounce. A lot of money sure, but for comparison they were exporting $41B/year in oil.
>Trump might even take down Iran during his term.
Trump won't do shit. North Korea is safe. Iran is safe. He can't do shit in those regions without Russia and China giving him permission. The US is done.
Do you not know the helicopter memes? The point is that people who defend ghadaffi because he gave people bread and circuses are just commie sympathisers. It's s joke not a dick don't choke on it.
Furthermore what you are saying is again a red herring. If the heli ride thing upsets you so much then surely you must be sympathetic to ghadaffis citizens. The movement to oust him was popular with the majority of citizens. The us came later, for air support + some weapons and trainings. It was equivalent to France helping during revolutionary war with their embargo. But remember that the leaders of Libya civil war were young, western educated in STEM and secular. They wanted continuing help after revolution to establish law and order but instead the us pulled out completely and abandoned them, leader no to the chaos we now see (Obama and his let's support Moderate muslims policy) best exemplified when he not only abandoned Libya to isis, but abandoned even Americans in Libya to them
Gaddafi was going to start trading his oil for gold, and get off the petrodollar. The USA/Jews/IMF panicked and destroyed the fuck out of the Libyan government. That's the only reason why they overthrew/killed him.
Dude he literally just up and invaded Chad but stopped after getting his shit pushed in
>yeehaw bomb em all ta hell
Fuck off boomercon scum.
Again no. The Arab spring happened FIRST. Popular uprising. US intervened LATER. Wether or not US intervened for petrodollar is irrelevant
>The Chadian–Libyan conflict was a series of sporadic clashes in Chad between 1978 and 1987
You are asspained about a conflict between dirtlings that happened 30+ fuckng years ago. Who the fuck cares. Your priorities are fucked mate. Meanwhile in the time we've been talking another dozen migrant boats landed.
this, (((bankers))) control everything, you go to war only when they allow it and only stay at peace when they allow it
best korea is only developing real nukes because its literally the only thing that will stop the US from invading
Just came here to ask what kind of filthy motherfucker lets his keyboard get like that
Hilary only did the Rothschild's bidding.
Arab Spring WAS a US intervention, it has CIA fingerprints all over it.
The CIA doesn't create economic realities. Funding insurgents? Sure. Propaganda? Sure. But at the end of the day they didn't suddenly make 30% of mena's breadwinners unemployed
You're a moron. Every moron who ever lived says the same thing you just did, after what the rest of us knew would happen, happened.
And yet all of that is still undeniably an intervention.
Dont take iW7WkvW0 serious. He is full of shit.
>that filename