What's his name again?

What's his name again?

carlos danger

Anthony "the selfie" Wiener.

21 Months of Ass-Banging by Tyrone. That's his name.

Mike Cernovich

Inmate #18938583

Child molesting kike

Right about now his name is "New Meat".

He was actually a pretty good guy.

Tony Crotchrocket.

Child raper Pizzadesta


Literally who?


Athony "Big" Weiner


>picture says a thousand words

Laughed as one reporter asked him after the sentence
'Will you be getting the iPhone 8?'

>Jew Zero


Anthony "Shows His Peener to a Tweener" Weiner

Hard time weiner

>What's his name again?

Anthony "Hey Kid, here's a pick of my peener" Weiner

should we get a betting pool going for this outcome?

what do you put the odds at?


a jew

his name is Anthony Weiner, convicted pedophile.

at least he didn't grab her by the pussy



Weiner is so terrified of the Clintons that he'd rather do two years in state prison than give them up to the feds. He has enough evidence to get both of them executed.

Carlos Spicy Weiner.

Jon Stewart's best friend

Cuban Pete

Sexting a 15 y/o is pedophilia?

I think there's a more precise term for it but it escapes my memory.


I bet the feds will use this conviction to pressure Weiner to give up the Clintons. They'll tell him that they'll erase the conviction if he cooperates with their investigation. Weiner's laptop that the NYPD seized and gave to the FBI has enough evidence on it to take down the whole pedogate gang. And I bet Wiener will be dead soon after he says yes.

Weiner isn't a pedophile, he's an ephebophile. Bill Clinton is a pedophile and an ephebophile.

They'll call him "Chester" in prison

Soooo his name is "Savior of America?"

i never said the three pieces were related, and if you don't think this is a great way to skewer hill in public now, you're fucked in the head.

Carlos "Welcome to Pound Town" Danger.

something something jew

Cucked by Hillary
It was Her turn with Huma every night


Incarcerated Jew

The Bane of Hillary's Presidential race.

Anthony "do you like my" Weiner



Big Bubba's Weiner Cleaner.





I love trump



carlos danger



Antonio Vienesa

Snake eyes

Anthony "Aroused by a tweener" Wiener

The nose that bends space time

What the fuck is this shit

Big Dick Jew